
  • Community Legal Information Association (CLIA): Community Legal Information Association of PEI Inc., often called CLIA, is a non-profit registered charity. We provide free legal information through our phone line, website, e-mail, publications, and outreach efforts.

Off-Campus Counselling Services

  • PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Centre: The Prince Edward Island Rape and Sexual Assault Centre is a non-profit, government-funded organization that provides services to adults (women and men) and youth (over age 16) survivors of recent or historic sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse across Prince Edward Island.
  • Community Mental Health: Mental health care is offered in hospitals and in community health facilities 


UPEI's Sexual Violence Policy supports that survivors be provided with a necessary workplace, academic, extracurricular, housing, and dining accommodations based on the circumstances of the incident and the needs and wishes of the person disclosing and/or reporting.

Contact the SVPRO coordinator to find out how we can help support you!

UPEI 50th Anniversary Alumni Speakers Series presents Jim Carter

The UPEI 50th Anniversary Alumni Speakers Series and the UPEI Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering are pleased to present a presentation by Jim Carter (Dip. Eng ’71, LLD ’08), retired CEO of Syncrude Canada Ltd. The event will take place on Thursday, November 7, at noon in the Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering building, room 205. Lunch will be provided.

UPEI launches new safety app

As part of UPEI’s commitment to crisis preparedness and response, the University has launched a new, free safety app called UPEI SAFE.

UPEI SAFE is an app that the University will use to advise the community about crises, university/storm closures, and safety-related issues, as well as offer health and safety information.