Campus Information and Feedback Session
Campus Information and Feedback Session: UPEI Strategic Plan Renewal (2018–2023)
President Abd-El-Aziz and members of the UPEI Strategic Plan Advisory Committee invite the campus community to learn more about the draft UPEI strategic plan renewal on Monday, September 24, 2018. The draft builds on the UPEI Strategic Plan 2013–2018 and reflects input shared by campus members throughout the many discussions held with faculty, staff, and student groups over the past year.
The session will include an overview of the renewal and an opportunity to ask questions and provide input. Following the session, the UPEI community will be able to provide further feedback by email.
Click to view the draft UPEI Strategic Plan Renewal (2018–2023)
150 years of Educating Physicians at Dalhousie Medical School
Join us for the first PEI History of Medicine Society talk of 2018-19. Dr. Jock Murray will speak about his discoveries while writing his recently published book that charts the history of the Dalhousie Medical School. The stories of medical education at Dalhousie will cover the remarkable beginning of the medical school, the early acceptance of women, some outstanding doctors and some outrageous and criminal characters, the ill-fated separation from the university, the impact of a school teacher’s critical report, the role of medical students in the Halifax Explosion, and how medical education and medical admissions have changed over the years.
Biomedical Sciences & Pathology and Microbiology Seminar
Dr. G. Johnson, Professor Emeritus, Pathology and Microbiology will present a seminar titled "Pathology of Atlantic halibut: Really big fish to really tiny feed in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems".
Recognition of Founders Ceremony
President and Vice-Chancellor Alaa Abd-El-Aziz cordially invites members of our campus and Prince Edward Island communities to attend the nineteenth annual Recognition of Founders Ceremony. Each year, UPEI honours people who have contributed to the University in an exceptional way as Founders, instilling a sense of heritage and community.
Please join us Friday, September 28, 2018 at 1:30 pm in Schurman Market Square, Don and Marion McDougall Hall to honour the 2018 Founders for their contributions to the University:
Mr. Daryl Guignion and Dr. Ian MacQuarrie
And the Honourable Eugene F. Whalen Green Hat Award winner, Dr. Pierre-Yves Daoust, for contributions to the Atlantic Veterinary College.
Philosophy Speaker Series
Dr. Tony Couture will give a free talk entitled, "An Anarchist Theory of Humour," on Friday, September 28 from 3-4:30 in SDMB 211.
Science Seminars: Carissa Grove and Kyle Knysh
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the UPEI community to the next two seminars of the Environmental Sciences/Human Biology Series:
Carissa Grove (MSc-ESC Candidate) will present "Atlantic salmon intercourse and its implications for conservation and management on PEI".
Followed by Kyle Knysh (PhD-ESC Candidate) who will present "Exploiting aquatic animal behaviors to quantify ecological populations and assemblages"
Science Seminar: Pierre-Yves Daoust
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the UPEI community to the next seminar of the Environmental Sciences/Human Biology Series: Dr Pierre-Yves Daoust (Atlantic Veterinary College) will be presenting a talk entitled "The Inuit's right to kill bowhead whales"
Everyone is welcome
Science Seminar: Christian Lacroix
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the UPEI community to the next seminar of the Environmental Sciences/Human Biology Series: Dr Chistian Lacroix (Department of Biology) will be presenting a talk entitled "A journey to the mind of a journal editor".
Science Seminar: Angela Riveroll
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the UPEI community to the next seminar of the Environmental Sciences/Human Biology Series: Dr Angela Riveroll (PIHCI Network, Applied Human Sciences) will be presenting a talk entitled "Precision health: A personalized approach to active health management."
Living Treaties Brown Bag Talk with Tammy MacDonald
October is Mi’kmaq History Month
What’s with “Land Acknowledgment”? Living Treaties in Mi'kma’ki
Join us for a brown bag talk by Tammy MacDonald, Director of Research and Outreach; Consultation Negotiation Coordinator Mi’kmaq Confederacy OF PEI.
Never conquered, and the land never ceded; find out why this entire section of Canada is still Mi'kma’ki, and why that one tiny fact is so important.
Monday, October 1st
Robertson Library, Upper Level, Room 312
Noon – 1 pm
Check out our display of recently acquired titles for our indigenous book collection.
Everyone is welcome. Coffee will be served.