Todd Leader presentation

UPEI’s Faculty of Education and the Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture program are hosting a public talk by Todd Leader, a transformational leader in health services and health promotion, particularly in the areas of mental health, addictions, and primary health care. Leader’s talk is titled “Transformational Leadership in the Public Sector: how to lead change in mental health and addictions, education, and other public service programs.” The event begins at 7:00 pm, Wednesday, September 27 in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium, room 242 of Don and Marion McDougall Hall. Leader will examine the role and ideal nature of transformational leadership in the public sector. He will describe a principle-based way of leading improvement in public services. The approach he will outline is built specifically from the perspective and best interests of the clients, students, families, or public being served. He will discuss ways in which our public systems often maintain the status quo and resist change. He will illustrate, through examples, that much of the frustration with public programs (health, education, community services, etc.) is not the fault of the people providing the services, but instead is caused by the way administrative systems have evolved (rather than being intentionally designed) over time. Leader will provide practical tips for effective leadership and advocacy that move toward truly client-centered, student-centered, or public-centered systems. Todd Leader, an alumnus of Cape Breton University and Memorial University of Newfoundland, is a registered psychologist and a registered social worker. He has spent 27 years working as a transformational leader in health services and in health promotion, particularly in the areas of mental health, addictions, and primary health care. He has also been teaching in the Faculty of Science at Saint Mary’s University for the same 27 years. Leader has twice earned awards for his teaching, including the Overall Excellence in Teaching Award, the highest award presented by the Saint Mary’s University Students’ Association. Health services under his leadership have earned two international best practice awards and a leadership award for excellence in women’s health. Leader was appointed by the Nova Scotia Minister of Health and Wellness to the Ministerial Advisory Panel on Innovation in Mental Health and Addictions. Todd has been the president of the Public Health Association of Nova Scotia and a member of the board of directors of the Canadian Public Health Association. He is currently both the president of the Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia and the Vice President of the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers. Leader is the lead for year-three of the SEAK Project (Socially & Emotionally Aware Kids), up-scaling the integration of social and emotional learning in schools and communities across Atlantic Canada. Leader has spent his career working as an advocate for client-centered health services and evidence-based healthy public policy. His most recent accomplishment is a book called It’s Not About Us; The Secret to Transforming the Mental Health and Addiction System in Canada. He currently works as a consultant and speaker helping to lead client-centered system improvements. All are welcome!

Distinguished and Inspiring Young Alumni Awards

The Distinguished and Inspiring Young Alumni Awards are the highest honour presented by the UPEI Alumni Association. Each year the Alumni Association commemorates one or more of our alumni for their outstanding contributions to knowledge, the arts, the community, the university, or humanity. UPEI Alumni Association President Curtis Toombs is pleased to invite you to the 27th annual Distinguished and Inspiring Young Alumni Awards. Please join us in celebrating this year’s award recipients. Distinguished Alumni Awards Ho. Diane Campbell BA ‘72 Dr. Michael Beattie DVM ‘94 Inspiring Young Alumni Award Mr. Ron Myers BSc ‘03

Fluorescent Chemistry with Brian Wagner

Join UPEI's Dr. Brian Wagner for a demonstration of some incredible chemistry! Dr. Wagner will demonstrate the phenomenon of fluorescence, reflecting both his UPEI research work, and also showing that fluorescence is all around us, by demonstrating the fluorescence of everyday things, including the spice turmeric, vitamin B2, paper money and laundry detergent. He will also show the chemiluminescence of luminol, and discuss how it is used in forensic science to look for traces of blood.  Friday, September 22, 12:30pm to 1:00 pm Robertson Library Lobby This event is part of Science Literacy Week. All are welcome!

Try For The Cure

The UPEI Women's Rugby team is holding a fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society at their home game Saturday, September 23 at 2pm. 'Try For The Cure' Shirts will be on sale at the game for $15. If you would not like to purchase a shirt but would like to contribute to the cause, there will be a donation box.

Student Diversity Office Meeting- Everyone Welcome

The first Student Diversity Office (SDO) Meeting will be taking place Friday, September 22 at 5:30 in Robertson Library Room 260. OPEN TO ALL! This is a fantastic way to get involved on campus. You can be as heavily--or as lightly involved as you wish. We coordinate events that center around social justice and diversity awareness issues. Our mission each semester is to come up with new and exciting ideas for how to engage our student population in the important conversation about social justice. It would be great to see some new faces!  

Women in Leadership Special Seminar

On behalf of the School of Sustainable Design Engineering at UPEI, all are welcomed to meet Commander Michele Tessier who recently received the honour of a second naval command and will captain the HMCS Margaret Brooke, the RCN’s second arctic offshore patrol vessel starting in 2018. In this talk, she will be speaking on her experience in leadership and sharing points of encouragement for women who lead in innovation and technology.

Soup for the Soul

The Faculty of Education will host our first Soup for the Soul event of the season. Soups will be Tuscan White Bean Soup and Hearty Lentil Soup, both made with vegetables grown in our very own Saint Dunstan's Garden on campus. Treat your mental health with a delicious FREE bowl of soup.

Theology on Tap

Dr. Joe Velaidum, Religious Studies, "The Cultured Despisers of Religion," The Pourhouse, 189 Great George Street. 6:30 pm with Talk beginning at 7. 19+. Hosted by the SDU Institute of Christianity and Culture.

Exploring Canadian Compositions for Voice & Piano

The UPEI Music Department Recital Series 2017-2018 is pleased to present "Exploring Canadian Compositions for Voice & Piano" featuring Christianne Rushton, mezzo soprano and Robert Kortgaard, piano on Friday, September 29, 2017 at 7:30 pm at the Dr. Steel Recital Hall. Tickets are $20 for adults and seniors, studen tickets $15. Tickets will be available in advance via Brownpapertickets or at the door.