PIHCI information session

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research, through the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR), has launched the SPOR Network in Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovation (PIHCI) –Programmatic Grants funding opportunity. This funding opportunity is part of Phase III of the PIHCI Network and will provide funding for cross-jurisdictional research projects involving a minimum of four PIHCI member networks that respond to one or more of the Network priorities (attached), which were determined in consultation with the PIHCI member networks and their stakeholders. An webinar information session will be held August 2 at 2:00. See the research notice for more information.

New Student Orientation (NSO)

An amazing week (September 2–9) filled with events to welcome the newly incoming UPEI students to our Panther community! New Student Orientation events focus on both the academic aspect of UPEI, but also on coming to know and love the social aspect of our fantastic university. NSO is said to be the most spirited days on the UPEI campus, with events to bring all different kinds of students together and build friendships with not only first years but upper year students as well. Visit the NSO website for a complete event schedule

Orange Shirt Day

Orange Shirt Day occurs annually at the end of each September, the time of year when Indigenous children were taken away from their homes and put into residential schools. Phyllis Wedstad was one such child. As a young child on her first day at residential school, Phyllis’ favourite orange shirt was promptly taken from her upon her arrival at the school. Her language and pride in her culture was also taken from her. Orange Shirt Day has been created in honour of Phyllis, and the many other children who attended residential schools. More information on this day can be found online at www.orangeshirtday.org. This year on September 29, 2017, the Faculty of Education is encouraging all students, staff, and faculty to wear orange as an annual opportunity to discuss aspects of residential schools, and to continue discussions year-round.   Those who are wearing an orange shirt we encourage to come meet us at 12:30pm outside of McDougall Hall for a group picture.  Thank you for your support in bringing awareness to Orange Shirt Day we hope that many of you will participate in wearing orange!

Partial Solar Eclipse viewing

On Monday, August 21, the moon will pass between the Earth and the Sun, creating a rare and spectacular show. A solar eclipse is a memorable event, but one that needs to be enjoyed with great caution. UPEI’s Department of Physics is hosting a viewing event for Monday’s eclipse to help you safely observe the eclipse—and learn a thing or two about astronomy! View the full release for more information.

Volunteer Fair

All students are encouraged to attend and learn about the many volunteer organizations and available opportunities. This is a great time to get hands-on experience, make connections, and help make a difference in your community. 

Dr. Leo Dana: "Sustainable Self-Employment Among the Sami"

Dr. Leo Dana, Candidate for a Canada 150 Research Chair, will present and take questions on a documentary film he produced for the Greenland Film Festival entitled, Sustainable Self-Employment Among the Sami: Why do they Stay in Low-Profit Enterprise? This film tells the story of the economic struggles of the self-employed indigenous Sami reindeer herders from Norway. It will take place on August 31st, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm in Room 246 of McDougall Hall. Free admission, all are welcome.

NAFTA Town Hall Meeting

The UPEI Office of Recruitment and International Relations wishes to extend an invitation from Global Affairs Canada to the campus community to a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) town hall meeting hosted by the Honourable Andrew Leslie, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Canada-U.S. Relations). Tuesday, August 29, 2017 from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Rodd Royalty Hotel, Crowbush Room 14 Capital Drive, Charlottetown Further to the Canadian Government’s ongoing consultation process on the modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and as the Government has now begun discussions with the United States and Mexico on the renegotiation of NAFTA, some of the issues that the government would like to hear from the public include: ·         Areas of the agreement that could be clarified; ·         Areas that should be updated; ·         Any new sections that should form part of a modernized agreement. For more information on the NAFTA consultation process, please visit the following web pages: ·         NAFTA Consultation Website ·         Statement by Foreign Affairs Minister, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, on NAFTABIOGRAPHY Born into a multi-generational military family, Andrew Leslie enjoyed a decorated 35-year career with the Canadian Armed Forces. In 2006, he became Chief of the Land Staff/Army Commander, a position he held until 2010, during which time he was responsible for 57,000 military and public service personnel, their equipment, military training and infrastructure. After a successful career in the Canadian military, Mr. Leslie retired in 2011 and worked as a senior vice president of CGI Group Inc., a Canadian information technology corporation. His professional experience is complemented by several academic degrees and courses focusing on economics, history, leadership, strategy, tactics, equipment acquisition and management. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Economics at the University of Ottawa and a Masters at the Royal Military College, in addition to undertaking professional development in management at the Harvard Business School. Mr. Leslie was elected as Member of Parliament for Orléans in October 2015. Mr. Leslie served as Chief Government Whip from November 2015 to January 2017. The Honourable Andrew Leslie will also be giving the keynote address at the Palmer Conference on Public Leadership, taking place August 29-31 on the UPEI campus.