Island Studies Lecture: Scale and Governance on Small Islands

The March Island Studies Lecture is Tuesday, March 28, at 7 p.m. in the SDU Main Building Faculty Lounge on the UPEI campus, featuring Dr. Peter Buker speaking about scale and governance, including its effects on small islands such as Prince Edward Island. The relation between a political jurisdiction’s scale and how well (or poorly) its government performs is seldom addressed in scholarly literature or in practice. However, scale does affect governance. This lecture addresses the question: How do size factors of population and geography relate to accountability and responsibility, to efficiency and effectiveness? Citing political theory, public administration, economics, and social “small-scale” literature, and taking into account technological advances, Dr. Buker will focus on how scale applies to governance. The implications, especially for small island jurisdictions such as Prince Edward Island, are many. For example, the case for and against Maritime Union can be explored by looking at the tension between small governing systems supporting reciprocal relations between their citizens and their government and large governing systems supporting one-way command relations. Dr. Peter Buker is Chair of General Studies at Yorkville University. He has a widely varied academic background in economics, politics, and community economic development, and considers scale to be one of the most important single factors affecting our experience as citizens. Admission to the lecture is free and everyone is welcome to attend. Please note, this event has been rescheduled to to weather. It was originally scheduled to occur March 14. Watch for details for another lecture about islands – near and far – April 18! For more information, please contact Laurie at or (902) 894-2881.  

Public Service Commission Info Session

Are you looking for a career in the Federal Public Service? Representatives from the Public Service Commission (PSC) will be on campus to answer your questions regarding the recruitment process for student and graduate programs. The Federal Government offers a wide variety of jobs from coast to coast, from field work and research, to positions in administration, IT, finance, policy, communications and many more! Come learn about how we proudly serve Canadians!

How Apps can be your reader, writer, and notetaker!

Important Information Session for faculty, staff, and students!   Do you wish you could have someone read your textbook to you? Would you rather "speak" your paper instead of writing it? Are you tired of taking notes in class?   Are you trying to help your students with any of these issues? If you answered yes (or maybe) to any of these questions, we have the session for you!! *Come check out the magic of some life changing adaptive technologies and Apps! Location: Andrew Hall 142 Time: 12:30 - 1:30 (with time for questions after) Date: March 15th, 2017 (this session is rescheduled from Feb. 8th) *We hope to see you there!

Cabane à Sucre (Sugar Shack)

The UPEI French Society is hosting a Cabane à Sucre (Sugar Shack) at UPEI to celebrate a French Canadian tradition and the maple syrup season.  All are invited to share a traditional Québécois breakfast in a jovial and convivial atmosphere. Breakfast cooked in Québécois style Traditional musical entertainment by Remi & Louise Arsenault + company Maple Taffy Kid-friendly games and activities Doorprizes Sugar Shack Tickets: $15 - adults $10 - kids (age 12 and under) $10 - UPEI students W.A. Murphy Student Centre, 550 University Avenue Hosted by the UPEI French Society in partnership with the UPEI Faculty of Education, the UPEI Student Union, and the Coopération d'Intégration Francophone of PEI. Tickets on sale Wednesday, February 22  - Contact OR  - Pick them up at the reception desk of the Carrefour de l'Isle-Saint-Jean Monday-Friday between 9 AM and 4:30 PM (cash only)

Campus Life Family Friendly Event with Let's Talk Science!

The Campus Life program is hosting this event for families. Let's Talk Science will be here to do fun experiments and projects with the kids, and we'll be showing the movie Meet The Robinsons.  Snacks will be provided, and there will be coffee and tea for parents. Current students, recently graduated students, staff, and faculty, are all invited to bring their kids/grandkids.    It is drop in, but parents are required to stay in the same area as their kids, as we are not a licensed daycare.     If you have any questions contact Elyse Cottrell at

AVC Wildlife Service to hold fundraising pub night

The AVC Wildlife Service will hold its first Midwinter Pub Night for Wildlife at Upstreet Craft Brewing, 41 Allen Street, Charlottetown, on Thursday, March 2, 2017, from 7–11 p.m. There will be an art raffle and silent auction to raise awareness of and funds in support of the Wildlife Service. For information, please contact Fiep de Bie, AVC Wildlife Service, at (902) 620-5166.