Emergency First Aid and CPR

Emergency and Standard First Aid Training is being offered on campus in the coming weeks. TThe training cost is covered by UPEI for all faculty and staff. Students who require the training for on-campus employment will also have the training cost covered. Space is limited. If you are interested in attending please register by contacting Kathryn Harrison at kharrison@upei.ca or 902-566-0901 by November 23. Emergency First Aid and CPR: December 4, 2017 from 9:00 am to  4:00 pm.

Standard First Aid and CPR

Emergency and Standard First Aid Training is being offered on campus in the coming weeks. The training cost is covered by UPEI for all faculty and staff. Students who require the training for on-campus employment will also have the training cost covered. Space is limited. If you are interested in attending please register by contacting Kathryn Harrison at kharrison@upei.ca or 902-566-0901 by November 23. November 27 and 28, 2017 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (both days).

Kick-Off Coffee House & Keynote: Heath and Fitness Week

As part of the UPEI Health and Fitness Week, a Kick-Off Coffee House & Keynote will be hosted from 10:00 am-11:00 am in The PIT, Robertson Library. Come and help kick-off Health and Fitness Week 2017!  by warming up your body with a coffee, tea or hot chocolate, enjoying the available energy bars, and warming up your heart with UPEI Chaplain Sister Sue Kidd’s keynote address about kindness.  Click here for the full schedule and more information!

Brown-Bag Lunch: Why I Don't Do Learning Outcomes

Brown-Bag Lunch: Why I Don't Do Learning Outcomes (but it's OK if you do) Please join Dr. Shannon Murray, Department of English, on Wednesday, November 29 from 12:30-1:30 in the SDU Main Building Faculty lounge as she leads a discussion about "Why I Don't Do Learning Outcomes (but it's OK if you do)": Many universities—and indeed whole provinces—have moved to requirements for Learning Outcomes, either for individual courses or for whole programs. These outcomes are to be "SMART": specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound, and there is good literature on the sort of language that forms strong and not-so-strong outcome statements. A conversation about learning outcomes—or objectives or goals—is certainly helpful for both instructors and students. Instructors are forced to think carefully about what they expect and how assessment aligns with what really matters in the course; and students aren't forced to guess what those expectations are and can, ideally, assess their own progress. And yet, I will not draft outcomes for (most of) my courses. Come for a chat about what's great about learning outcomes: and why some of us might have good reasons to politely decline. All are welcome!

Health Fair

At this signature Health and Fitness Week event, over twenty exhibitors will be present with health-related information at their booths. Stop by and learn of ways to improve your health, resources available, and try out some demonstrations and samples. Food provided, and there will be draws for prizes! 

Robert "Rocky" Paquet Plaque Dedication and Award Launch

As a UPEI staff member for 26 years, Rocky was known for going the extra mile for students, including making chilli and hotdogs during exam time. Sadly, Rocky passed away this year after a brief illness. #GivingTuesday will be held from 10:00 am—2:00 pm in the Chaplaincy Centre with the unveiling of the plaque at 12:15 pm. Donations to support a potential award may be made at the event or by choosing one of the following: 1.​ Complete the UPEI Pledge Form 2. Contact Kim Roach at (902) 894-2888 or karoach@upei.ca 3. Payroll Deduction    

ESC-HUB Seminar

The Environmental Sciences and Human Biology (ESC-HB) seminar series will wrap up for the fall semester on Friday, November 24 at 12:30 with a presentation by Dr. Ali Ahmadi, School of Sustainable Design Engineering. Dr. Ahmadi’s presentation is entitled “Biofabrication: bridging the life sciences and engineering”. All are welcome!

MacLauchlan Prizes for Effective Writing Celebration

The Office of the President cordially invites you to attend the MacLauchlan Prizes for Effective Writing Celebration. Please join members of the MacLauchlan family, guest speaker Dr. Edward MacDonald, and the UPEI community on Friday, November 24, 2017 at 1:30 pm in Schurman Market Square, Don and Marion McDougall Hall to celebrate the writing achievements of UPEI students and faculty and staff.

#StopTheViolence–Man Up PEI Event

UPEI Athletics and Recreation and the UPEI Student Union are proud to support Man Up PEI and their event #StopTheViolence. In Canada, 67% of Canadians say they have personally known at least one woman who has experienced physical or sexual abuse. On Sunday, November 26 at 4:00 pm, Man Up PEI will present a short film, at The Guild, entitled "Who are you?". The film presents an evening in which bystanders do not actively intervene to try and prevent an all-too-common scenario of violence. The audience will be asked to reflect on the question, "Who are you?", in relation to the bystanders presented in the film. Following the film portion of #StopTheViolence, the event will transition to The Alley in Murphy's Community Centre where there will be further discussion and social time. If you believe that violence of any sort towards women should end–do more than just nod your head and agree–take a stand, and Man Up to end violence against women!  Organizers: Man Up PEI is a group of men on PEI taking a stand to prevent violence against women. We strive to encourage people to end the cycle of violence on PEI by educating and inspiring men to stand up against any kind of violence towards women. We coordinate with Women's Network PEI and the Council on the Status of Women for advice and guidance. Learn more at peimanup.ca and follow the Man Up PEI Facebook Page.