Special Guest Lecture: Think tanks, universities and thought leadership in Canada

Who: Brian Lee Crowley, Managing Director, MacDonald-Laurier Institute When: 2 pm, Monday, 28 May Where: 243 Don and Marion McDougall Hall, UPEI, 550 University Ave, Charlottetown Think tanks are emerging as a major player in public policy thinking throughout the western democracies. Universities, on the other hand, seem to see their relative influence diminishing. Why might that be? Can and should universities try to reverse this trend? Or is this part of a growing institutional specialization that cannot now be changed?

Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue Course

AVC will host a Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue (TLAER™) course from July 5-7, 2012--the first time that this program is being offered in Canada. Participants will learn about the latest “heavy animal rescue” techniques and equipment from Dr. Tomas Gimenez and Dr. Rebecca Gimenez who developed and teach the course. The course is designed for emergency responders such as firefighters, police and rescue teams, as well as animal rescue organizations, large animal veterinarians and veterinary technicians, and large animal owners and transporters. For information about the course and registration fees, please contact Dr. Erica Koch, AVC Ambulatory Equine Service, at (902) 393-6104 or ekoch@upei.ca. Visit http://avc.upei.ca/atlantic-veterinary-college-offers-technical-large-an... for more information.

Walk to Fight Arthritis

Register for FREE and set your fundraising goal to win incentive prizes! You are encouraged to raise at least $100 in donations. If you raise $100 or more you will receive an official Walk to Fight Arthritis t-shirt on event day. Check out other great prizes you can win by clicking here. Event Details Date: Sunday, June 10, 2012 Walk Location: University of PEI Outdoor Track Address: 550 University Ave. Charlottetown MAP Distance: 1 km or 5 km Registration Open: 12:00 p.m. Walk Start Time: 1:00 p.m.