Guest lecture: Post-Colonia Literature of Portuguese Africa

The Department of Modern Languages, the Master in Global Affairs program, and UPEI’s Spanish Club are pleased to present a lecture by Dr. Lúcia Helena Marques Ribeiro, entitled “Literatura pós-colonial da Africa Portuguesa: Uma visão de dentro” (Post-Colonial Literature of Portuguese Africa: A Vision from Within). The lecture will take place on Monday, March 16, at 7 pm in room 246 of UPEI’s Don and Marion McDougall Hall.
The lecture will focus on Portuguese-speaking African authors and their narrative and perspective on the continuity of an African identity post-colonization. Marques Ribeiro teaches literary theory and Portuguese literature at Universidade de Brasília.
The lecture will be in Portuguese with simultaneous translation in English. All are welcome. Ribeiro will be pleased to meet with students and faculty interested in this area of research.
Refreshments will be served. For more information, please contact Dr. Doreley Carolina Coll at 902-566-0603 or