CSE Hiring Information Session
What if you could gain student work experience that will benefit you for the rest of your career? At the Communications Security Establishment (CSE), you can.
CSE is currently hiring and will be holding an information session for students on Monday, May 8th at 12pm in the Cass Science Hall, room 101.
This is open to all students, as they have openings for a wide range of fields. For more information on their available work terms placements, please visit the following web site:
Soup to Send a UPEI Student Abroad
Come out for a delicious soup lunch, and to support Fallon in her LAST fundraising event for her trip to the International Seminar in Bolivia. For more information about the International Seminar to Bolivia, https://uniterra.ca/en/volunteering/international-seminar.
MENU: Creamy roasted garlic and potato soup, vegan chili, rolls.
2017 Presidential Awards - Celebration of Colleagues
All UPEI faculty and staff are invited to attend the "Celebration of Colleagues" on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm, in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre.
Come early to socialize as we celebrate the achievements of our friends and co-workers at UPEI. Refreshments will be served! At 2:30 pm, the 25-Year Service Awards and The Presidential Awards of Merit for Faculty and Staff will be presented.
For further details on the awards, please visit: http://www.upei.ca/president/presidential-recognition-awards-merit.
Hope to see you there!
Convocation Mass
UPEI Community is invited to join our 2017 Graduates with their families and friends at a Mass of Thanksgiving to celebrate their accomplishments and to wish them well. Bishop Richard Grecco will be here with Fathers John Lacey and Charlie Chevere.
Science Graduate Research Day
Mark your calendars to attend Science Graduate Research Day on Monday, May 8. Over twenty graduate students from the Faculty of Science will present posters and talks on their thesis research.
Dr. Justin Moores and Dr. Kimberley Johnstone from SYNAPSE are the keynote speakers and PEI BioAlliance and WISE-Atlantic are the sponsors of the day's awards.
A special closing reception at 4:00 pm will recognize Best Poster and Presentations and celebrate our Faculty of Science graduates receiving their MSc and PhD degrees at convocation.
Monday, May 8, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
School of Sustainable Design Engineering room 128A/B
This is an event about graduate research in science, engineering and innovation not to be missed, all are welcomed!
Richard Haines Thesis Defence
Richard Haines will present his Master of Education thesis defence on Tuesday, May 16 at 7:00 pm at Charlottetown Rural High School (cafeteria stage).
Thesis Title: "Treading the Boards: Examining Teacher Identity and Engagement in Drama Education”. All are welcome to attend.
2017 PEI Nursing Research to Practice Conference
The University of Prince Edward Island and Health PEI welcomes participants from across the Island to its 13th annual nursing research conference held on the UPEI campus. This year, the conference keynote speaker is Dr. Tara Sampalli, Director of Research and Innovation, Primary Health Care and Chronic Disease Management at the Nova Scotia Health Authority and assistant professor of Medical Informatics at Dalhousie University.
The conference theme this year is "Innovative Practice: Improving the Patient and Family Experience.
Visit the event website for more information.
Pan-Canadian Conference on UDL: Keynote Presentation
Join us for the keynote presentation from Christina Bosch and a reception at the Second pan-Canadian Conference on UDL, May 31 at 6 pm in the W.A. Murphy Centre at UPEI. Bosch employs User Experience Design methods to investigate instruction and learning in juvenile corrections, and to co-design, with users, inquiry-based UDL curricula to meet the unique learning needs of incarcerated youth. Through a shared focus on removing barriers to the achievement of goals, UDL and UX in education implicitly recognize a ubiquitous international value in education systems: transferability of experience. Inclusive education adopts this value but rejects the idea of “disposable populations” and aims to facilitate high-quality participation amongst all learners in the interactions and relationships that constitute learning environments. Bosch will examine how the UDL and UX frameworks begin to bridge the well-known gaps in education—between research versus practice, static versus transferable learning, learners versus teachers—by offering accessible, collaborative methods of designing with, rather than just for, learners.
More information or to register for the conference, visit event website.
Keynote: Preventing Behaviour Problems in Cats
Everyone is invited to a public presentation by Dr. Lynne Seibert, as part of the Animal Welfare in Practice: Feline Behaviour conference (September 22-23) co-hosted by the Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre and the AVC Animal Welfare and Feline Clubs, with support from the Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada.
Dr. Lynne Seibert is Diplomate with the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists and is owner of Veterinary Behavior Consultants, Roswell, Georgia.
The Friday evening presentation is free and open to the public; to register for Saturday sessions, visit upei.ca/awc or contact: animalwelfare@upei.ca
SDU Class of 1961 & 1962 Breakfast
Join your classmates from 1961 and 1962 for this annual Reunion Weekend event at Red Shores Racetrack and Casino, Kensington Road, Charlottetown.
Visit the Reunion Weekend webpage for more information and the full schedule.