Let’s run! UPEI hosts the 2021 Bunny Hop race

The Bunny Hop has been a popular PEI road-running race in early spring for years. The Island community has typically thought of it as the official start to the road-racing season. This year, the UPEI Distance Running Program has taken over the management of the race, and the Panthers are hoping to restore the race to the numbers and prestige it has seen in the past. This year’s race is Saturday, April 3. Start times begin at 8 am and will be staggered through the morning to allow for social distancing.

Dr. Debbie MacLellan named the Ryley-Jeffs Memorial Award recipient by Dietitians of Canada

Dietitians of Canada (DC) has named Dr. Debbie MacLellan the recipient of the Ryley-Jeffs Memorial Award. Dr. MacLellan is a professor emeritus in UPEI’s Department of Applied Human Science. She is a former department chair, dean of science, and past president of the University of Canada in Cairo, Egypt.

UPEI Climate Webinar Series 2021 May 28 topic: Taking Precise Measurements of Storm Damage on PEI Agricultural Fields Using Drone Technology

The UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation is excited to announce the UPEI Climate Webinar Series.

Join Luke Meloche, UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation on Friday, May 28 at 3 pm he will speak about Taking Precise Measurements of Storm Damage on PEI Agricultural Fields Using Drone Technology

Sign up to participate on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/144492046601

UPEI Climate Webinar Series 2021 May 14 topic: Tracking PEI Coastal Erosion Using Pin Measurements and Drone Technology

The UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation is excited to announce the UPEI Climate Webinar Series, which features a number of climate research topics presented by UPEI researchers. The series runs on several Fridays at 3 pm (AT) between March 12 – May 28, 2021.

Join Andy MacDonald, UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation on Friday, May 14 at 3 pm he will speak about Tracking PEI Coastal Erosion Using Pin Measurements and Drone Technology

UPEI Climate Webinar Series 2021 May 7 topic: Adaptation Pathways for Responding to Increasing Drought Conditions on PEI under Climate Change

The UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation is excited to announce the UPEI Climate Webinar Series, which features a number of climate research topics presented by UPEI researchers. The series runs on several Fridays at 3 pm (AT) between March 12 – May 28, 2021.

Join Stephanie Arnold, UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation on Friday, May 7 at 3 pm she will speak about: Adaptation Pathways for Responding to Increasing Drought Conditions on PEI under Climate Change

UPEI Climate Webinar Series 2021 April 30 topic: The Pledged vs. Actual Reductions in Greenhouse Emissions Five Years after the Paris Agreement

The UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation is excited to announce the UPEI Climate Webinar Series, which features a number of climate research topics presented by UPEI researchers. The series runs on several Fridays at 3 pm (AT) between March 12–May 28, 2021.

Join Dr. Yuliya Rashchupkina, UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation on Friday, April 30 at 3 pm when he will speak about: The Pledged vs. Actual Reductions in Greenhouse Emissions Five Years after the Paris Agreement

UPEI Climate Webinar Series 2021 April 23 topic: Climate Smart Agriculture Practices to Ensure Economic and Environmental Sustainability

The UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation is excited to announce the UPEI Climate Webinar Series, which features a number of climate research topics presented by UPEI researchers. The series runs on several Fridays at 3 pm (AT) between March 12–May 28, 2021.

Join Dr. Aitazaz Farooque, UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation on Friday, April 23 at 3 pm when he will speak about the Climate Smart Agriculture Practices to Ensure Economic and Environmental Sustainability

UPEI Climate Webinar Series 2021 April 16 topic: The ClimateSense Project: Building Climate Change Adaptation Capacity in Prince Edward Island, Canada

The UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation is excited to announce the UPEI Climate Webinar Series, which features a number of climate research topics presented by UPEI researchers. The series runs on several Fridays at 3 pm (AT) between March 12–May 28, 2021.

Join Ross Dwyer, UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation on Friday, April 16 at 3 pm when he will speak on the ClimateSense Project: Building Climate Change Adaptation Capacity in Prince Edward Island, Canada