Research Chairs
University of Prince Edward Island Canada Research Chairs Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan
University of Prince Edward Island Canada Research Chairs Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan - 2024 Addendum
Canada Research Chairs Program at the University of Prince Edward Island
Current CRC Job Postings
- Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Equity in Nutrition, Physical Activity, or Health - Department of Applied Human Sciences - Faculty of Science
- Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Children, Youth and their Educational Geographies
Current Chairs
- Dr. Josh MacFadyen, Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Geospatial Humanities (ends June 2028)
- Dr. Caroline Ritter,Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Social Epidemiology for Healthy Animals (ends June 2025)
- Dr. Sara Sadri, Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Remote Sensing and Water Security (ends August 2029)
- Dr Jay Penney, Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Biomedical Genetics (ends October 2028)
Every two years, the Canada Research Chairs Program performs an allocation review. Visit the results of the 2023 Chair Allocation for UPEI.
Vacant Canada Research Chairs
- Special #105068
- Special #105067
Flex moves available: 5
Flex moved utilized: 1
Past Canada Research Chairs
- Dr. Russell Kerr, Tier 1
- Dr. Crawford Revie, Tier 2
- Dr. Sophie St-Hilaire, Tier 2
- Dr. Kate Tilleczek, Tier 1, Tier 2
- Dr. Michael Van Den Heuvel, Tier 2
- Dr. William Whelan, Tier 2
- Dr. Godfrey Baldacchino, Tier 2
- Dr. Cai Song, Tier 2
- Dr. Alastair Cribb, Tier 2
- Dr. Frank Berthe, Tier 2
Current Chair Recruitment Postings (for internal and external candidates)
- none
Archived Chair Past Recruitment Postings (for internal and external candidates)
- Tier II Canada Research Chair - Department of Biomedical Sciences - Atlantic Veterinary College
- Tier II CRC School of Climate Change and Adaptation
- Tier 2 CRC in Veterinary Epidemiology
- Applied Communication, Leadership and Culture 2017
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Public Accountability, and Transparency
The Government of Canada and the Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP) are committed to excellence in research and research training for the benefit of Canadians. Achieving a more equitable, diverse and inclusive Canadian research enterprise is also essential to creating the excellent, innovative and impactful research necessary to seize opportunities and to respond to global challenges.
Several actions have been taken to address the underrepresentation of people from four designated groups (women, Indigenous people, persons with disability, and members of visible minorities) within the Canada Research Chairs Program.
The Canada Research Chairs Program was the subject of a 2006 Canadian Human Rights Settlement Agreement, as a result of a complaint that was filed against the programme in 2003. Following a collaborative mediation process in 2017. A 2019 Addendum outlines update terms of the original settlement agreement. For further information, see the CRCP's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Practices page.
For further information, see the CRCP's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Practices page.
Our Commitment
UPEI is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) related to the Canada Research Chairs Program and the broader research enterprise of the university. It believes in providing a positive learning and working environment where every person feels empowered to contribute and where all members of its community are respectful and respected as individuals. We are committed to fostering an inclusive culture and to advancing diversity in all of its forms to leverage educational and institutional benefits.
Institutional EDI Action Plan for Canada Research Chairs
UPEI has been operating with an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan for the Canada Research Chairs. The previous version was updated in December 2018, and again in November 2019. UPEI continues to assess and provide updates to that plan.
An addendum to the UPEI CRC EDI Action Plan, dated March 2024, includes "Updates to Institutional Canada Research Chairs EDI Action Plan". The addendum incorporates key elements of the "UPEI Action Plan on Cultural Renewal: Building Trust, Safety, and Inclusion on our Campus" that was drafted (and endorsed by UPEI Senate, March 2024) in response to the University Review report submitted by Rubin Thomlinson (in June 2023). The August 2023 version of the UPEI CRC EDI Action Plan was audited by CRCP and thus will remain active for version control purposes.
Raising Awareness of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
In 2021 UPEI released an institution wide Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy. The Strategy is intended to guide UPEI in identifying and removing barriers, encouraging participation, and working towards an inclusive campus culture.
The University is committed to promoting awareness of equity, diversity, and inclusion across the campus community. UPEI has an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Steering Committee co-chaired by the Vice-President Academic and Research and the Vice-President Administration and Finance. Their work includes identifying opportunities to implement equity, diversity and inclusion measures, programs, activities, and initiatives.
UPEI also has a Joint Equity Committee comprised of members from the Faculty Association and the UPEI administration. The committee provides a forum for sharing information, generating discussion and fostering collaboration on matters related to the policies and procedures for equity related matters and to ensure that training on any such equity related policies, procedures and practices is provided to committees considering selection, renewal, tenure/permanency and promotion at UPEI. The CRCs at UPEI will benefit from this institutional committee and its work. Chairs at UPEI fall under the Faculty Collective Agreement and are protected under Article A-7 which addresses Non-Discrimination.
UPEI’s Faculty of Arts has an Equity and Inclusion website, a place where UPEI faculty, staff, and students can share information and resources about equitable and inclusive practices and are invited to participate in conversation and engagement to learn about these important issues. Training in equity, diversity and inclusion is provided to CRC search committee members. They are required to complete and declare they have completed EDI training prior to participating in any aspect of a CRC search. UPEI continues to explore more advanced training in this area for CRC search committees.
Additional information about equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives related to the Canada Research Chairs Programme can be found in our institutional action plan.
Governance for CRCs EDI Action Plan
UPEI is committed to providing an environment that affirms and promotes the dignity of human beings of diverse backgrounds and needs.
The UPEI CRC EDI Action Plan is approved and administered by the University's Vice-President Academic and Research. The Vice-President Academic and Research is responsible for reviewing the plan with key stakeholders throughout the University community on a regular basis. UPEI also reports on progress made through our Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP) Institutional Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan Report.
Equity Targets at UPEI
CRC Equity Setting Target Tool
To see the CRCP’s statistics on chair allocations, visit CRCP’s Program Statistics. For more information regarding the UPEI equity targets, see our Action Plan.
During a CRC search at UPEI, applicants are asked to complete a self-identification form. This information is confidential and used internally to help UPEI ascertain if a broad audience is being reached and to help plan future searches.
Managing CRC Positions at UPEI
At UPEI, Canada Research Chair positions help to create hubs around strategic areas of research excellence. We strive to ensure that these programs include a diversity of perspectives in order to enrich the cultural, social and academic communities that we represent and serve, and we will continue to investigate ways to empower members of marginalized groups to make their voices heard within the CRC Program and beyond.
UPEI follows the Requirements for Recruiting and Nominating Canada Research Chairs. The UPEI process incorporates both the CRCP criteria and the required UPEI criteria. The selection of priority areas for Canada Research Chair position theme and research disciplines is the responsibility of a committee consisting of the Vice-President Academic and Research, Deans from each Faculty including the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, and the University Librarian. The committee reviews the areas proposed by Faculties to identify best fit with institutional priorities, the UPEI Strategic Research Plan, and the diversity expectations of potential applicant pool. The recommendations are reviewed by University Senior Management, who authorizes the decision to proceed with a search. The Vice President Academic and Research as Chair of the Application Review Committee (ARC) will be responsible for ensuring that the CRC requirements are met throughout the process. The hiring process will be conducted in accordance with the Faculty Association #1 Collective Agreement, including the Letter of Understanding #2 Re: Canada Research Chairs, as well as all other applicable University policies.
Committees are established, and the recruitment process may begin following Canada Research Chair nomination program details and UPEI requirements. The Committee is expected to have representation from the area of expertise required, multi-disciplinary, various genders and/or cultures. The Committee must include an Equity Champion, and must also include at least one individual from one of the four designated groups (women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities).
The Committee will consider the requirement from CRC for UPEI to meet and/or sustain the current equity and diversity targets. They also consider locations for sharing advertisement or practices for which could expand the pool to more women, persons with disabilities, Indigenous persons, visible minorities, and other disadvantaged groups. The committee makes recommendations on optimizing the institution’s chair allocations using the corridor of flexibility provided by the CRC Secretariat. Decisions on selection are made by the Application Review Committee with approval of the University’s senior management.
The University acknowledges the potential impact that Career Interruptions and Personal Circumstances can have on an applicant’s record of research achievement. Measures are taken to ensure that individuals are not disadvantaged when applying for a position in cases where they have career gaps due to parental or health related leaves or for the care and nurturing of family members. All job competitions provide this information and indicate that careful consideration will be given to this issue during the evaluation process. The internal processes provide guidance to staff on determining eligibility, taking career interruptions and personal circumstances into consideration, and reaching out to the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer for advice in individual cases. More information on this process in an individual competition can be obtained by contacting UPEI Research Services Office at
The Application Review Committee works with the Vice President Academic and Research to determine financial and institutional contributions. UPEI is in the process of developing a guide to direct the University through this process, with established and standardized support provided to a Canada Research Chair, differentiated by discipline, with ranges for each kind of support, to reduce the impact of negotiation by individual chairholders. This will indicate the levels of support to be provided to Chairholders. UPEI will also provide new Canada Research Chairs with a resources bank package (tailored by discipline) indicating who can provide guidance and/or support on a range of relevant internal or external information or opportunities. This will help ensure that there is no disadvantage for access resources when they start their position.
For the renewal process, the Vice-President Academic and Research appoints an application review committee to review the progress of the award holder in their role as CRC. This committee includes an external expert and is tasked with review of the quality of the CRC, dissemination of research results, and training of highly qualified personnel. They further assess the program of research and integration with the university strategic research plan, funding, publication record, collaborations, community service and training.
A CRC position is only filled without a competition in very exceptional circumstances. This would only be done through the CRCP Emergency Retention mechanism. If relied upon UPEI will post a statement on this website to explain: the intention to nominate an individual using the emergency retention mechanism; the detailed justification explaining why the emergency retention mechanism is being used (without disclosing the nominee’s personal information); confirmation that the university’s equity and diversity targets have been taken into consideration in the decision; the name and contact information of the senior level university official who has approved the decision; and the name and contact information of a university representative who can respond to questions or concerns regarding the nomination. UPEI has not had any postings that are strictly internal during the reporting period. All have been open to external recruitment.
Contact Information and Resources for CRC EDI Complaints
The Vice-President Academic and Research is responsible to ensure the CRC Equity Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan is applied to current and future Chairs.
Questions, concerns or complaints relating to the CRC EDI Action Plan or any activities associated with this plan should be made to the Vice-President Academic and Research:
Dr. Greg Naterer
Vice-President, Academic and Research
Kelley Memorial Building
550 University Avenue
Charlottetown, PEI, Canada C1A 4P3
Telephone: 902-566-0561
Another confidential option for asking a question, expressing a concern or making a complaint is to contact the UPEI Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer as follows:
Patti Wheatley
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer
Kelley Memorial Building
550 University Avenue
Charlottetown, PEI, Canada C1A 4P3
Telephone: 902-894-2840
Questions, concerns or complaints are treated in strict confidence.
If a concern or complaint relates to a subject covered by one of UPEI’s existing policies, (e.g. UPEI Fair Treatment Policy or Sexual Violence Policy) that policy will guide the process for addressing the complaint. If the concern or complaint does not fall within one of the University’s existing policies, it is the responsibility of the Vice-President Academic and Research in consultation with the Vice-President Administration and Finance and the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer, to address the concern or complaint in a timely and effective manner.
CRCs are covered by the UPEI Fair Treatment Policy, which outlines the process and procedures for complaints, investigations, forms of informal and formal resolution, as well as reporting requirements and timelines. The nature of the complaint will determine the process, investigation requirements, resolution options, and level at which they are addressed. Once a formal complaint procedure has begun, each successive step should begin within ten (10) working days of the conclusion of the previous step until the complaint is resolved.
Fair Treatment contact:
Sue Connolly
Vice-President, People and Culture (interim)
Kelley Memorial Building
550 University Avenue
Charlottetown, PEI, Canada C1A 4P3
There are a number of resources related to fair treatment available to faculty, staff, and students, including Canada Research Chairs.
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Office
- Fair Treatment Office
- Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office
- Fair Treatment Policy
- Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarly and Creative Work
- Sexual Violence Policy
- Employee Assistance Program
- Collective Agreements
Other contacts and resources include:
CRCs are members of the UPEI Faculty Association (UPEIFA) and have the option of contacting the UPEIFA at any time for support. This said, the University may have no role or even be aware of, communications between union members and their union.
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Research Chairs
Endowed and Sponsored Research Chairs