Brown Bag Lunch

Title: University 100 & 103 UPEI Stories Showcase, Highlighting Student Voices Come and hear about the objectives, process and outcomes of our first year student project showcase. Our team will share how we encourage excellence and innovation in course project work and help students further develop their presentation skills through invited participation in the showcase. Facilitated by: The University 100 Team Thursday, January 26 12:00-1:00pm

Brown Bag Lunch

Title: Analytical Instrumentation at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution Analytical instrumentation is a broad field and to effectively teach a course in this area requires a considerable amount of resources, especially in terms of equipment/instrumentation. In addition, to keep up with the latest advances in this field, creative ways have to be devised in order to effectively teach the course. In this presentation the challenges involved in teaching analytical instrumentation will be discussed. Facilitated by: Dr. Rabin Bissessur Tuesday, February 1, 12:15-1:00pm

Teaching Dossier Workshop

Introduction to the Teaching Dossier The Faculty Development Office offers dossier workshops for faculty interested in compiling a file for tenure or promotion -- or simply for developmental purposes. This first workshop, delivered by Shannon Murray and Sue Dawson, introduces the principles of the teaching dossier, outlines the requirements for tenure and promotion in the Faculty Handbook, and suggests a variety of ways to present your teaching for others. This workshop is open to all, but registration is required. To register for this workshop, please email Krystal Mayne by January 17, 2011. If you have missed this deadline, please contact Krystal Mayne to see if there is space available.

Teaching Dossier Workshop

Writing a Statement of Teaching Philosophy In this Teaching Dossier Workshop participants will look at the statement of Teaching Philosophy, a standard but challenging item in a teaching dossier. Participants will begin the process of drafting that statement. This workshop is open to all, but registration is required. To register for this workshop, please email Krystal Mayne by January 17, 2011. If you have missed this deadline, please contact Krystal Mayne to see if there is space available.

Teaching Dossier Workshop

Preparing a Research Dossier Facilitated by Dr. Katherine Schultz, participants will learn ways to make the research portion of their tenure and promotion file accessible to a broad readership. This workshop is open to all, but registration is required. To register for this workshop, please email Krystal Mayne by January 17, 2011.

Brown Bag Lunch

Widening Horizons: Integrating International Perspectives Ms. McBride has extensive experience promoting internationalization – experience gained by leading policy development and advocacy efforts at the federal level, research initiatives on the strengths and challenges of internationalization in the Canadian university context, as well as numerous workshops at the national and institutional levels on strategies to improve internationalization efforts. Join her for a discussion on how to bring an international perspective to your classroom or your curriculum. Facilitated by: Karen McBride, President of the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE)

Departments of Biomedical Sciences & Pathology and Microbiology Seminar

SPEAKER: Heather Fenton, Department of Pathology and Microbiology TITLE: Not on porpoise: Estimating bycatch as a result of entanglement in fishing equipment as a cause of mortality of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phoceona) in Canada SPEAKER: Jessica Willis, Department of Biomedical Sciences TITLE: Foul oysters: Cryptosporidium sp. and Giardia duodenalis contamination and detection studies in the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica