Dr. Amy Hsiao named a Fellow of Engineers Canada

UPEI’s Dr. Amy Hsiao was recently named a Fellow of Engineers Canada. Dr. Hsiao is an associate professor in UPEI’s Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering (FSDE). The fellowship is a national honour for individuals who have given noteworthy service to the engineering profession through their work with Engineers Canada or its provincial and territorial engineering regulators.
Hsiao was nominated for the honour by Engineers PEI. The fellowship was bestowed at the recent annual general meeting of Engineers PEI.
Dr. Hsiao received her Bachelor of Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Materials Science and Engineering in 1996. She completed her Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. She received her MBA from Memorial University in 2008 and joined MUN’s Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science in 2009, leading the Master of Engineering Management program. She joined UPEI’s FSDE in 2015. She is currently also the graduate studies coordinator for the FSDE.
Congratulations, Dr. Hsiao!