First MBA in Global Leadership cohort completes program requirements

The first cohort of students in UPEI’s MBA in Global Leadership program recently completed their program requirements. Their final course was a capstone project, which involved working with a local company seeking to enter new international markets or to establish new international operations. Working in teams, students drew on skills, concepts, and knowledge acquired throughout the MBA in Global Leadership program to develop a business plan for entry into a chosen location.

Seeking Medical Attention

Why is it important?

  • To assess and care for physical injuries, emotional traumas.
  • To test for possible infections and/or pregnancy.
  • To have forensic evidence collected.

If you go to the hospital, it is your choice:

  • To have a physical exam and medical treatment only.
  • To report to the police and have a sexual assault evidence kit completed.

What can I expect from my hospital visit?


  • Ensuring confidentiality is upheld helps to create an environment where a person can disclose that they are experiencing/or have experienced sexual violence, get support and protect the integrity of an investigation process if one is initiated.
  • Your information is ours to protect! Only people who need to know in order to provide support will be informed with your permission.
  • Limits to confidentiality exist where a person, or the community is in imminent risk of harm.

Immediate Danger

Ask yourself: “Is my safety at risk?

If your safety or the safety of another member of the University community is at risk please find a safe place to contact emergency services:

UPEI Contemporary Chamber Music Workshop: Inaugural Performance!

You're invited to the inaugural performance of the UPEI Contemporary Chamber Music Workshop, which will take place Saturday, October 19, at 12:30pm in Steel Recital Hall, on the UPEI Campus. It will be a 40-45-minute performance without a break, and a feast for your auditory and visual senses!

PEI musical premieres by our sonic grandmother Pauline Oliveros, BC composer Jordan Nobles, minimalist master Terry Riley, and ensemble musicians!

Free admission; all welcome!

UPEI Korean Speech Contest

UPEI Korean Speech Contest is open to all UPEI students who speak Korean as a foreign or second language at the introductory (beginner) level.

The 2019 Contest will be held on November 22 (Friday) from 1:00 to 3:00 pm in the Faculty Lounge (Main Building 201). Free food and beverage will be provided.

1. Deadline for application and speech draft submission:

(1) Monday, November 15, 2019