Panthers at Home, September 27 to 30: The Homecoming edition!

It’s Homecoming Weekend at UPEI in our 50th year! The Panthers are looking to make it a memorable one with action from UPEI’s hockey, rugby, and soccer teams.


The UPEI men’s hockey team starts Homecoming Weekend with a bang as it hosts Dalhousie University in MacLauchlan Arena A at 7 pm. Coach Forbes MacPherson says the pre-season has been important for the 2019–2020 Panthers, and he’s excited for this home opener.

AVC welcomes Class of 2023

The AVC Class of 2023 celebrated the commencement of their veterinary education at the 2019 AVC-CVMA Blue Coat Ceremony held at UPEI on Friday, August 23. At the ceremony, the new students were presented with blue lab coats, signifying the beginning of their four-year journey toward their doctor of veterinary medicine degrees. Hosting the ceremony were Dr. Greg Keefe, Dean of AVC; and Dr. Erin MacDonald, Prince Edward Island representative for the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) and a member of AVC’s Class of 2007.

Walk with a Doc: Let’s get some exercise and talk health!

Join us for a monthly talk to improve your health and live longer. Walk with a Doc meets once a month at UPEI. Walk at your own pace and chat with local health care professionals (please note that this should not replace a meeting with a healthcare provider). All walks are free. No registration is required. All ages and abilities are welcome.  

The first walk will be at 9 am at the UPEI outdoor track on Saturday, September 28.