Teaching with ePortfolios workshop

This workshop, lead by Megan MacKenzie, E-Learning Instructional Designer, will introduce participants to ePortfolios in the classroom.    ePortfolios can be used by students, staff, and faculty in a number of ways. By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: - distinguish between assessment, developmental, showcase, and archive ePortfolios; - identify and select an ePortfolio platform based on student and instructor needs; - consider the effective use of ePortfolios in the classroom; - assess the appropriate, inclusive, and accessible inclusion of ePortfolios in a classroom setting; - develop/design appropriate ePortfolio assessment.   The workshop will take place on Tuesday, August 16th from 2:00 - 3:30pm in HSB 106. Laptops and other devices are welcome! To register for this workshop, please complete this registration form:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdTBZrcoUJqT89ZFaUfpQkNICwDCly…

UPEI Science Undergraduate Research Conference

This year, UPEI will be holding its thirteenth annual UPEI Science Undergraduate Research Conference (USURC). This conference provides undergraduate students from UPEI an opportunity to present their summer research projects before their peers, supervisors, and a public audience. The confernce will begin at 9:00 am, and continue throughout the day. Students from a variety of Faculty of Science Departments will be presenting, including Biology, Chemisty, Physics, Mathematical and Computational Science, Engineering, and Applied Human Sciences.  

Family Friendly NSO Event

New students, current students, as well as recently graduated students, who have children, as well as staff and faculty at UPEI who have kids/grandchildren are invited to bring their children to the UPEI Family Friendly NSO event. Pregnant students are also welcome to attend! This is a great opportunity for students to network with each other, staff and faculty members, learn the support systems available to them and ask questions to other students who are also parents! There will be a "hunt" at noon (like an easter egg hunt), and Pride will be coming from 1pm-3pm, (you can take pictures with Pride), and we'll be showing a movie and will have crafts and snacks.   For more information see the Facebook event:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1724646247795328/   or contact Elyse at ecottrell@upei.ca

Visiting Professor Dr. Nancy Purdy to give presentation, Better Work - Better Care

Nancy Purdy, RN, PhD has an extensive background in clinical nursing settings, education, research, and leadership roles. She is an Associate Professor teaching in the undergraduate and graduate programs at the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University. Dr. Purdy's research interests center on empowering work environments, patient outcomes, leadership and program evaluation in education. The “Better Work, Better Care: Integrating Inter-Professional Perspectives” presentation describes an inter-professional research collaboration between the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Nursing, at Ryerson University. This context-sensitive model for innovation in healthcare work environments is formulated to integrate the three aims of efficiency, quality care and healthy work environments. An overview of studies planned and underway will be discussed including an intervention to test the innovation model and application of simulation modeling to health care. Networking and knowledge translation strategies will also be described.

NSERC’s Commitment to Gender Equity: Pursuing research excellence

NSERC’s Commitment to Gender Equity: Pursuing research excellence Anne Webb, Program Officer, Scholarships and Fellowships Women in Science and Engineering NSERC is conscious of and concerned about gender equity and diversity in natural sciences and engineering research. For decades, we have been implementing initiatives to increase women and girls’ participation in these fields. These initiatives are now being complemented by additional institutional commitments and a Council-wide action plan to increase gender equity as an element of research excellence. Our current strategic plan, NSERC 2020, has as one of the five strategic goals “Building a Diversified and Competitive Research Base” which includes gender equity as a key priority. This presentation addresses the current participation of women in science and engineering in Canada, what some of the equity issues are as NSERC understands them, and presents the initiatives and actions NSERC is committed to undertaking to increase gender equity in science and engineering research. Tea and coffee will be served Please rsvp to Lisa Sanderson, lmsanderson@upei.ca by Tuesday, August 16.

Blessed John Henry Newman Dinner

On October 21st, the Catholic Studies programme and the Canadian Catholic Students' Association will host the Second Annual Blessed John Henry Newman Dinner. Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, CEO of Salt and Light Media and English-Language Attache to the Holy See Press Office at the Vatican, will speak on "Cardinal Newman and Pope Francis: Restoring Citizenship to those in Exodus." Held in the SDU Class of 1954 Lecture Hall, School of Sustainable Design Engineering. Reception is at 6:00 pm with dinner to follow at 7:00 pm.   Tickets are $80/each of a table of ten is $750. For tickets, please visit SDU Main Building, room 293; call 902-566-0774; or email rdennis@upei.ca. Proceeds support joint educational initiatives of Catholic Studies and the CCSA -- partial tax receipt provided. Please join us for this special evening!

Molecular & Macromolecular Science Seminar - Dr. Ian Manners

Molecular & Macromolecular Science Seminar - Tuesday, August 16 Dr. Ian Manners, Professor of Inorganic and Materials Chemistry, University of Bristol will present a seminar on Tuesday August 16, 2016 at 1:00 pm.  The presentation is entitled, "Living Crystallization-Driven, Seeded Growth Approaches to Functional Supramolecular Materials".  The seminar will be held in the Kelley Memorial Building, Room 237.   All are Welcome!

AVC Open House

The public is invited to attend the Atlantic Veterinary College’s 28th annual Open House on Saturday, September 24, from 10 am until 2 pm.  A free event hosted by students, faculty and staff, AVC Open House offers the community an opportunity to get an inside view of a busy veterinary college. There is something for everyone including family-friendly activities, exhibits, live animal demonstrations, a parade of dog breeds, farm animals, community organizations, and much more. Come walk through a cow’s stomachs, dress like a surgeon, and tour the hospital. Children are encouraged to bring their stuffed animals to be examined by a veterinary student at the teddy bear clinic, get their faces painted, or take home a balloon animal. Families and children are invited to pick up an AVC Open House passport and collect stamps from the various stations as they tour the college. Once their visit is completed, children can visit the passport office to receive their AVC Open House certificate. Everyone is welcome, but please do not bring personal pets to this event.