UPEI Chancellor Emeritus Norman Webster launches new book
Renowned journalist, columnist, editor, and philanthropist Norman Webster, who served as UPEI’s chancellor from 1996 to 2004, will launch his new book, Newspapering: 50 Years of Reporting from Canada and Around the World on November 26, 2020 at 7 pm ET (8 pm AT.)
From the publisher, Barlow Books:
Jane Vessey appointed UPEI’s new Director of Athletics and Recreation
Jackie Podger, UPEI Vice-President Administration and Finance, announced in a message to the campus community that, with the completion of a recent search process, Jane Vessey has been appointed the University’s new Director of Athletics and Recreation, effective November 23, 2020, for a five-year term.
Meet Ivan Yeger, fourth-year Bachelor of Environmental Studies student
Why did you choose to leave your home country to attend university in Prince Edward Island?
I was looking for a better education and a place where I felt at peace while completing my studies. I have always wanted to serve others, and after two years of medical school at home in the Dominican Republic, I decided to choose another path. I started searching for other programs and universities, and found UPEI best matched my requirements. It has been an incredible journey since I arrived at UPEI!
SDE 8900 Graduate Research Seminar Series presents Dr. Joshua MacFadyen
The presenter for this week's Graduate Seminar in the Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering is:
Dr. Joshua MacFadyen, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Geospatial Humanities at the University of Prince Edward Island.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 11:30am
Humna Khan: Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering Thesis Defense
The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering is pleased to announce an upcoming Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering (MSc-SDE) Thesis Defenses on Thursday, November 26, 2020
At 9am Humna Khan, supervised by Dr. Bishnu Acharya, will present. Her title is "MANAGEMENT ZONES FOR SITE-SPECIFIC FERTILIZATION IN POTATO FIELDS"
The presentation and examination will be presented via a web conference.
Location: web conference via Zoom
Topic: MSc-SDE Defense: Humna Khan
Master of Nursing Program Virtual Open House – Friday, November 27, 2020, 3:00-5:00 p.m.
The UPEI Master of Nursing (MN) Program will be hosting their annual Open House on Friday, November 27, 2020 between 3:00-5:00 p.m.
To access the virtual MN Open House, please click on the following link:
ISO/ELC Lunch and Learn with UPEI Faculty and Staff
The International Student Office and the English Language Centre would like to invite faculty and staff to attend an informal lunch-hour discussion on online learning and the needs of international students. Meet resource staff who are helping us all learn new ways to support our students. We will also be joined by faculty and instructors who will discuss their strategies for success, and what they learned so far during this unprecedented school year. The event will be a moderated discussion followed by an open question and answer time.
New bat species recorded on Prince Edward Island
Bat populations have been under siege in recent years because of the deadly white-nose syndrome, but researchers on Prince Edward Island got some good news earlier this fall. The eastern red bat (Lasiurus borealis), a species not previously identified in the province, has been recorded in the PEI National Park.
The UPEI Panther Pitch: Students, submit your start-up idea!
*Please note that since this story was originally published, the deadline date to submit start-up ideas has been extended from January 14 to January 21, 2021.
The University of Prince Edward Island has launched “UPEI Panther Pitch,” a program in which aspiring UPEI student entrepreneurs can submit their start-up idea for a chance to win a minimum of $5,000 in seed money, with up to a total of $45,000 being granted each year.
UPEI’s Faculty of Business holds an information session for its Executive MBA program, November 24
UPEI’s Faculty of Business will hold an online information session for those interested in its Executive MBA program on Tuesday, November 24, at 5 pm.
UPEI’s EMBA program offers a high-quality learning experience for working business professionals. The program is designed for those working in, or aspiring to work, in a management or leadership position. Classes are offered bi-weekly on Fridays and Saturdays with the option to complete the program in 20 months.