UPEI Green and White Day
Show your Panther Pride and your support of our UPEI Panther athletes by wearing your green and white on campus! On September 22, take a photo and post it to social media with the hashtag #UPEIHOCO for a chance to win some awesome UPEI swag!
Personal Emergency Preparedness presentation
As we enter this year’s hurricane season with the impacts of Hurricane Fiona still fresh in our minds, it is a perfect time to learn and review ways to ensure that, as University employees and as individuals, we are personally prepared for any future disruptive weather events.
UPEI’s Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation hosts Climate Forum 2023
UPEI’s Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation (CCCCA) in St. Peter’s Bay, PEI, is hosting Climate Forum 2023 from August 16 to 18.
Dr. Xander Wang, associate professor in the UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation, said the forum is bringing together world-leading researchers in climate-related fields to discuss the challenges of and opportunities for climate research.
Sessional Faculty Academy
The Teaching and Learning Centre is planning some 1.5-hour onboarding sessions for new(er) sessional instructors where you can learn about
Sessional Faculty Academy
The Teaching and Learning Centre is planning some 1.5-hour onboarding sessions for new(er) sessional instructors where you can learn about
Sessional Faculty Academy
The UPEI Teaching and Learning Centre is planning some 1.5-hour onboarding sessions for new(er) sessional instructors where you can learn about
Let's Talk Teaching: Harnessing AI to enhance students' learning
We all know that googling something isn’t research, and using generative AI to write a paper isn’t learning. In this session, however, we’ll discuss how AI, when used as a learning tool and not just to generate output, can positively affect teaching and learning.
Let's Talk Teaching: Harnessing AI to enhance students' learning
We all know that googling something isn’t research, and using generative AI to write a paper isn’t learning. In this session, however, we’ll discuss how AI, when used as a learning tool and not just to generate output, can positively affect teaching and learning.
"With hard work and attention to detail, you can conquer every obstacle you face."
What brought you to UPEI? Why did you choose to study here?
After high school I applied to various universities and was accepted, but ultimately decided to stay in my home country of Mauritius to pursue a civil engineering degree. But I felt something was missing, and I craved a more "hands-on" experience and a bigger picture of engineering.
Wait-time notifications to better serve AVC clients and patients
In response to the ongoing veterinary shortages across the Maritimes and elsewhere, the Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) Teaching Hospital took proactive measures this spring to adjust the hours of operation of the Small Animal Emergency Service.