Will I be covered by University insurance if I drive my own personal vehicle on University business and I am involved in an accident?

No.  Your personal automobile insurance policy is considered primary and would respond to any claims arising from accidents regardless of the fact that it was on University business. The University insurance policies do not provide coverage for personally owned vehicles. Please review the Use of Personal Vehicles Guidelines.

How long does it take to get a Certificate of Insurance?

The Contracts and Insurance Office makes every attempt to action Certificate of Insurance requests as soon as possible and aims to maintain a five (5) business day turnaround. However, since our certificates are issued by our insurer there may be delays that we cannot avoid. You can avoid delays in the receipt of your Certificate of Insurance by providing complete and accurate information on the Certificate of Insurance Request Form.

What is a Standard Contract?

The University has developed standardized templates for contracts to expedite the contract process for certain frequently contracted services.  Some departments and faculties have also worked with the Contract and Insurance Office to develop Standard Agreements or Contracts – these are Unit specific Standard Contracts. The wording in these documents cannot be changed without prior approval from the Contracts and Insurance Office. The contract drafter can only fill in the required information in the blank fields provided.

Who are the University’s Officer Signing Officers?

In accordance with Section 4.1 of the Signing Authority Policy, the following positions are defined as Official Signing Officers:

  • Chair of the Board of Governors
  • President
  • Vice-President, Administration and Finance
  • Vice-President, Academic and Research (formerly the Vice-President, Academic and the Vice-President Research and Graduate Studies
  • Comptroller