Flags lowered to half mast in memory of Dr. Thomas Symons and Dr. Larry Clark
The University of Prince Edward Island received the sad news over the weekend that UPEI honorary degree recipient Thomas H. B. Symons passed away on January 1, 2021, and retired adjunct professor of economics Dr. Larry Clark passed away on December 30, 2020. The entire UPEI community expresses condolences to their families, friends, and colleagues.
The flags in front of the Kelley Memorial Building have been lowered to half mast in their memory.
Conceptualizing Leadership Workshop
For UPEI students and alumni.
9:00–10:30 am
Registration is required and space is limited. A Google Meet link will be sent to all registrants the morning of the workshop.
This workshop is part of UPEI’s Work Integrated Learning Digital Badge program. Students who participate in this workshop will be eligible to receive digital badges to recognize their participation. For more information on this program and other workshop offerings, please visit the Work Integrated Learning web page.
Networking Workshop
For UPEI students and alumni.
2:00–3:30 pm
Registration is required and space is limited. A Google Meet link will be sent to all registrants the morning of the workshop.
This workshop is part of UPEI’s Work Integrated Learning Digital Badge program. Students who participate in this workshop will be eligible to receive digital badges to recognize their participation. For more information on this program and other workshop offerings, please visit the Work Integrated Learning web page.
Interview Skills Workshop
For UPEI students and alumni.
11:00 am–12:30 pm
Registration is required and space is limited. A Google Meet link will be sent to all registrants the morning of the workshop.
This workshop is part of UPEI’s Work Integrated Learning Digital Badge program. Students who participate in this workshop will be eligible to receive digital badges to recognize their participation. For more information on this program and other workshop offerings, please visit the Work Integrated Learning web page.
Diversity and Inclusion Workshop
For UPEI students and alumni.
2:00–3:30 pm
Registration is required and space is limited. A Google Meet link will be sent to all registrants the morning of the workshop.
This workshop is part of UPEI’s Work Integrated Learning Digital Badge program. Students who participate in this workshop will be eligible to receive digital badges to recognize their participation. For more information on this program and other workshop offerings, please visit the Work Integrated Learning web page.
Resumes and Cover Letters Workshop
For UPEI students and alumni.
9:00–10:30 am
Registration is required and space is limited. A Google Meet link will be sent to all registrants the morning of the workshop.
This workshop is part of UPEI’s Work Integrated Learning Digital Badge program. Students who participate in this workshop will be eligible to receive digital badges to recognize their participation. For more information on this program and other workshop offerings, please visit the Work Integrated Learning web page.
Job Skills and Career Pathways Workshop
For UPEI students and alumni.
9:00–10:30 am
Registration is required and space is limited. A Google Meet link will be sent to all registrants the morning of the workshop.
This workshop is part of UPEI’s Work Integrated Learning Digital Badge program. Students who participate in this workshop will be eligible to receive digital badges to recognize their participation. For more information on this program and other workshop offerings, please visit the Work Integrated Learning web page.
Public Speaking Workshop
For UPEI students and alumni.
2:00–3:30 pm
Registration is required and space is limited. A Google Meet link will be sent to all registrants the morning of the workshop.
This workshop is part of UPEI’s Work Integrated Learning Digital Badge program. Students who participate in this workshop will be eligible to receive digital badges to recognize their participation. For more information on this program and other workshop offerings, please visit the Work Integrated Learning web page.
Facilitation Skills Workshop
For UPEI students and alumni.
11:00 am–12:30 pm
Registration is required and space is limited. A Google Meet link will be sent to all registrants the morning of the workshop.
This workshop is part of UPEI’s Work Integrated Learning Digital Badge program. Students who participate in this workshop will be eligible to receive digital badges to recognize their participation. For more information on this program and other workshop offerings, please visit the Work Integrated Learning web page.
Conflict Resolution Workshop
For UPEI students and alumni.
9:00–10:30 am
Registration is required and space is limited. A Google Meet link will be sent to all registrants the morning of the workshop.
This workshop is part of UPEI’s Work Integrated Learning Digital Badge program. Students who participate in this workshop will be eligible to receive digital badges to recognize their participation. For more information on this program and other workshop offerings, please visit the Work Integrated Learning web page.