EDCAMP: Open Education

The Faculty of Education at UPEI is delighted to host the second Edcamp Charlottetown. Edcamps are often described as 'un-conferences': democratic, free flowing gatherings with no predetermined speakers or session titles, Edcamps focus on channelling the voice of participants and exploring the themes that are relevant and pressing on the day. Edcamps are open to educators, students, and community members - anyone with an interest in education is welcomed.  ​Please join​  us on March 11th for this dynamic day of dialogue, networking and brainstorming. 2017 is the year of Open in learning and this has been chosen as a wide umbrella theme. We hope to trigger and nurture discussions on social justice, inclusion, access, UDL, technology, new literacies, social capital, critical pedagogy, educational reform and much more. Bring up the topics that are relevant to you in 2017 and invite your networks. To register or for more information, please visit us at Eventbrite Edcamp 2017 #EdcampCharlottetown This event is organized by Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Education, a unit committed to broadening the PEI dialogue on Access and Inclusion.  

NSSE Survey Early Bird Prizes Second Draw

Attention: First- and fourth-year students in Arts, Business, Nursing, and Science Three of your fellow students have already won $100 by completing the NSSE survey. However, if you have not completed the survey yet, it is not too late to do so and to be eligible for the next early bird prize draws and the final prize draw which is scheduled to take place on March 3, March 10, and mid-April respectively. Check your UPEI email account to complete the survey today! Thank you!

Difficult Dialogues 3—a student conference

After the unfortunate postponing of this conference in February, because of a snowstorm, Difficult Dialogues 3 is rescheduled! Everyone is welcome to join us Friday March 10 and Saturday March 11 for this conference featuring students from UPEI and around the Maritimes. The conference begins Friday at 1:00pm with a number of panel sessions, the keynote speaker (Dr. Alana Cattapan, Dalhousie, ""Hands Clean: On Purity and Power in Biomedical Research") is at 4:30pm, and a "mic drop/open mic event" is at 6:00pm (in the Main Building Faculty Lounge). The conference continues Saturday, starting at 9:00am, with a number of sessions continuing through the day. Meeting and social space is in Main 520, all sessions are in Main 213. Everyone is welcome, all events are mobility accessible, and everything is free. For more information, see our website or our Facebook event page.

"Food insecurity and healthy public policy: a call to action”

Students in UPEI’s Department of Applied Human Sciences are hosting a panel discussion about food insecurity on Prince Edward Island. “A healthy ‘food Island’ for all? Food insecurity and healthy public policy: a call to action” will be held 7:00 pm, March 13 in the Wanda Wyatt Lecture Theatre in UPEI’s K.C. Irving Chemistry Centre. All are welcome. The panel will discuss the current state of food insecurity in PEI, its impact on one’s health and well-being, what current actions the government is taking  to address food insecurity, and future actions needed to address this growing problem. The panel includes: Dr. Valerie Tarasuk, Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto is the keynote speaker. Dr. Tarasuk is an acclaimed international researcher in food insecurity and is the lead researcher for PROOF, which has been providing reports on provincial and national data on food insecurity for the past several years. She will will review the current state of food insecurity in PEI and, drawing on evidence of what has worked in other jurisdictions, identify some potential policy options to address food insecurity here.  Dr. David Sabapathy, Deputy Chief Health Officer, Department of Health & Wellness, Government of PEI. Dr. Sabapathy will review current health status of Islanders compared to the rest of Canada, and the role that the social determinants of health play in Islander’s health. Jennifer Burgess, Department of Family and Human Services. Burgess will discuss initiatives that government has taken to reduce poverty and  food insecurity in PEI, and proposed future actions. Dr. Colleen Walton, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Human Sciences, University of Prince Edward Island. Dr. Walton will discuss her current food costing research in PEI and the need for ongoing monitoring as  part of the strategy to improve food security. The panel is organized by a group of UPEI senior Foods and Nutrition students, under the supervision of Dr. Jennifer Taylor. The event is supported by the Saint Dunstan’s University Institute for Christianity and Culture. For more information, contact Dr. Jennifer Taylor, jtaylor@upei.ca, or 902-566-0475.

Music Dept. Recital Series

The UPEI Music Department Recital Series 2016-2017 is pleased to present a senior recitals in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall, UPEI Campus, admission is free. Featuring Emily Proude, saxophone, in collaboration with Frances McBurnie, piano. Emily Proude is a student in the studio of Dr. Nicole Strum, this recital is presented in fulfilment of the requirements for UPEI Music 436. Emily will be performing works by Dubois, Bach, Bonneau, Tanaka and Creston. All are welcome to attend!

Music Dept. Recital Series

The UPEI Music Department Recital Series 2016-2017 is pleased to present a senior recitals in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall, UPEI Campus, admission is free. Featuring Johanna Vessey, clarinet, in collaboration with Frances McBurnie, piano, and Karen Graves, violin. Johanna is a student in the studio of Dr. Karem J. Simon. This recital is presented in fulfilment of the requirements for UPEI Music 436. Johanna will be performing works by Muczynski, Khachaturian, Brahms and Sutermeister. All are welcome to attend!

UPEI Blood Drive

The UPEI Blood Drive will take place in the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre on March 16, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. Appointments can be made by setting up a profile or downloading the Giveblood App.  Walk-ins will be accepted too! Eligibility questions may be answerd by calling 1-888-2-DONATE (1-888-236-6283). Donors must be at least 17 years of age and identification is required. It is highly recommended that donors be well hydrated and that they eat a sufficient meal prior to donating.  

Edcamp Charlottetown 2017

The Faculty of Education at UPEI is delighted to host the second Edcamp Charlottetown. Often described as 'un-conferences', democratic, free flowing gatherings with no predetermined speakers or session titles, Edcamps focus on channelling the voice of participants and exploring the themes that are relevant and pressing on the day. Edcamps are open to educators, students, and community members - anyone with an interest in education is welcomed. The 2016 #EdcampCharlottetown was an astounding success and we hope to have many of you with us on March 11th for this dynamic day of dialogue, networking, and brainstorming. 2017 is the year of "open in learning" and this has been chosen as a wide umbrella theme. We hope to trigger and nurture discussions on social justice, inclusion, access, UDL, technology, new literacies, social capital, critical pedagogy, educational reform, and much more. Bring up the topics that are relevant to you in 2017 and invite your networks. To register or for more information, please visit us on our Eventbrite Edcamp 2017 page.

Rescheduled: Candidate Presentation for Chair in LMM Studies and CLC

RESCHEDULED TO MARCH 24 Dr. Sarah Galletly, James Cook University, Queensland, Australia, is one of three short-listed candidates for the inaugural Chair in L.M. Montgomery Studies and Communication, Leadership, and Culture. All are welcome to attend her presentation, “'World famed Island novelist' and 'canny businesswoman': L. M. Montgomery’s presence in Canadian periodicals". Due to the University closure on March 23, Dr. Galletly's presentation has been rescheduled to 3:15 pm on Friday, March 24 in SDU Main Building, room 211.