Anne in the City: LMM Studies/CLC Chair candidate presentation
Dr. Kate Scarth of Dalhousie University is one of three short-listed candidates for the inaugural Chair in L.M. Montgomery Studies and Communication, Leadership, and Culture.
Her presentation, "Anne of Green Gables in the City: Introducing Halifax's Literary Landmarks", is Thursday, March 30 at 6:30 pm in room 104 of UPEI's KC Irving Chemistry Centre.
Public talk: Dr. Alana Cattapan, Dalhousie University, "Hands Clean: On Purity and Power in Biomedical Research"
Dr. Alana Cattapan, Dalhousie University, will present a public talk entitled "Hands Clean: On Purity and Power in Biomedical Research" on Friday, March 10.
Please join us at 4:30 pm, in SDU Main Building, room 213.
This event is accessible, free, and everyone is welcome!
NSSE Survey Early Bird Prizes Third Draw
Six of UPEI students have already won $100 by completing the NSSE survey. The third early bird prize draw (three prizes valued at $100 each) will take place on Friday, March 10. The grand prize draw (valued at $500) will be in April.
First- and fourth-year students in Arts, Business, Nursing, and Science: If you have not responded to the survey yet, or if you have started the survey but have not yet finished it, it is not too late to complete the survey to be included in the next early bird prize draw on March 10 and in the grand prize draw. Check your UPEI email account for an email invitation to complete the survey today.
Thank you!
Departments of Biomedical Sciences & Pathology and Microbiology Seminar
Speaker: Jordan Poley, Department of Pathology and Microbiology
Title: Towards a model species: Lessons from salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)
Dreaming Big: What Should UPEI Be?
A campus-wide discussion for students and faculty on the theme of "Dreaming Big: What Should UPEI Be?" will be held on Thursday, March 23, 3:00-5:00, in Lecture Theatre A in the Atlantic Veterinary College. The discussion is sponsored by the Senate Committee for the Enhancement of Teaching (SCENT) and the Faculty Development Office (FDO) and is open to all students and faculty. This event is the culmination of SCENT's year-long focus on "What is University For?" and "Whom is University For?"
The session will begin with two-minute presentations by a panel that includes three students from different faculties and three Deans or their representatives. All those present will then explore this theme in small groups and propose ideas and initiatives concerning what UPEI should be now and in the years ahead. The afternoon will conclude with the groups sharing their ideas with everyone present.
SCENT and the FDO will follow up this meeting by presenting the ideas and proposals to the President of UPEI and other senior administrators and to the campus community through appropriate channels.
Please register by Thursday, March 16th by emailing Gerald at – but you are also welcome to attend if you don't register but find you have time on the day itself!
Autism Spectrum Disorder - A "how to" on working with students
Have you ever encountered a student who you know has difficulty communicating with you but you are just not sure how to approach the situation?
Please join Jaclyn Borden, Stars for Life Foundation, for an enlightening presentation and resources on working with students diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
This presentation will give a brief overview of the Autism Spectrum and how it affects individuals. It will discuss the characteristics and behaviours associated with autism, as well as the sensory issues often experienced by those on the spectrum.
UPEI Executive MBA Information Session
UPEI's Executive MBA Program hosts Information Session
UPEI’s Executive MBA program offers a high-quality learning experience for working business professionals. The program is designed for those working in, or aspiring to work, in a management or leadership position. Classes are offered bi-weekly on Fridays and Saturdays with the option to complete the program in 20 months.
To learn more about the program and to meet with staff, faculty and students from the School of Business, we invite you to attend the following information session:
Wednesday, April 5th
The Gallery @ The Guild
5 pm
Please call (902) 566-6474 or email to reserve a seat.
For more information on UPEI's EMBA Program, please visit
Soup for the Soul
This event is hosted by Food and Nutrition students for their Quantity Food Production lab.
Soups are: Chicken Fajita and Veggie and Rce
Don't miss the last Soup for the Soul gathering of the semester
The international Sustainable Development Agenda for 2030
This presentation will provide an overview of the Sustainable Development Goals which are the benchmarks for achieving the 2030 Development Agenda. Our speaker will explore the implications and challenges that fulfilling the agenda will require. It is nothing less than "an awakening of our human species to our relationships, responsibilities and interdependence with all created life and to the earth. Simply put - we need to wake up."
Speaker - M. Stacy Hanrahan CND
Main Representative for the Congregation of Notre Dame in its NGO relationship with the United Nations
Official Signing of the Contract Agreements
In celebration of the successful labour negotiations achieved in November 2016 and January 2017, Dr. Alaa Abd-El-Aziz, UPEI President and Vice-Chancellor; Dr. Nola Etkin, President, UPEI Faculty Association; and Ms. Tracy Carmichael, President, CUPE 1870, invite faculty and staff to come together for the official signing of the contract agreements.
Socialize with colleagues and enjoy refreshments on Thursday, March 16 at 3:00 pm in Schurman Market Square, Don and Marion McDougall Hall.
Let's build on the momentum as we continue to provide an exceptional learning environment and great service to our Island community!