AVC welcomes Class of 2024

The Class of 2024 received a warm welcome to the Atlantic Veterinary College and the start of their education in veterinary medicine in September, albeit in a different form than usual.
In a normal year, the College’s first-year veterinary students are welcomed in late August with a Blue Coat dinner and cloaking ceremony, attended by family and friends. The students are presented with a blue lab coat, signifying the start of their education in veterinary medicine. They wear their blue coats, which are sponsored by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, throughout their four-year program.
But this year is anything but normal because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Public health guidelines restrict the size of gatherings, so AVC found another way to welcome and celebrate its new students within those guidelines.
In lieu of a dinner, four blue coat presentation events were held over two evenings in the College’s McCain Foundation Learning Commons. The students were divided into four groups, with two groups receiving their blue coats during separate events each evening. Physical distancing was observed, and masks were worn by all in attendance.
AVC Dean Greg Keefe welcomed the students to AVC, noting that COVID-19 has had a drastic impact on virtually all aspects of everyone’s lives.
“Because of the pandemic, we have had to change the way we teach and work,” he said. “I thank you for your understanding and patience as we work through this new environment. I know that some of you faced challenges to actually get here because of border restrictions. I applaud your dedication and perseverance.”
He noted that this may be a more challenging year than usual for the students because of the pandemic and encouraged them to take advantage of support services and programs in place at AVC and at UPEI to help them adjust to their new program and their new home.
Dr. Keefe expressed his thanks to the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association for supporting the students by sponsoring their blue coats.