UPEI’s Faculty of Business holds an online information session for its Executive MBA program, April 28
UPEI’s Faculty of Business will hold an online information session for those interested in its Executive MBA program. The event will be Wednesday, April 28, at 5:00. This event will cover general program information and guidance on completing an application. Attendees will be given a promo code to have their UPEI application fee waived ($50 CAD value).
For the registration link, visit www.upei.ca/emba, or email mba@upei.ca
UPEI Executive MBA - Live Q & A Session
To learn more about the Executive Master of Business Administration program at the University of Prince Edward Island, we invite you to attend this live online event. This will include general information and guidance on completing your application. Attendees will be given a promo code to have their application fee waived ($50 CAD value).
Wednesday, April 28th at 5:00 pm (ADT)
CMHA PEI Launches PEI’s First Specialized Peer Support Worker Training
The following is shared by UPEI for the Canadian Mental Health Association PEI Division.
The Canadian Mental Health Association – PEI Division (CMHA PEI), in partnership with the Quebec Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation and in collaboration with the University of Prince Edward Island’s Office of Continued Education and Professional Development (UPEI OCEPD), is introducing PEI’s first ever Specialized Peer Support Worker Training to begin this fall.
Join us for the virtual 2021 Student Design Expo and Awards from the FSDE
The University of Prince Edward Island’s Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering (FSDE) will showcase the best in sustainable design engineering by its students at the annual Student Design Expo and Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, April 21. This year’s event will be held virtually.
Student projects will be featured in video presentation made by each of the student teams. Each project is the result of collaboration between FSDE students and an industry or community partner. Students were tasked with designing and creating solutions to their partners’ unique challenges.
UPEI's Diversity and Social Justice Studies program offers self-discovery, opportunities
UPEI's students are making an impact on campus, here in Canada, and around the world! Alex MacDonald recently graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree (double major in Diversity and Social Justice Studies and Psychology), and is now working as a Project Officer for Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) with Veterans Affairs Canada in their Office of Women and LGBTQ2 Veterans.
Why did you choose to pursue Diversity and Social Justice Studies at UPEI?
Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering Annual Design Expo and Awards
The 2021 Design Expo and Awards Ceremonies will be virtual for 2021.
Student teams at UPEI’s Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering are bringing creative solutions and immense value to projects.
Join us virtually to see what our students have done.
1:00–3:00 PM DESIGN EXPO
This year’s Design Expo will be a virtual event. Virtual details will be released soon.
New poetry book celebrates "islandness"
“Being an islander means that you aren’t like everyone else,” writes Dr. Laurie Brinklow in her new book, My island’s the house I sleep in at night. Drawn from interviews with artists, writers, and musicians from Newfoundland and Labrador, Tasmania, and Prince Edward Island, these poems capture what it means to be an islander—to know every rock and tickle, “the sea your road/the hole in the sky/your light to travel by.”
UPEI cross-country recruit Patrick Tarrant viewed as potential program cornerstone
UPEI’s Cross-Country team has recruited Patrick Tarrant, of North River, Newfoundland and Labrador, to run with the Panthers for the 2021–2022 season. Mike Peterson, the head coach of the Panthers, said the 23-year-old runner is the “real deal.”
“Patrick's ceiling is very, very high,” said Peterson. “As fast as he is now, he’s truly just getting started, and his fastest days are still ahead of him. He’s going to give our program a solid boost.”