Keynote Speakers and Titles
Thursday, June 27
9:35–9:40 am
Keynote speaker 1 introduction
Dr. Edward Chung, Asian Studies and KS Project Director, Professor of Religious Studies, and organizer of this conference, UPEI
9:40–10:25 am (including a 10-minute question-and-discussion period at the end)
Keynote speech 1
“Chinese and Korean Neo-Confucian Views on Not Transferring One’s Anger”
Dr. Philip J. Ivanhoe, Professor
Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA
Friday, June 28
9:15–9:20 am
Keynote speaker 2 introduction
Dr. Ivanhoe, Philip J., Chair and Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA
9:20:–10:00 am (including a 10-minute question-and-discussion period at the end)
Keynote speech 2 (videotaped talk)
“Mencius and Confucian Humanism: Korean and Global Perspectives”
Dr. Huang, Chun-chieh, Distinguished Chair Professor and formerly the Dean (2008–2017) of Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Republic of China (Taiwan)
Special acknowledgement
This conference is fully supported by UPEI’s international Lab Program for Korean Studies grant (AKS-2022-LAB-2230002) through the Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea and Korean Studies Promotion Service (KSPS), the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS).