Natural Resource Sciences Lecture

Join Ms. Elizabeth MacLean, a PhD Candidate in the Department of Natural Resource Sciences at the University of Rhode Island for a lecture titled: "The importance of Local Ecological Knowledge in Small Scale Fisheries of the Dominican Republic." The lecture will take place on Monday, April 8, 2013 at 10:00 am in the Main Faculty Lounge. This event is free and all are welcome to attend.

International Coffee House

UPEI's International Relations Office invites you to attend an International Coffee House
 on April 3, 7-9.30 pm at The PIT (Robertson Library) featuring music from UPEI's own students, and Strange Folly. Light refreshments will be served courtesy of Chartwells. The event is free and all are welcome to attend.

MAIS Thesis Defence

Andrew Halliday will defend his Master of Arts in Island Studies thesis titled: "Archipelagic Matters and the Law of the Sea:The Case of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Republic of the Philippines"

Presentation of the 2012 Atlantic Award of Excellence

Dr. Don Reynolds, Dean of AVC, cordially invites attendees at this year's Atlantic Provinces Veterinary Conference to a celebratory breakfast and presentation of the 2012 Atlantic Award of Excellence in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Care to Dr. Bert Stevenson. A limited number of tickets are available on a first come, first served basis. To reserve your ticket(s), please contact Linda Constable at or 902-566-0882 by Friday, April 12, 2013.