Blessed John Henry Newman Dinner (Third Annual)
The Blessed John Henry Newman Dinner is an evening hosted by the University of Prince Edward Island’s Catholic Studies program and the Canadian Catholic Students’ Association. Its aim is to honour the Catholic heritage of UPEI’s founding institution, Saint Dunstan’s University, as well as how the Catholic intellectual and ministerial traditions continue to serve today’s students on the UPEI campus. Each year, the Newman Dinner recognized its annual Newman Fellow, an academic or ecclesial leader whose distinguished career flows from the spirit of Cardinal Newman’s ministry, commitment, and contribution to Catholic higher education.
The Newman Dinner has three aims: 1) an evening of fellowship and a celebration of community; 2) sharing the good work of the Catholic Studies program and the Canadian Catholic Students’ association; 3) to fundraise in support of global and/or experiential learning opportunities. Proceeds from the 2017 dinner will support a group of eight students and two faculty/staff on a service-learning experience in Honduras planned for February 2018. Participants will work with the Congregation of Notre Dame on manual work projects and learn more about the spiritual and cultural heritage of this region of Latin America.
Fellows of the Newman Dinner:
2015, Dr. Peter Erb (Founding Saint Dunstan’s Visiting Scholar of Catholic Studies);
2016, Fr. Thomas Rosica CSB (CEO of Salt and Light Media & English-Language Media Attaché to the Vatican;
2017, Dr. Don McDougall (Chancellor, UPEI).
Dr. McDougall’s talk is titled, “What the Blue Jays Should Learn from Cardinal Newman.”
A tradition of the Newman Dinner is to follow the keynote speaker with two student reflectors. This year’s reflectors are Lorelei Kenny and Bethany Dunn. Lorelei and Bethany will be speaking on their experience in the May 2017 course, “Rome: Christianity and Culture,” taught over a three week period in Rome, Italy. The experience was funded by the Saint Dunstan’s Institute of Christianity and Culture (itself formed out of a major bequest to the Inspire Campaign by the SDU Board of Governors) and brought ten students and two faculty members for an experiential-learning opportunity in Rome.
“Saint Dunstan’s University, which operated for more than a 100 years and whose historic campus UPEI now sits,” said Dr. Robert Dennis, Religious Studies, “had incredible student traditions. The Newman Dinner is built on this foundation. Through the generosity of benefactors, many students are able to attend the evening. Newman has become a tradition for the twenty-first century.”
Mark your calendar for AVC Open House!
Come one, come all to AVC’s popular Open House on Saturday, September 30, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.! A free event hosted by students, faculty and staff, AVC Open House offers the community an opportunity to get an inside view of a busy veterinary college. There is something for everyone, including family-friendly activities, exhibits, lots of different animals to see, a parade of dog breeds, and much more. Children can bring their stuffed animals to the teddy bear clinic where they will be examined by a veterinary student. They can also have their faces painted and get a balloon animal to take home.
Celebrating 12,000 Years of Mi’kmaq resiliency
When Wednesday, September 6, 2017 from 4:00–5:30 pm in front of SDU Main Building, UPEI
Rain location: Sustainable School of Engineering Room 128 A & B
Learn the Indigenous history that we’re rarely taught. This participatory event will help you understand the historic and contemporary relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada, how this relationship has been damaged over the years and how we can work together toward reconciliation.
This event will be witnessed by members of the Mi’kmaq community and other Indigenous peoples who now call Prince Edward Island their home.
FREE EVENT—Please dress for indoor/outdoor spaces—BYO Blanket.
Free BBQ to follow (6pm) for participants
UPEI Scholarships Session 1
Learn about UPEI scholarship opportunities, including academic, leadership and financial need awards, to support you in achieving your goals and completing your degree
UPEI Scholarships Session 2
Learn about UPEI scholarship opportunities, including academic, leadership and financial need awards, to support you in achieving your goals and completing your degree
Application Deadline: Co-operative Education Program
Students in their second year of studies are invited to apply for the Co-operative Education Program, with the deadline for applications Friday, September 29, 2017. Students interested in applying must request to create an account at (Note: Allow 1-2 working days for new account approvals), and then upload their application.
For more information on Co-op, including programs that are eligible to apply, please contact the Co-operative Education Office at
What is Co-op?
Co-operative education combines classroom studies with practical work experience outside the university environment, enhancing students' learning by applying classroom theory and concepts to real world environments.
Why apply for Co-op?
Co-op students benefit in a number of ways while participating in the program. The program provides an opportnity for students to:
Apply classroom theory and concepts in the workplace.
Gain marketable skills and experience that gives a competitive advantage post-graduation.
Begin to develop professional networks and industry contacts.
Earn money while learning.
Refine resume writing, interview skills, and job search strategies with ongoing support from the Co-op Office.
Test out post-graduation career choices.
Gain confidence.
Add value to their Bachelor Degree with the Co-Operative Education Designation
For more information please visit
Motion Capture Demo
The School of Sustainable Design Engineering will host an introductory session on motion capture and analysis in the Centre for Robotics and Industrial Automation. The goal is to raise awareness of new equipment in the Centre (OptiTrack Prime 41 motion capture cameras with Motive optical motion capture software), explain the process for requesting access, highlight related expertise and some potential applications, and demonstrate the equipment capabilities.
All UPEI faculty, staff and students are welcome to attend!
Memorial Service for Rocky Paquet
Colleagues, students, friends, and family will gather to remember Rocky who passed away this summer. The memorial service will be Wednesday, September 13 at 3:00 pm in the Chaplaincy Centre.
Health Management Seminar - LAIM candidate
The Department of Health Management invites you to attend a seminar given by Dr. Ben Stoughton. Dr. Stoughton is interviewing for a tenure-track faculty position in Large Animal Internal Medicine. His research seminar is titled "Impaired Autophagy Correlates with Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy Phenotype."
The Selection Committee encourages everyone to participate and provide feedback on the candidate. The candidate's CV is available in the AVC Dean's Office, the VTH and the four departmental offices of the AVC.
Selection Committee
Dr. J McClure, Chair
Dr. Shawn McKenna
Dr. Aimie Doyle
Dr. Jennifer Burns
Dr. Peter Foley pefoley@upei.caEveryone is welcome!
Candidate Presentation - Educational Leadership
The Faculty of Education invites members of the campus community – students, faculty and staff – to attend a public presentation by Anne Marie FitzGerald, candidate for a tenure-track position in Educational Leadership. Dr. FitzGerald will present her program of research in the area of educational leadership, and how this program of research could unfold in the PEI context.