Campus Notices

A memorial service in honour of F. Alan Reesor, faculty member in the UPEI Department of Music from 1970–1997, will be held at St. Peter's Cathedral on Rochford Street in Charlottetown, on Sunday, November 13, 2022, at 2:30 pm. Alan forged an international reputation as an organist, choral director, and musicologist and was awarded the title of professor emeritus at UPEI in 1998. A variety of Alan’s friends, colleagues, and former students will gather to perform and pay tribute to his remarkable legacy of music and the far-reaching impact he had on the lives of so many people. Those unable to attend in person may watch the event through live-streaming at

In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to apply various Deep Learning (DL) techniques to biomedical signal data using MATLAB. You will discover tools and fundamental approaches for developing advanced predictive models. We will cover the complete AI pipeline from signal exploration to AI modeling to deployment. You will write code and use MATLAB Online to annotate time series biomedical signals automatically; apply advanced signal pre-processing techniques for feature extraction; train deep learning models using CNNs and LSTMs; and discuss interoperability with Python frameworks.

For details and registration, go to 

This is a hands-on introductory workshop focused on fostering best practices for data organization in spreadsheets. Participants will learn how to organize their data to prioritize clarity, reproducibility, and interoperability, such that they can seamlessly load their data later into an analysis program. The spreadsheet programs covered will be Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. The examples explored will be from the field of Social Sciences, but the principles are relevant for any discipline that collects data in spreadsheets. No previous experience with spreadsheets or programming is required.

For details and registration, go to

Machine learning (ML) algorithms use computational methods to “learn” information directly from data without relying on a predetermined equation as a model. In this hands-on workshop, you will use MATLAB to apply ML techniques to Signal data. Topics include fundamentals of ML (supervised learning, feature extraction, and hyperparameter tuning); building and evaluating ML models for classification and regression of signals; automatic hyperparameter tuning and feature selection to optimize model performance; and, deploying ML models.

For details and registration, go to 

Vagabond Productions is holding auditions for Twelfth Night on November 3, 4, and 5 in the Steel Recital Hall from 7 to 9 pm on each date. 

Everyone is welcome.

This is a reminder that the UPEI Biosafety Policy requires that all principal investigators confirm the security and complete inventory of all biohazardous materials being used or stored. This confirmation is due in November of each year.

Inventory records must be kept up to date throughout the year. Any inventory discrepancies noted during an annual lab inspection may lead to an in-depth inventory audit by the biosafety committee.

To confirm your inventory is up to date, take the following steps:

1. Access your inventory at

2. Review your inventory record and update if/as necessary. Confirm the accuracy and your approval of the inventory record by following the steps listed below.

  • Select User Menu (top right of screen), then My account (from the left side of the drop-down screen).
  • Click Edit (just below the username).
  • Click on Information (on the top right section of the screen).
  • Scroll down this page. Below the box with the phone number, you will notice a box next to I accept. If you have not already done so, please read this section and, if you agree, please check this box.
  • To report your inventory is up to date, please enter the date that you confirm this in the 2022 box. Please use the yyyy/mm/dd format.
  • Hit Save! Task completed.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you are not yet a user of this site but store or use biohazardous materials, please contact me to arrange access.

Rhoda Speare

Biosafety Officer

Phone 620-5071; E mail:

The UPEI Recruitment and First Year Advisement team is hosting a Fall Open House 2022 this Friday, November 4, 2022, from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm.

This will be the first in-person Open House since 2019 on the UPEI campus, and we are expecting a great group of prospective students to attend.

We will host a number of different events for prospective high school students, including

  • faculty information sessions
  • programs and services information sessions
  • campus, residence, and athletics tours

All registered attendees will have the $50 UPEI application fee waived for this day only.

Register for the event today!

UPEI Recruitment and First Year Advising

The UPEI Experiential Education Department is offering several events this November designed to help UPEI students and alumni with employment skills, and career preparation and development. If you are offering anything with a career connection, we would be happy to add it to our calendar of events and help promote it. 

Please email with information about your career-related event. 

  • Are you a current UPEI graduate student?
  • Do you work with biohazardous material as part of your research?
  • Do you want to contribute to the research community and biosafety at UPEI?
  • Would you like to gain valuable experience (looks great on a CV!) and be the student voice on a committee composed of UPEI Faculty and staff?

The UPEI Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is seeking a volunteer graduate student member to join the IBC for a two-year term! The IBC meets monthly to review biosafety permit applications and discuss other issues related to biosafety on campus.

For more information about this exciting opportunity or to express your interest, please contact Stephanie Palmer, Research Compliance Coordinator, at by Friday, November 18.

Please pass on this information to anyone who might be interested!

Teach, Learn, Japan!

The Montreal JETDesk is pleased to announce its final 2023 Japan Exchange and Teaching Program ( Zoom information session, scheduled on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at 6 pm AST. The application deadline for the 2022 JET program is Monday, November 14, 2022.

Registration is mandatory to obtain the Zoom link to the information session of your choice. Sign up early to secure your virtual spot!
Registration form link:


UPEI is partnering with the Canada Games Host Society during the 2023 Canada Winter Games from February 18 to March 5, 2023, and they need volunteers! From scorekeepers and ushers to drivers and bloggers, it will take thousands of people working together to plan and support all the athletic and cultural events during the Games.  

UPEI has developed Guidelines for Volunteer Leave for the 2023 Canada Winter Games. UPEI employees who wish to volunteer are eligible to apply for up to 15 hours of paid time off to volunteer for the Games. To learn more and apply to be a volunteer, visit the 2023 Canada Winter Games Volunteer Portal.

Monday, November 14, is World Diabetes Day, and the theme this year is "Education to Protect Tomorrow."  Approximately 16,000 Islanders are living with diabetes; 95 per cent have type 2 diabetes. If diabetes is unmanaged or undiagnosed, individuals living with it could experience complications that are challenging and potentially life-limiting.  To learn more, check out Diabetes Canada's website.

For more information about PEI's provincial diabetes program, go to

To screen and understand your risk of developing diabetes, visit

If you think you are at risk of having diabetes, visit the UPEI Health and Wellness Centre for a blood glucose check.

The UPEI Department of Music will present a faculty recital, "Autumn Colours," featuring string players Jeffrey Bazett-Jones (viola), Sean Kemp (violin), and Natalie Williams Calhoun (cello); Magdalena von Eccher (piano); and Karem Simon (clarinet) presenting music by Mozart, Stravinsky, and Brahms. Tickets are $30 for adults and $20 for students and may be purchased at the admissions desk.

Vagabond Productions is holding auditions for Twelfth Night on November 3, 4, and 5 in the Steel Recital Hall from 7 to 9 pm on each date. 

Everyone is welcome.

The UPEI Events Calendar is the perfect place to promote your student, staff, faculty, or campus-related event on the website!

Anyone with a email address can log into the website and create an event to help spread the word to the UPEI campus community. Your event will appear in the complete list of UPEI events and on the UPEI homepage as the actual date of your event approaches.

Visit the Submit a Campus Notice or UPEI Calendar Event page to add events that are UPEI "owned" or hosted, or is affiliated with UPEI.

Questions? Contact

Overview: This course will give employees and managers a better sense of how to fully support LGBTQ+ members within the workplace. From discussions around inclusive concepts, terminology, and vocabulary to how to create a fully positive space within the workplace, this course will teach behaviours that can help bring diversity and inclusion into the modern workplace. Diversity and inclusion are essential for building a modern, high-performing workplace!​

Designed for: Anybody--from employees to executives, to managers and entrepreneurs

Type of Delivery: In-person

Duration: One course for a total of six (6) hours

Facilitators: Tracy Stretch

For more information, go to 

  • Are you a current UPEI graduate student?
  • Do you work with biohazardous material as part of your research?
  • Do you want to contribute to the research community and biosafety at UPEI?
  • Would you like to gain valuable experience (looks great on a CV!) and be the student voice on a committee composed of UPEI Faculty and staff?

The UPEI Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is seeking a volunteer graduate student member to join the IBC for a two-year term! The IBC meets monthly to review biosafety permit applications and discuss other issues related to biosafety on campus.

For more information about this exciting opportunity or to express your interest, please contact Stephanie Palmer, Research Compliance Coordinator, at by Friday, November 18.

Please pass on this information to anyone who might be interested!

The Campus Peer Support Program is a pilot project funded by Health Canada and jointly managed by the UPEI Department of Student Affairs and the Canadian Mental Health Association - PEI Branch. Based on the principle that the individual with lived experience in substance use and mental health issues can be trained to leverage their experience to help others, the program aims to develop a curriculum, provide training, and offer services to students on campus. If you are a student, or know students who might be interested, you can learn more about peer support from our webpage: Those interested in working for the program are encouraged to apply by November 8 via the UPEI HR portal: Contact James Reddin ( or Connor Murphy ( with any inquiries.

The CPA Atlantic School of Business, in partnership with the Experiential Education Department, will be hosting an in-person information session for all students interested in becoming chartered professional accountants.

Event date: Thursday, November 3
Time: 10:30--11:30 am (ADT)
Location: Main Building, Room 310

All students interested in becoming an accountant are encouraged to attend this session. 

Students can learn more and register on Eventbrite. Any questions, please email

Mentor applications for the Study & Stay PEI program are now open! If you are passionate about sharing your knowledge, skills, and experience with international students in Prince Edward Island, this volunteer opportunity is for you! Please sign up at

As a mentor, you will

  • meet with your assigned student at least four times between January and June 2023;
  • share your knowledge, skills, advice, and connections;
  • work one-on-one with your mentee to support their professional learning goals;
  • give your mentee feedback on areas of strength and improvement;
  • be open and responsive to questions related to working in the province;
  • be available to support your student in their professional journey.

Meetings will typically last an hour and can be conducted in person (following the public health guidelines), online, or by phone.

If you enjoy spending time with international students while helping them better understand PEI's workplace culture, we invite you to apply to become a mentor today! Please contact us at if you have any questions. Thank you!