Campus Notices

This is an introductory lesson adapted from the Library Carpentry workshop on Introduction to working with Data [] that introduces people with library- and information-related roles, or those in the Humanities and Social Sciences professions that work with data, to using regular expressions. Regular expressions are a concept and an implementation used in many different programming environments for sophisticated pattern matching. They are an incredibly powerful tool that can amplify your capacity to find, manage, and transform data and files. The lesson provides background on the regular expression language and how it can be used to match and extract text and to clean data. No previous experience with programming is required.

For details and registration, go to 

The UPEI Events Calendar is the perfect place to promote your student, staff, faculty, or campus-related event on the website!

Anyone with a email address can log into the website and create an event to help spread the word to the UPEI campus community. Your event will appear in the complete list of UPEI events and on the UPEI homepage as the actual date of your event approaches.

Visit the Submit a Campus Notice or UPEI Calendar Event page to add events that are UPEI "owned" or hosted, or is affiliated with UPEI.

Questions? Contact

Overview: This course will review the basics of dealing with difficult people. Everyone is different, and so are their personalities, so this course will help participants deal with those different personality types in difficult situations. Topics and material on the subject will be reviewed, and then chances to practically apply the knowledge will take place through some role-playing on how to diffuse difficult situations and remain calm. For more information, go to

Designed for: People who are involved with customer or client service, or people who deal with demanding and/or difficult individuals within their workplace

Type of Delivery: In-person

Duration: One course for six (6) hours

Facilitators: Lee Gallant

The Zoetis Award for Research Excellence is one of AVC's most prestigious awards recognizing an AVC faculty member whose research over the past three years shows promise of attaining national recognition. It is a great pleasure to announce that the 2022 recipient is Dr. Mark Fast from the Department of Pathology and Microbiology.

As has been traditional for the award, Dr. Fast will give a public presentation in Lecture A at the Atlantic Veterinary College today (November 9) at 3:30 pm. All faculty, staff, and students are invited to gather in recognition of Dr. Fast's achievements by attending this lecture and a brief reception afterward.

UPEI honours its rich heritage and traditions by acknowledging members of the campus community who have contributed to its mission in an exceptional way by naming them “Founders,” an initiative established by President Emeritus Wade MacLauchlan in 2000.

Recognizing our Founders is an opportunity to honour those who have worked diligently and passionately to build the University into the highly regarded institution of higher education it is today. The award is presented to members of the campus community who have played a direct role in supporting the vision, reputation, and continued success of the University and/or creating a new era of educational, research, and/or service excellence at the University.

Typically, two nominees are selected each year. Nominations are limited to one page (500 words) in length and must address the following three areas:

  1. Why do think this nominee is a worthy recipient of this award?
  2. How has the nominee met the criteria of the award?
  3. Please include any further information you feel is important about the nominee.

If you wish to submit a nomination for this award, please email your submission to, including your name, business telephone number, email address, and relationship to the nominee along with the name, address, telephone number, and email address of the person you wish to nominate. Completed nominations must be received by November 21, 2022, at 11:59 pm.

If you are interested in learning more about this award and past award winners, please visit our UPEI Founders web page.

For more information, contact: Nicole Phillips, Director of Communications and University Relations @ or 902-566-0947.

The E-Learning Office is hosting an online tutorial on creating and running Moodle quizzes. This workshop will be available online at 10 am on Tuesday, November 15. If you are unable attend the session at that time, you can still complete the registration and request a recording. Click here to register for this session.

The Office of the President cordially invites you to attend the MacLauchlan Prizes for Effective Writing Celebration.

Please join members of the MacLauchlan family, guest speaker Gary MacDougall, and the UPEI community in Schurman Market Square, Don and Marion McDougall Hall, to celebrate the achievements of UPEI students.

For more information, please contact Donna Lawless at or 902-566-0637.

Mentor applications for the Study & Stay PEI program are now open! If you are a working professional and passionate about sharing your knowledge, skills, and experience with international students in Prince Edward Island, this volunteer opportunity is for you! You can now sign up at

As a mentor, you will

  • meet with your assigned student four times between January and June 2023;
  • share your knowledge, skills, advice, and connections;
  • work one-on-one with your mentee to support their professional learning goals;
  • give your mentee feedback on areas of strength and improvement;
  • be open and responsive to questions related to working in the province;
  • be available to support your student in their professional journey.

Meetings will typically last an hour and can be conducted in person (following the public health guidelines), online, or by phone.

If you enjoy spending time with international students while helping them better understand PEI's workplace culture, we would be lucky to have you sign up as a mentor today! Please contact us at if you have any questions. Thank you!

Depending upon the work requirements of University departments, the Christmas holiday schedule will be in effect from December 24, 2022, through January 2, 2023, inclusive.  Office and regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.

Payroll deadlines:

For the December 23 pay, the deadline for PTFs, pay changes, etc., is 12 noon on November 24. Electronic timesheets/overtime are due on December 12 at 10:00 a.m.

For the January 6 pay, the deadline for PTFs, pay changes, etc., is 12 noon on December 8. Electronic timesheets/overtime are due on January 3 at 10:00 a.m. 

For the January 20 pay, the deadline for PTFs, pay changes, etc., is 12 noon on December 23. Electronic timesheets/overtime are due on January 9.

Additional information regarding the Christmas holiday schedule can be found at MyUPEI.

UPEI is partnering with the Canada Games Host Society during the 2023 Canada Winter Games from February 18 to March 5, 2023, and they need volunteers! From scorekeepers and ushers to drivers and bloggers, it will take thousands of people working together to plan and support all the athletic and cultural events during the Games.  

UPEI has developed Guidelines for Volunteer Leave for the 2023 Canada Winter Games. UPEI employees who wish to volunteer are eligible to apply for up to 15 hours of paid time off to volunteer for the Games. To learn more and apply to be a volunteer, visit the 2023 Canada Winter Games Volunteer Portal.

The deadline for Animal Care Protocol Submissions--new, renewal, or amendment--is Friday, January 6, 2023, for the January meeting. Please note that the Animal Care Committee does not meet in December.

Please note that all animal user protocols must be submitted through UPEI Researcher Portal at

For new protocols, select "applications" and for renewal or amendment protocols, select "events."

To view any UPEI ACC SOPs and Codes of Practice, go to

Those protocols received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month. The committee requires at least one month for processing applications.

Overview: The Certificate in Customer and Client Service is designed to give the knowledge, skills, and tools for individuals to improve customer and client service within their organization. Not only are the benefits of improved customer and client service positive feelings and loyalty, but it also improves the workplace morale, which in turn leads to better production and results.

At the end of this certificate, participants will be able to elevate customer and client service both internally and externally within their organization, turn customer and client service failures into learning opportunities—which will lead to positives—and create a culture that will make great customer and client service consistent and a priority among all members of an organization.

Designed for: All people involved with customer and client service, both in a retail and a multi-level organizational sense.  Especially relevant for all executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals who deal with other people within their workplace.

Type of Delivery: In-person.

Duration: One day (six hours)

Facilitator: Tracy Stretch

For more information and to register, go to  

NOTE: an earlier version of this notice listed the price as $99. The actual cost is $499. Sorry for any confusion. 

In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to apply various Deep Learning (DL) techniques to biomedical signal data using MATLAB. You will discover tools and fundamental approaches for developing advanced predictive models. We will cover the complete AI pipeline from signal exploration to AI modeling to deployment. You will write code and use MATLAB Online to annotate time series biomedical signals automatically; apply advanced signal pre-processing techniques for feature extraction; train deep learning models using CNNs and LSTMs; and discuss interoperability with Python frameworks.

For details and registration, go to 

Overview: This course will review the basics of fundraising and sponsorship and give participants the tools and knowledge to lead a successful fundraising campaign. The material will be presented through various lectures, media, and interactive polling and discussion, followed by breakout sessions and group discussions. For more information, go to

Designed for: People who are required to fundraise and/or obtain sponsorships for their place of employment or a local volunteer organization

Type of Delivery: In-person

Duration: One course for six (6) hours.

Facilitators: Lee Gallant

You probably use reminders on your iPhone all the time, but DYKT you can add attachments to a reminder so you can keep everything related to a task in one place? For example, if you are going to an appointment and need a document for it, you can add it to your reminder. 

To add an attachmenthit the camera icon on the bottom bar of the Reminders app. You can choose from your library, take a new photo, or scan a document.

Mentor applications for the Study & Stay PEI program are now open! If you are a working professional and passionate about sharing your knowledge, skills, and experience with international students in Prince Edward Island, this volunteer opportunity is for you! You can now sign up at

As a mentor, you will

  • meet with your assigned student four times between January and June 2023;
  • share your knowledge, skills, advice, and connections;
  • work one-on-one with your mentee to support their professional learning goals;
  • give your mentee feedback on areas of strength and improvement;
  • be open and responsive to questions related to working in the province;
  • be available to support your student in their professional journey.

Meetings will typically last an hour and can be conducted in person (following the public health guidelines), online, or by phone.

If you enjoy spending time with international students while helping them better understand PEI's workplace culture, we would be lucky to have you sign up as a mentor today! Please contact us at if you have any questions. Thank you!

ITSS will be closed for a staff meeting on Tuesday, November 8, from 2 pm until the end of the day.

You can still email helpdesk@upei or leave a message at 902-566-0465, and your request will be logged and dealt with the following day.

We thank you for your understanding.

The ITSS team

A memorial service in honour of F. Alan Reesor, faculty member in the UPEI Department of Music from 1970–1997, will be held at St. Peter's Cathedral on Rochford Street in Charlottetown, on Sunday, November 13, 2022, at 2:30 pm. Alan forged an international reputation as an organist, choral director, and musicologist and was awarded the title of professor emeritus at UPEI in 1998. A variety of Alan’s friends, colleagues, and former students will gather to perform and pay tribute to his remarkable legacy of music and the far-reaching impact he had on the lives of so many people. Those unable to attend in person may watch the event through live-streaming at

An initial list of potential 2022-23 George Coles Bursary recipients will be sent to PEI Student Financial Services for review on Thursday, November 10, 2022. To be included in this initial review, eligible students must ensure that

  • their Social Insurance Number is on file at UPEI;
  • they are registered in full-time studies in both the 2022 Fall and 2023 Winter terms, as of November 10th, 2022 (unless they are graduating in the 2022-23 academic year). Please note that only registered courses count toward student load. Waitlisted courses do not count; 
  • if they are graduating in the 2022-23 academic year, they have applied to graduate prior to November 10, 2022.

Approved recipients will have funding applied to their student account in the 2023 Winter term. Any questions relating to this message or the George Coles Bursary can be directed to

The UPEI Department of Music will present a faculty recital, "Autumn Colours," featuring string players Jeffrey Bazett-Jones (viola), Sean Kemp (violin), and Natalie Williams Calhoun (cello); Magdalena von Eccher (piano); and Karem Simon (clarinet) presenting music by Mozart, Stravinsky, and Brahms. Tickets are $30 for adults and $20 for students and may be purchased at the admissions desk.