Film screening: Nasser’s Republic, the Making of Modern Egypt
UPEI’s Department of History and the UPEI Faculty of Arts will present the documentary film Nasser's Republic, the Making of Modern Egypt at a screening Thursday, October 12 at 7 pm in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium, room 242 of Don and Marion McDougall Hall. Director Michal Goldman will be on hand to present the film and field questions after the screening.
Nasser's Republic, the Making of Modern Egypt is the first film for North Americans to focus on Gamal Abdel Nasser, one of the Arab world’s most transformative and controversial leaders. In 1952, as an unknown young Egyptian colonel, Nasser led a coup that became a revolution. Over the next 18 years, he reshaped the Arab world, facing deep divisions among the Arabs and emerging as a titanic figure—a champion of Arab progress and African liberation. But what he could not offer was democracy; instead, he established the region’s first and much emulated military authoritarian regime. A man of enormous charisma and ambition, Nasser became caught in the coils of his own power, dying at 52 with his revolution uncompleted. The Arab Spring and its aftermath are his legacy.
Michal Goldman is an American documentary filmmaker. Her interest in Egypt goes back to the 1990s when she lived in Cairo for several years to produce her film “Umm Kulthum, A Voice Like Egypt.” Several of her films have been nominated for Academy Awards. Her love for PEI dates back to 1970, when her parents bought a small farm in Mermaid.
All are welcome!
Biomedical Sciences & Pathology and Microbiology Seminar
Speaker: Kami Harris, Pathology and Microbiology
Title: A smorgasbord of Borrelia: The genetic diversity of the Lyme-causing bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi in New Brunswick.
Public lecture: "The Origins of Fenianism in Canada"
The UPEI Department of History and the Benevolent Irish Society invite you to a presentation on "The Origins of Fenianism in Canada", to be delivered by Dr. David Wilson, Department of History, University of Toronto, on Friday, October 13, 2017 at 7:00 pm in Schurman Market Square, Don and Marion McDougall Hall.
Theology on Tap in Honour of Canada 150
In honour of the 150th anniversary of Canadian confederation, Dr. David Wilson, FRSC, Department of History, University of Toronto will give a presentation on "The Hardest Internal Battle:' Thomas D'Arcy McGee and Catholicism" as part of the SDU Institute of Christianity and Culture's Theology on Tap Series. Please join us on Thursday, October 12, 2017 ar 6:30 pm in The Pourhouse, 189 Great George Street. Talk to begin at 7:00 pm, must be 19 or older to attend.
Lecture: "Global Gaelic: Gaelic in the 19th and 20th Centuries"
Dr. Rankin Sherling will give a presentation on how, when, and why the Gaelic language went "Global" on Friday, October 13, 2017 in Schurman Market Square, Don and Marion McDougall Hall. Dr. Sherling has been interviewed widely on his commitment to sharing and learning the Gaelic language. For a story on how he helped promote Gaelic in rural Alabama, click here.
Seminar Talk: Dr. Shine(Xu) Zhang
Dr. Shine(Xu) Zhang, Research Chair in Applied Nanotechnology, Department of Chemistry, Cape Breton University, will give a talk entitled "Chloride Accelerated Copper-Fenton Chemistry: Insights, Applications and Implications" on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 12:30 pm in the DRC Building, Room 212.
Campus Life Program - Free Movie Screening
North of 49 films and the Campus Life Program present: "Ariyah and Tristan's Inevitable Breakup", a modern day love story(ish) with all the twists and turbulence expected of any 20 somethings coupling. Ariyah (Koumbie) is an ambitious young animator. Tristan (Taylor Olson) is a carefree club photographer. Not exactly a match made in heaven but they give it a chance. Ariyah and Tristan’s Inevitable Break-up follows their relationship and the couple’s pivotal moments, all in Ariyah’s apartment. The drama and the comedy are captured including all the firsts – first fights, first “I love you’s”, an unplanned pregnancy and everything in between.
This film was made for $1000 as part of the Women In Film and Television – 1K Wave contest, that challenged 5 female directors to make a film for $1000. Koumbie is a young female director and actor based in Halifax and she and partner Taylor Olson co-wrote and co-starred in the film. Koumbie is also the director.
We will be giving a $50 UPEI Bookstore gift card to two lucky attendees and every attendee will receive a free Samuel's Coffee & Muffin coupon.
Doors open 6:00, Movie starts at 6:15. All are welcome - bring a friend - free snacks provided!
2017 Thane A. Campbell Lectureship in Law
Professor Anne Warner La Forest, of the University of New Brunswick’s Faculty of Law, will present the 2017 Chief Justice Thane A. Campbell Lectureship in Law on Friday, October 20, at 1:30 p.m., in The Guild, Charlottetown. Her presentation is entitled “Canada and International Human Rights Law at 150: A Journey in Three Parts.” Co-sponsored by the University of Prince Edward Island and the Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island, the Chief Justice Thane A. Campbell Lectureship in Law honours Thane A. Campbell, Rhodes Scholar, former premier of Prince Edward Island, and first chancellor of the University of Prince Edward Island.The lecture is free, but seating is limited. All are welcome!
Research on Tap
After a successful start in September, Research on Tap returns October 19 at 6:30 pm at The Wave, the UPEI campus pub in the W.A. Murphy Student Centre. Dr. Janet Bryanton, professor in the Faculty of Nursing at UPEI, will lead a discussion about women who seek planned caesareans due to fear of childbirth.
Giving birth is a significant life experience for women. Fear of childbirth is not a new phenomenon, and it can occur at any time before, during, and after birth. Sometimes, the fear of childbirth leads to women asking for a planned caesarean section. Researchers do not have a clear understanding of this experience. Dr. Bryanton explored women’s experiences of fear in relation to their decision to have a planned cesarean birth. In her presentation, Dr. Bryanton will speak about the 16 women who shared their experiences with fear of childbirth.
Research on Tap is a series of public discussions led by UPEI researchers. For more information, please email
Departments of Biomedical Sciences & Pathology and Microbiology
Dr. Kim Foote, Pathology and Microbiology, will present a seminar entitled "Appropriate Prognosis and Treatment of Horses with Respiratory Disease - Assessing Microscopic Area and Sample Volume of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid" on October 18, 2017 at 3:00 pm in Lecture Theatre A of the AVC.
All are welcome!