Update from the Health, Safety, and Environment team during COVID-19

UPEI’s Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) team issued a message to faculty and staff on March 30, 2020 with contact information and links to resources during the COVID-19 crisis.
Liz Rostant-MacArthur, Manager of Health, Safety, and Environment said, “With many of our colleagues working at home and others holding down the fort on campus providing essential services, we wanted to virtually say ‘hello,’ and let them know that we are thinking of them during this difficult time.”
Rostant-MacArthur and Rhoda Speare, Biosafety Officer are continuing to check the incident@upei.ca inbox every day for any submitted incident reports, and have set up a confidential, secure drop box in the entrance way to Memorial Hall for those who may prefer dropping off a hard-copy report. They also encouraged anyone with questions to reach out to the department at hse@upei.ca or visit their website for links to several resources.
“We may not be able to answer everyone’s questions,” added Rostant-MacArthur, “but we can certainly help direct your concerns to the appropriate resource, so please do not hesitate to contact us.”