Veterans Affairs Canada and UPEI forge new partnership

UPEI and Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) signed a memorandum of understanding today to explore ways in which the two organizations can collaborate in clinical services, recruitment, training and educational services. The following is a media release issued by VAC following the signing ceremony, which was held at UPEI’s Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering:  

15 January 2020 – Charlottetown, P.E.I. – Veterans Affairs Canada 

Mammals Book Launch at Eptek Centre

A book launch and talk celebrating Mammals of Prince Edward Island and Adjacent Marine Waters will be held in the Eptek Centre in Summerside on Sunday, February 2, from 2 to 3:30 pm. This long-overdue book provides a comprehensive guide to the Island’s terrestrial and marine mammals. Rooted in historical accounts and local research, it illuminates the lives of PEI mammals large and small. From the little brown bat to the Sowerby’s beaked whale, this book highlights each species in illustrated detail and outlines the continued need for conservation efforts in this province. 

STRIDE: Supporting Diversity in Leadership at UPEI

Co-hosted by the UPEI Student Union, and UPEI Experiential Education Office, STRIDE is a one-night event organized for diverse students who are interested in pursuing leadership on campus. STRIDE will provide hands-on, skill-building activities such as, Conceptualizing Leadership, Public Speaking, and Self-Advocacy. These engaging activities will provide STRIDE's diverse participants the tools to pursue elected, or hired leadership at UPEI.

Applications open for AVC’s Dr. Tim Ogilvie AVC Vet Camp

The Atlantic Veterinary College is accepting applications for its popular Dr. Tim Ogilvie AVC Vet Camp, which will be held in July 2020. During each of the four one-week camps, participants will get a taste of what being a veterinarian is like. They will learn about animals, meet others who share their love of animals, and take part in fun, educational activities.

Agreement Signing: Veterans Affairs Canada and UPEI

Please join the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, and Dr. Alaa Abd-El-Aziz, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Prince Edward Island as they participate in an event highlighting the new partnership agreement between Veterans Affairs Canada and the University of Prince Edward Island.

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UPEI Multicultural Choir and Song Circle

The UPEI Multicultural Choir and Song Circle resumes rehearsals Wednesday 4:30, Faculty Lounge,  SDU Main Building.  This is a non-audition group that learns and sings songs from the many cultures represented at UPEI.  All members of the UPEI community - students, staff, and faculty are welcome.  Instruments also welcome.  Take this opportunity to have a break, relax, meet new friends, and share the cultures of the world through song.