Campus Notices

Facilities Management staff are in the process of setting up campus classrooms in preparation of the upcoming academic year.  We ask individuals using these spaces not to remove any furniture or change the current setup of the room.

If you require the furniture to be rearranged for your purpose, please ensure the classroom is left how you found it.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we prepare for an exciting new academic year.

Applications for the Co-operative Education program are now open. Students in the co-op program gain valuable career skills and paid, hands-on work experience in their field of study. 

Students can learn more and apply online on the co-op website

Applications close September 19th. 

For questions about the program, please email or call 902-566-0336.

If you're looking to brush up on your communications skills this fall and winter, we've got some great online courses for you!

Each course can be completed at your own pace, with new content added each week. The short assignments will help you develop a portfolio of your work AND you'll receive a digital badge for each course that you complete.

Click here for more information: or contact with any questions.

IT Systems and Services is preparing virtual student computer lab applications for the Fall 2021 Semester. We kindly ask that all Faculty and/or lab facilitators who require access to virtual lab applications for their courses please submit their requests via the form provided on the myUPEI portal.

Please complete this form if you are facilitating a course in the upcoming Fall 2021 Semester and your students will require virtual lab access to complete their course.

Please note that any virtual lab access previously provided for courses will be removed by August 30, 2021. If your students still require access during the Fall 2021 semester, please re-submit the above form.

In some specialized cases there may be costs and approvals associated with provisioning virtual labs, and in these cases ITSS will contact you to discuss next steps.

Blackboard Collaborate is web conferencing software that allows instructors to do many things to engage with their students. Use Blackboard Collaborate to record your teaching for days when your face-to-face class has been cancelled. Share your PowerPoint or use the interactive whiteboard, BlackBoard Collaborate allows you to set up a complete virtual classroom. It’s simple, easy, and reliable. 

August 26

10:00 am–11:00 am


Register for this session


The UPEI Work-Integrated Learning Department will be holding its annual Volunteer Fair on Wednesday, September 15, 2021 from 10:00 am–2:00 pm in McMillan Hall in the W. A. Murphy Student Centre. 

The Volunteer Fair invites organizations to meet students, share volunteer opportunities and recruit new volunteers. This event is FREE for organizations and students to attend. The event will be in-person and will follow all appropriate and applicable COVID-19 protocols.

If you or someone you know is part of an organization that is seeking volunteers, learn more and register for the fair using the online form linked below, or email

Registration form:

On Wednesday August 25, 2021, between 8 pm and midnight, UPEI IT Systems and Services will be changing the login page for Google services (Google Drive, Meet, Hangouts, etc.). During this time, you may experience issues or delays when attempting to access Google services. If you experience any issues during this time, please wait 15 minutes, then try again. 

What is Changing?

The current “Shibboleth Single Sign-On Service” page will be replaced with the “Microsoft Sign-In” page. The Microsoft sign-in page is the same page you would see when signing into your Outlook email and uses the same username and password. If you are having issues logging in to Google services after this change, please contact the ITSS Help Desk at


The UPEI Health and Wellness Centre will be offering a COVID-19 Vaccine clinic to all students, staff, faculty and families on September 10, 2021, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at McMillan Hall, main floor of the W.A. Murphy Student Centre. It is important to take your provincial health card or student ID with you. If you have already been immunized with a COVID-19 vaccine, please bring your records with you. Masks will be required for this event. 

The vaccine is free. The clinic will offer both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. A second clinic will be held in early November to provide a second dose for those just receiving their first dose on September 10th. 

NOTE:  Please review the following questions prior to arrival

1)  Do you have any symptoms of COVID 19?  If you do please go to a screening clinic and request a test for COVID-19.  DO NOT come to the Vaccine Clinic if you have symptoms of COVID-19.

2)  Have you had close contact (face-to-face contact) within 2 meters (6 feet) with someone who has COVID-19 symptoms?  If the answer is yes, ensure you wear a mask and practice good hand and respiratory hygiene.  DO NOT come to the clinic if you have symptoms.

3)  Have you been in contact in the last 14 days with a person confirmed to have COVID-19 or who is on self-isolation?  Follow the guidelines of the Government of Prince Edward Island.

4)  If you are vaccinated, have you travelled outside of the Atlantic Provinces in the last 8 days?  Follow the guidelines of the Government of Prince Edward Island.  If you are required to be isolating, please do not come to the clinic.

5)  If you are unvaccinated, have you traveled outside of PEI in the last 8 days? Follow the guidelines of the Government of Prince Edward Island.  If you are required to be isolating, please do not come to the clinic.

Please share this information with your support person!

Accessibility Services invites you to the UPEI Accessibility Services Support Person Online Presentation. Support people can include a student’s partner, parent, educational attendant, advocate, etc. This will be an excellent opportunity for you to learn more about Accessibility Services at UPEI and how you can support your student during their time here at UPEI. Topics will include:

  • Understanding the roles of the student, the support person, the professor and Accessibility Services

  • Protection of Privacy

  • Self advocacy and self determination

  • Available resources

  • The accommodation process

  • Grant for services and equipment

This online presentation will take place on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

If you are interested in attending this online session, please fill out this form:

Accessibility Services Support Person Presentation

(Note: Please ensure that you are signed into your UPEI email account when you fill out this form.)

Thank you!

The Accessibility Services team

Does your desktop look like the dogs dinner?

You can do a really quick clean (without actually cleaning it) by right-clicking anywhere on the desktop and selecting View. From there, click on Show Desktop Icons. This will hide everything--it's like stuffing everything under the bed or in a cupboard! You can undo this action simply by clicking Show Desktop Icons again.

The best way to organize your desktop is to use folders and then drag and drop icons from the desktop into the correct one.

Finally you can have Windows 10 do it for you. Right click anywhere on your desktop, select Sort by, and  then click Item type. This will automatically sort your files by type and put them together for you!

Keynote: Manifesto for the Future: My Hopes for the Post-Pandemic University with Brenna Clarke Gray. 

The pandemic has made urgently clear that the inequities of race, gender, class, ability, and sexuality that are baked into our experience of post-secondary education cannot be allowed to continue. And yet many additional violences have been done to our students over the last year, most notably through the rise — and normalization — of surveillance capitalist solutions in education. Leaning heavily on ethic of care thinking and a desire to find hope in this very dark time, this talk invites all participants to come and think together, plan a resistance, and ultimately imagine a better future for all of us.

The keynote will be followed by a 45-minute workshop taking participants through a guided reflection drawing on ideas from the keynote and experiences of teaching and learning during the pandemic. 

UPEI faculty and staff are invited to register in advance.  Register for the keynote and/or the workshop. 

Questions?  Contact

IT Systems and Services is preparing virtual student computer lab applications for the Fall 2021 Semester. We kindly ask that all Faculty and/or lab facilitators who require access to virtual lab applications for their courses please submit their requests via the form provided on the myUPEI portal.

Please complete this form if you are facilitating a course in the upcoming Fall 2021 Semester and your students will require virtual lab access to complete their course.

Please note that any virtual lab access previously provided for courses will be removed by August 30, 2021. If your students still require access during the Fall 2021 semester, please re-submit the above form.

In some specialized cases there may be costs and approvals associated with provisioning virtual labs, and in these cases ITSS will contact you to discuss next steps.

Blackboard Collaborate is web conferencing software that allows instructors to do many things to engage with their students. Use Blackboard Collaborate to record your teaching for days when your face-to-face class has been cancelled. Share your PowerPoint or use the interactive whiteboard, BlackBoard Collaborate allows you to set up a complete virtual classroom. It’s simple, easy, and reliable. 

August 26

10:00 am–11:00 am


Register for this session


The UPEI Scholarship and Awards Office is happy to announce that students are now able to apply to the 1st Semester Award Cycle electronically through UPEI’s new Scholarship and Award Application portal!  

The Scholarship and Award Application portal provides instructions on how to complete the application and guides students across the four-step submission process. Applications for the 1st Semester Award Cycle must be submitted through the new portal by October 1 for consideration.

Students are encouraged to contact with any questions about the new application portal or the upcoming 1st Semester Award Cycle.

Best of luck to all who apply!

Please share this information with your support person!

Accessibility Services invites you to the UPEI Accessibility Services Support Person Online Presentation. Support people can include a student’s partner, parent, educational attendant, advocate, etc. This will be an excellent opportunity for you to learn more about Accessibility Services at UPEI and how you can support your student during their time here at UPEI. Topics will include:

  • Understanding the roles of the student, the support person, the professor and Accessibility Services

  • Protection of Privacy

  • Self advocacy and self determination

  • Available resources

  • The accommodation process

  • Grant for services and equipment

This online presentation will take place on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

If you are interested in attending this online session, please fill out this form:

Accessibility Services Support Person Presentation

(Note: Please ensure that you are signed into your UPEI email account when you fill out this form.)

Thank you!

The Accessibility Services team

On Wednesday August 25, 2021, between 8 pm and midnight, UPEI IT Systems and Services will be changing the login page for Google services (Google Drive, Meet, Hangouts, etc.). During this time, you may experience issues or delays when attempting to access Google services. If you experience any issues during this time, please wait 15 minutes, then try again. 

What is Changing?

The current “Shibboleth Single Sign-On Service” page will be replaced with the “Microsoft Sign-In” page. The Microsoft sign-in page is the same page you would see when signing into your Outlook email and uses the same username and password. If you are having issues logging in to Google services after this change, please contact the ITSS Help Desk at


In-person Reserves are reopening for the Fall 2021 semester! Do you have print books, DVDs, or other items from the Library or your own collection that you want to make available for your Fall courses? Fill out a Reserves request form [fillable PDF] online or in-person at the Service Desk when dropping off the materials. For more information about the Library's Reserves service, visit

The Department of Pathology and Microbiology will be interviewing 3 candidates for the tenure track faculty position in Veterinary Parasitology.  

The third and final candidate, Dr. Jean Mukherjee, has over 20 years of experience in teaching, contract research, biosafety, infection control and management of a high security laboratory.  She has a broad teaching portfolio that includes veterinary and human microbiology, parasitology and pharmacology.  Her research has mainly focused on the development of antibody-based diagnostic and therapeutic agents and establishment and use of various animal models for evaluation of candidate biologic and small molecule therapeutics.  She has worked extensively with an array of biological toxins and pathogens, including, botulinum toxin, ricin, Cryptococcus neoformans, Clostridioides difficile, E. coli 0157 and ESKAPEE organisms.  More recently, she has been involved with vector surveillance and detection of potential pathogens.  During AY 2020-2021, she served as the course coordinator for VPM 2010 Bacteriology and Mycology and taught the helminthology section of VPM 1220 Parasitology within the Department of Pathology and Microbiology. 


Monday, August 23rd @ 10:30 am

Teaching seminar:  "A Helminth's Life"

Research seminar:  "Beyond Microbes....the Puzzle Pieces"

Both seminars will be presented in the same session.  

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 651 0356 0378

Passcode: 940687

Blackboard Collaborate is web conferencing software that allows instructors to do many things to engage with their students. Use Blackboard Collaborate to record your teaching for days when your face-to-face class has been cancelled. Share your PowerPoint or use the interactive whiteboard, BlackBoard Collaborate allows you to set up a complete virtual classroom. It’s simple, easy, and reliable. 

August 26

10:00 am–11:00 am


Register for this session


Please share this information with your support person!

Accessibility Services invites you to the UPEI Accessibility Services Support Person Online Presentation. Support people can include a student’s partner, parent, educational attendant, advocate, etc. This will be an excellent opportunity for you to learn more about Accessibility Services at UPEI and how you can support your student during their time here at UPEI. Topics will include:

  • Understanding the roles of the student, the support person, the professor and Accessibility Services

  • Protection of Privacy

  • Self advocacy and self determination

  • Available resources

  • The accommodation process

  • Grant for services and equipment

This online presentation will take place on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

If you are interested in attending this online session, please fill out this form:

Accessibility Services Support Person Presentation

(Note: Please ensure that you are signed into your UPEI email account when you fill out this form.)

Thank you!

The Accessibility Services team