Be Well: Get a Fresh Start
The Be Well is a series of monthly sessions open to all students who want personal help, support and advice to further academic, personal or spiritual endeavors. The first "Be Well" session will be put on by James Reddin on January 16 at 11:30 am.
This will be a group discussion based session and will look at helping you make the second term of this academic year the term you really want to have by getting started early on the things you want to do.
Please call 902-566-0488 to register for this free session.
Innovation and Advanced Learning News Conference
You are cordially invited to join Allen Roach, Minister Innovation and Advanced Learning, John Eden, CEO of Discovery Garden, and Dr. Wendy Carroll, Workforce Strategies Resource Group, UPEI for a new program funding announcement for business and its employees.
Be Well: Spiritual Wellness
Join Sister Sue Kidd for the second Be Well session on spiritual wellness.
Often we focus on intellectual and physical health, forgetting our spiritual needs. This talk will address some of the spiritual needs we encounter as well as the physical needs that may impact our wholeness and healthy well-being.
Please call 902-566-0488 to register for this free session.
Biomedical Sciences & Pathology and Microbiology Seminar
SPEAKER: Collin Arens, Biomedical Sciences
TITLE: Sub-lethal effects of oil sands development on white sucker (Catostomus commersonii) in the Athabasca watershed.
Oncology Case Presentations
The Centre for Life-Long Learning is pleased to be partnering with the Atlantic Veterinary College to host an upcoming workshop - Oncology Case Presentations and Chemotherapy Administration Safety and Techniques. This one-day workshop will include 5 hours of interactive oncology case presentations and a 2-hour lab on chemotherapy administration safety and techniques.
The lecturers will present real life cases and show how the cases were diagnosed and treated. Best practices for FNA, incisional and excisional biopsies will also be presented. The faculty panel presenting is composed of a medical oncologist, a clinical pathologist and a small animal surgeon.
Lectures and laboratories are opened to veterinary students, veterinary nurses and veterinarians.
Dr. Valerie MacDonald-Dickinson, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (oncology)
Dr. Noel Clancey, BSc, DVM, MVSc, Dipl ACVP
Dr. Pierre Amsellem, Doct. Vet., MS, Dip. ACVS and ECVS
Cost: $399 plus GST
Special Rate for AVC Students and Veterinary Technicians: $125 plus GST
For more information, or to register,call call 902-566-0336 or visit the course website:
Difficult Dialogues - Student Conference
A student conference titled "Difficult Dialogues: Exploring Relationships Between Identities and Power" will take place on February 8 and 9. Students from five regional universities, including UPEI, will present papers on a number of topics relating to the conference theme. See for more information.
"Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit of Gender"
A public talk by noted author, performer, educator, storyteller, S. Bear Bergman. Bear Bergman is the keynote speaker for the "Difficult Dialogues" student conference. See for more information.
Chemistry Seminar
Visiting Professor Dr. Frank (Hein) Schaper, Chemistry Department, University of Montreal will present a seminar on Monday, January 14 at 12:30 pm.
Dr. Schaper’s presentation is entitled “Complex Geometry and Catalyst Performance in
Rac-lactide Polymerization with Diketiminate Complexes.”
The seminar will be held in Room 128 in the KC Irving Chemistry Centre.
AVC Seminar Series Presentation
The next seminar in the series being presented at AVC for 2012-2013 will be held on Thursday, January 17th at 3:00 pm in rooms 286B & 286C N in the McCain Foundation Learning Commons.
Dr. Trina Bailey, Assistant Professor in the Department of Companion Animals, AVC will present "How to Train Your Dragon (oops surgeon) - Observations from a Novice."
Training DVM students in surgical skills is a challenge. This presentation will outline the present small animal surgical training program, and how is has been changed from the previous program. The presentation will outline ideas such as outcomes assessment, new laboratory modules and new clinical techniques in the VTH which have helped improve surgical training at the AVC. We will also discuss the differences between training DVM students, interns and residents in veterinary surgical skills and how the combination of training programs appear to benefit each other, as well as the faculty involved in delivering the training.
Learn 2 Run
Have you always wanted to "Learn to Run" but felt you did not know how? UPEI Athletics and Recreation in partnership with the Charlottetown Parks and Recreation and Go PEI is offering a 10 week L2R 5K program at the UPEI Indoor Track!
START DATE: Tuesday, January 22, 2013
TIME: 6:00pm (meet in lobby upstairs)
LOCATION: UPEI Sports Centre Indoor Track
Brief overview of the program:
- 10-week beginner program is designed to help you build the stamina to learn to run (walk-to-run 5K)
- The group meets once per week with a leader, and you will continue the program 2-3 days on your own
- Education sessions will be included every week where you will learn tips on proper equipment / footwear, breathing and nutrition
- A 10-week running guide will be provided
For more information and to pre-register, please contact Janice Robertson at or call 566-0305.