Virtual Open House

UPEI is hosting a Virtual Open House for prospective students on on Monday, April 20, at 1 pm. The University’s recruitment team will be live on Facebook to answer questions. See the campus, learn about some of our programs and services, and sign up for a chance to win a terrific UPEI prize!

Message from the President: Supporting and taking care of one another

This message was distributed to UPEI students, faculty, and staff on April 16, 2020 to their emails. While we will continue to update our COVID-19 website, the latest news will be first shared with the UPEI community by email and notifications will be sent by UPEI SAFE, the University’s safety app (available on The App Store and Google Play).

UPEI Nursing students volunteering to support Island health-care providers

Students from UPEI’s Faculty of Nursing are joining with nursing and medical students across Atlantic Canada to support health-care providers. This student-led initiative includes students from UPEI’s Nursing Society, Memorial University’s Medical Society, and the Dalhousie University Medical Society.

Student volunteers will be matched with health-care providers who need help with child care, running errands, pet care, and other tasks, to provide support and relief during the increased workload of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Message from the President: Signs of Spring

This message was distributed to UPEI students, faculty, and staff on April 9, 2020 to their emails. While we will continue to update our COVID-19 website, the latest news will be first shared with the UPEI community by email and notifications will be sent by UPEI SAFE, the University’s safety app (available on The App Store and Google Play).

Dear Members of the University Community,

100 per cent success rate for UPEI accounting grads at the Common Final Examination

Graduates from UPEI’s Faculty of Business accounting specialty had a perfect success rate on the most recent round of the Common Final Examination (CFE). The CFE is the final examination to qualify for the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation in Canada and is the culmination of a rigorous two-year graduate level program. Each of the 2017 UPEI grads who wrote the test passed.

Clayton Smith (BBA 2017) achieved a first for Prince Edward Island, scoring in the top one per cent of all writers in Canada. More than 8,700 candidates wrote the 2019 CFE.

Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering produces PPE

The UPEI Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering (FSDE) has launched a project to produce personal protective equipment (PPE) for health care workers on Prince Edward Island should a shortage occur because of the ongoing COVID-19 situation.

This initiative arose from a meeting between Dr. Kathie McNally, Director of Health Services, PEI Department of Health and Wellness; Todd Gillis, Director of Materials Management at Health PEI; and a team of FSDE faculty, and technical and engineering staff.

Jenna Mae Ellsworth and Owen Headrick named UPEI athletes of the year

UPEI’s Department of Athletics and Recreation celebrated the 2019–2020 season at the 51st annual UPEI Athletic Awards “Gala” on Friday, April 3 and Saturday, April 4, recognizing outstanding student-athletes who have excelled in sport, the classroom, and serving the community. Because the student-athletes and coaches couldn’t gather in person, Panthers around the world were able to follow this year’s awards on the UPEI Athletics and Recreation’s Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram social media channels.

Message from the President: Let's take comfort in our united UPEI front

This message was distributed to UPEI students, faculty, and staff on April 3, 2020 to their emails. While we will continue to update our COVID-19 website, the latest news will be first shared with the UPEI community by email and notifications will be sent by UPEI SAFE, the University’s safety app (available on The App Store and Google Play).