MHW 2018: Beyond Accommodations

In this presentation by Dr. Frederic Fovet, he will explore the use of Universal Design Learning (UDL) as a lens when designing instruction and evaluation methods that do not exacerbate mental health issues. Coffee and sweets kindly provided by the Office of the CIO. View the full schedule for UPEI Mental Health Week 2018

MHW 2018: Cyber Wellness

Social media is inescapable, so let’s learn to use it well! Join Tayte Willows of the Canadian Mental Health Association to talk about cyber wellness and how to take control of your mental health online. Snacks provided by UPEI Marketing and Communications. View the full schedule for UPEI Mental Health Week 2018

MHW 2018: Building Bridges—Collaborating at Work

Presented by Morneau Shepell  Having to work with others is a common requirement in the workplace. When collaboration successfully occurs, you feel positive, productive and willing to face any challenge. This session will build on the notion that cooperation and building bridges can be learned and should be practiced. It will teach participants the key elements of teamwork and provide them with the opportunity to practice collaboration-building techniques. In addition, a staff member will also speak about her personal experience using the Morneau Shepell's Employee and Family Assistance Program, and its benefits. Light refreshments kindly provided by UPEI's Office of Experiential Education and Work Integrated Learning. View the full schedule for UPEI Mental Health Week 2018

MHW 2018: How to Write a Self-Reflective Narrative

Join Dr. Wendy Shilton and Adrienne Montgomery Murchison for "Dear Inspiring Self: How to Write a Self-Reflective Narrative" and learn about the importance of taking time for self-reflection, and the stages of writing a “reflective narrative” to help feel more grounded, focused, and connected to yourself and others. Participants will have the opportunity to write an inspiring letter to themselves within this lighthearted and relaxed session: letters will be mailed out during the busy end-of-term and exam season for a message of positive reinforcement, and reminder to be mindful and kind to oneself during times of stress. Writing materials and refreshments (coffee/tea/sweet treats) kindly provided by the Office of the Registrar. View the full schedule for UPEI Mental Health Week 2018

MHW 2018: Therapy Dog Visit

Take a "paws" in your day and stop by to meet a couple of special dogs and their owners. Therapeutic Paws of Canada, PEI Division, is a non-profit organization of volunteers providing animal resources for human needs (physical, mental, educational, motivational, socialization) through regular visits to hospitals, residences, schools, etc. Drop by and say hi. View the full schedule for UPEI Mental Health Week 2018

MHW 2018: Glow Flow Yoga

Are you ready for a mind-glowing event? Enjoy a flow yoga session with a twist. It's a fun, upbeat, glow in the dark class featuring different variations of sun salutations and invigorating poses encompassing whole body and core. All levels are encouraged to attend. Be sure to wear light or neon colours for an even better experience! Cynthia Dennis, certified yoga instructor will lead you through class. Yoga mats provided. View the full schedule for UPEI Mental Health Week 2018

MHW 2018: Personal Story & Performance by Problematic

He goes by the name of Problematic, also known as Greg Macdonald, an Alternative Hip Hop artist with a unique storytelling twist. Greg’s life has not been an easy one. As a child, he experienced pain and adversity as a result of abuse, and later lost his best friend tragically in a fire. Trying to work through his pain and depression he turned to music where the creation and act of writing became his greatest outlet. Greg’s music, influenced by a wide variety of artists from Nickleback to Eminem and 2pac, is becoming increasingly popular and he is getting ready to release his debut album. Come hear his story, and listen to a few of his tracks -— you don’t want to miss this one! All ages are welcome, admission is free and snacks will be kindly donated by the International Relations Office. Check out this video for a sneak preview!    View the full schedule for UPEI Mental Health Week 2018