Virtual Fall Open House

Prospective students are invited to attend UPEI's Virtual Fall Open House on Friday, November 20 from 10:00 to 11:30 am.

  • Meet our advisement team and take advantage of discounted application fees
  • Find out about UPEI programs in live-streamed faculty-specific events
  • Learn more about UPEI by participating in a virtual student services fair and virtual campus tours

We'll even draw for a few prizes!

Employment Info Session with the Canada Revenue Agency

3:00 - 4:00 pm
For all UPEI Students and Alumni

The UPEI Experiential Education department will be hosting a virtual information session on employment opportunities with the Canada Revenue Agency

All UPEI students and alumni are welcome to attend, listen in, and ask questions to learn more about working with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Register for this session on EventBrite.

Watch: UPEI’s Dr. Kathy Snow delivers the Fulbright Canada Chair in Arctic Studies annual lecture

Dr. Kathy Snow, associate professor of education at UPEI and academic lead for the University’s Certificate in Educational Leadership program in Nunavut, recently developed a panel presentation for the 2020 University of Washington (UW) Fulbright Canada Chair in Arctic Studies annual lecture.

Pitch Perfect: Go beyond what you want

Synapse at UPEI is hosting a free session for students, graduates, staff, and faculty on improving their professional and personal pitches. The event is Friday, November 6, from 12:30 pm to 2 pm.

This session is designed to provide them with advice and resources to better prepare them to succeed the next time they face grant managers and funding agencies; hiring managers; investors like angels, venture capitalists, family, and friends; potential customers and partners; colleagues and classmates; and key talent and sought-after collaborators.

Perfect Pitch Workshop – Part 1

12:30 - 2:00 pm
For all UPEI students, graduates, staff and faculty

Synapse at UPEI is hosting a session on improving your professional and personal pitches.

This session is designed to provide you with advice and resources to better prepare you to succeed the next time you face: grant managers and funding agencies; hiring managers; investors like angels, venture capitalists, family and friends; potential customers and partners; colleagues and classmates; and key talent and sought-after collaborators.

MEd Thesis Defense - Christopher Palmer

The Faculty of Education would like to invite all to attend Christopher Palmer's public presentation of his MEd research titled: The Integration of Critical Thinking: An Evaluability Assessment of the PEI Grades 1-3 Integrated Curriculum. Please join us through the Zoom link below.

The zoom link is: Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 823 1653 6567
Passcode: Defence