National Day of Mourning is Sunday, April 28—Flag half-masting notice

Each year on April 28 in Canada and over 100 countries, we mark the National Day of Mourning to remember those who have lost their lives or suffered injury or illness on the job or due to a work-related tragedy. It is also a day to collectively renew our commitment to improve health and safety in the workplace and prevent further injuries, illnesses, and deaths. 

UPEI launches $15-million “love our library” fundraising campaign to revitalize Robertson Library

The University of Prince Edward Island launched a $15-million fundraising campaign to revitalize the Robertson Library on Friday, April 26, as part of “Good News Week at UPEI.”

Private sector donors have already contributed $600,000 to the campaign, including two $100,000 leadership gifts, one from Grant Thornton and the other from the UPEI Alumni Association.

UPEI Faculty of Medicine kicks off fund- and friend-raising campaign

As part of “Good News Week at UPEI,” the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Prince Edward Island is excited to officially launch its fund- and friend-raising campaign. With generous gifts from many donors already in, there has been a total of $1 million raised for the $10-million campaign, which will support the University’s contribution to the ongoing construction of the $91 million state-of-the-art building on the UPEI campus.

Don and Marion McDougall donate a further $3 million to UPEI Faculty of Business

The University of Prince Edward Island honoured Dr. Don and Mrs. Marion McDougall at an event today after it was announced they will donate a further $3 million to the Faculty of Business. Immediately following the announcement, Dr. Greg Keefe, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor, revealed that the Faculty will now be known as the “McDougall Faculty of Business.”

Introductory programming: Unix Shell, Git, and Python

This beginner-level, hands-on series covers the fundamentals of Unix Shell, Version Control with Git and Python. This includes data types, conditional statements, loops, and functions, as well as program design, version control, data management, and task automation. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems. The goal is to teach the practical knowledge needed to start programming, debugging, and using Python in everyday tasks.

ACENET: Basics of computers

Most of us have experience using a computer, whether for school, work, or entertainment, but how many of us have actually had an expert teach us how to use it? This talk won't teach you how to troubleshoot everything, but it will give you insight to how media, programs, and data are encoded and used by computers, so you can make more sense of why computers behave the ways they do, and solve some of your problems with greater efficiency and less frustration.

UPEI coach part of Team Canada U17 female field hockey team for Netherlands tour

UPEI Panthers Field Hockey coach Lacey MacLauchlan was the Assistant Coach for Team Canada’s under-17 female team for a recent ten-day tour of the Netherlands. The trip marked her coaching debut with the national program.

MacLauchlan, who led the UPEI Panthers Field Hockey team to two Atlantic University Field Hockey League championships in 2022 and 2023, described her time with Team Canada as a rewarding experience and opportunity.