Interested in a career in Dentistry?
Representatives from Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Dentistry will be on campus on Wednesday, November 15 for an admission presentation.
Attendees will gain insight into the application and admission processes and student experiences at an award-winning dental school. Dalhousie is known for its small class sizes, excellent instructor to student ratio, and its emphasis on clinical education and service to the community.
The presentation will run from 12:00 to 1:00 pm in the Atlantic Veterinary College, Room 286B N, with time for questions at the end.
All are welcome – we hope to see you there!
UPEI Safety Week 2017
The Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee is pleased to present the first annual UPEI Safety Week, October 23–27. The week-long schedule of educational and fun activities is designed to create awareness and encourage all faculty, staff and students to develop and maintain a safe study and work environment year-round. We encourage everyone to participate!
For each attendance at an education session, participants will receive a ballot that will go into a draw for a two-person, 72-hour emergency kit. In addition, one person at each session will win a safety-themed prize.
In addition to a number of scheduled events, these fun activities will run all week:
Safety Scavenger Hunt – Photo Edition!
Beginning Monday morning and ending Friday afternoon, this photo scavenger hunt will take participants to various locations, people and items across campus related to safety. Throughout the week, items will be added to the Safety Hunt List and participants will post photos of themselves with the item to the UPEI Safety Week 2017 Facebook page. Each photo will earn a ballot towards a great prize package. Collect one photo item or collect them all—it is up to you. Safety Scavenger Hunt list, contest rules, and prizes details can be found on the Safety Scavenger Hunt page.Get Caught Working Safely
Throughout the week, the Health, Safety and Environment Department will partner with senior members of UPEI and UPEISU administration to visit different buildings and areas on campus and catch those in the campus community working safely. Get caught working safely and win a prize!
Refer to the full UPEI Safety Week Schedule for more information.
UPEI Safety Week Session: Are you prepared for an emergency?
- presented by Cindy MacDougall, Emergency Management Coordinator, UPEI; Public Safety Officer, PEI Emergency Measures Organization
If an emergency happens in your area, it may take emergency workers some time to reach you. Could you look after yourself and your family for three days if an emergency occurred, no services were available and emergency responders couldn’t get to you? Emergencies may be beyond our control, but we can reduce the risk and the impact regardless of what causes the emergency. There are three simple steps everyone can take to become better prepared to face emergencies: know the risks; make a plan; get an emergency kit.
UPEI Safety Week Session: Floor/Area Warden Training
- presented by Mark Pharand, Manager of Security Services
Are you a floor or area warden for your building? Do you know what to do if there is a building evacuation? Do you have questions about your role as a warden or the evacuation procedures for your building? This session will review UPEI’s building evacuation procedures and the roles of building plan administrator, floor/area warden, and guardian.
UPEI Safety Week Session: Self-Defence and More!
Self-Defence and More: Managing your Personal Space & Physical Conflict – presented by Robert Norton, Norton Arts
Not many people enjoy having their personal space invaded. This hands-on experience will focus on the dynamics of Personal Space Management in addition to practical restraints, pre-emptive/counter striking and defence strikes and grabs. Focus will be on violence prevention while educating and developing skills that uphold the Canadian Criminal Code on defence of person. There will be a cost of $5 per person and refreshments will be served during the event. To attend, you must pre-register by contacting Kathryn Harrison by email or by phone 902-566-0901. Space is limited to 24 participants.
UPEI Safety Week Session: Selecting the Right Glove for the Job
– presented by Keir Daborn, Ansell
This session is designed to educate people on the differences between gloves, glove materials, and how to determine the best glove for their application.
UPEI Safety Week's Biosafety Café
Take your morning coffee break with UPEI’s Biosafety Officer and Biosafety Committee members. Cake and coffee will be provided and there will be opportunities to test your biosafety knowledge and win prizes.
UPEI Safety Week Session: Changes to WHMIS in the Workplace
- presented by Lori Wakelin, OHS Education Consultant, Worker’s Compensation Board of PEI
PEI’s provincial WHMIS regulations were updated in July 2017 to reflect the national changes to the Hazardous Products Acts and Regulations. This one-hour information session will offer a brief look at the changes and the impact on employers. Employer responsibilities, including education and training of workers, and components of a WHMIS program will be highlighted.
UPEI Safety Week's Coffee with Cops
Come share coffee, doughnuts, and conversation with members of UPEI’s Security Services team. Find out what is new in campus security and also get any questions answered you may have.
VWR 2017 Trade Show
The Atlantic Veterinary College presents the annual VWR Trade Show, which showcases chemical and laboratory-specific supplies from a variety of suppliers during UPEI Safety Week 2017. All are welcome.