Departments of Biomedical Sciences & Pathology and Microbiology Seminar
SPEAKER: Stacey Goldberg, Biomedical Sciences
TITLE: Molecular Approach to Identify Bioactive Brominated Natural Products from Marine Sponges
Climate Change Symposium
How will climate change impact our roads, bridges, and sewers? Join us for a free workshop, Planning for Risks Under a Changing Climate.
From waterfronts to roads to bridges to storm sewers, there will be speakers from across the Atlantic region talking about how jurisdictions have adapted their major infrastructure to future climate changes. The event is topped off by a climate change video produced by Mount Allison University Professor Ian Mauro starring many Islanders identifying how they have already experienced the impacts of climate change.
When: Friday, May 3, 8:30 am-3:00 pm
Where: Lecture Theatre A, Atlantic Veterinary College, UPEI
The workshop is free, but please register in advance by emailing with your name and phone number.
For more information, contact Dr. Adam Fenech, director of the UPEI Climate Research Lab, at 620-5220 or See more details.
UPEI Mens' Basketball Golf Fundraiser
Hosted by the Panther Green and White Club and the Avondale Golf Club
Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2013, 1:00 pm
Registration 12:20-12:45 pm
Site: Avondale Golf Course
Entry Deadline (maximum 30 teams): Wednesday, June 19th
Registration Fee: $500 per team or $125 for individuals , includes:
Green Fee
Two power carts per team
Eligible for a variety of prizes
Steak Dinner
For more information and payment options contact:
Tim Kendrick, UPEI Men’s Basketball Coach, 566 0562
Lyall Huggan, Chairman of the Green and White Club, 566 4967
PEISAA Track Championship
UPEI is proud to host the PEISAA Track and Field Championship taking place at the UPEI Alumni Canada Games Place on May 31 and June 1.
Literary Panel Reading
The short story collection Riptides: New Island Fiction (Acorn Press) has been shortlisted for the 2013 Best Atlantic-Published Book Award. As part of the Festival preceding the Atlantic Book Awards gala, Riptides editor Richard Lemm of the UPEI English Department will convene a panel of contributors to the book -- including UPEI Philosophy professor Malcolm Murray -- for an evening of reading and discussion at the Confederation Centre Art Gallery.
Copies of Riptides will be available for sale/signing.
Light refreshments will be served. All are welcome and admission is free.
Book Launch: Tailings of Warren Peace
Tailings of Warren Peace, by Nova Scotia author Stephen Law, leads readers through tendrils of the past, evoking memories and spirits that both guide and forewarn a man who repossesses gravestones, to a burial site in the highlands of Guatemala.
There will be a book launch on Friday, May 17, 2013 at 7:30 pm in the Faculty Lounge, Main Building.
This event is sponsoried by Island Studies Press. For more information, contact Joan Sinclair at 566-0386 or
Biosafety Training
There will be a UPEI Biosafety Training Session:
Tuesday, June 4th
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Room 286A, AVC Learning Commons
Topics to be covered include Biosecurity Plan training as well as basic biosafety principles and how they are applied at the University of Prince Edward Island. (Please note, only those who attended the training sessions in December 2012 or February 2013 are currently considered to be “up to date” in their training requirements.)
If you wish to attend, you must preregister by contacting Research Services before May 28th, 2013:
Lisa MacDougall 620-5104
Janet Crowther 628-4308 (afternoons only)
PEI Poet of the Oil Patch
PEI’s newest poet, Mathew Henderson, will launch his first book, The Lease, on Wednesday, June 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the UPEI Faculty Lounge, Main Building.
Mathew grew up on the Island and graduated from UPEI in 2008. During his summers, he worked in the Saskatchewan oil patch. The poems in The Lease are written in the sweat, blood, and grease of those who labour in the oilfields. His poetry shows human technology and physical labour realigning our habitat. Henderson’s writing illuminates the often unflattering realities of industrial culture and its cast of hard-living humans.
His reading is sponsored by the UPEI English Department with support from The Canada Council for the Arts.
Graduate Studies Day
The Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Science invites the campus community to the annual Graduate Studies Day to take place in McDougall Hall 246. The event includes a keynote presentation and twenty graduate student presentations on an array of topics and disciplines. Join us to celebrate our students' contributions to research.
20th Anniversary Celebration and Book Launch
All are welcome to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the L.M. Montgomery Institute at the University of Prince Edward Island and the launch of the new book Anne around the World: L.M. Montgomery and Her Classic, edited by Jane Ledwell and Jean Mitchell and published by McGill-Queen's University Press. Enjoy good company, light refreshments, a mystery donation, and book signing and sales.
Admission is free and all are welcome to attend.