February is Black History Month

Every year in February, Black History Month is celebrated in Canada. Black History Month was created to provide an opportunity to share and learn about peoples of African ancestry, but also recognize there remains work to be done to fully integrate black culture, history, and achievements into the Canadian fabric.

This year, the national theme for Black History Month is “The Future is Now,” while the Black Cultural Society of PEI has selected “Celebrating our Heritage for the Culture.”

Black History Month @UPEI Tap Takeover with Kierrah Celeste

February is Black History Month and the Black Cultural Society of PEI has a month of programming planned to engage and educate about the many cultures which make up the Island’s Black community.

This year’s theme is "celebrating our heritage for the culture", and the month will feature in-person and online events for Islanders to participate in, including some at UPEI. 

On Thursday, February 25, 2021, join the community for the BHM @UPEI Tap Takeover with Kierrah Celeste, from 7–9 pm at the Fox & Crow, UPEI's campus pub and café.

Black History Month @UPEI Panel Discussion

February is Black History Month and the Black Cultural Society of PEI has a month of programming planned to engage and educate about the many cultures which make up the Island’s Black community.

This year’s theme is "celebrating our heritage for the culture", and the month will feature in-person and online events for Islanders to participate in, including some at UPEI. 

On Thursday, February 25, 2021, join the community for the BHM @UPEI Panel Discussion, from 5–6:30 pm at the Fox & Crow, UPEI's campus pub and café.

Black History Month @UPEI Trivia

February is Black History Month and the Black Cultural Society of PEI has a month of programming planned to engage and educate about the many cultures which make up the Island’s Black community.

This year’s theme is "celebrating our heritage for the culture", and the month will feature in-person and online events for Islanders to participate in, including some at UPEI. 

On Wednesday, February 3, join the community for BHM @UPEI Trivia, from 7–9 pm at the Fox & Crow, UPEI's campus pub and café.

UPEI welcomes Julie Pellissier-Lush as new Mawi’omi Student Centre coordinator

UPEI Student Affairs is excited to announce that Julie Pellissier-Lush has accepted the position of coordinator for the Mawi’omi Indigenous Student Centre on the UPEI campus. She will be working part-time on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

An author, actor, engaged community member, educator of Mi’kmaq culture and heritage, and PEI’s Poet Laureate, Pellissier-Lush brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the position, which provides academic and personal advising and support to the Indigenous student community. 

UPEI names iconic rooftop observatory after professor Earl L. Wonnacott

The University of Prince Edward Island has dedicated the rooftop observatory atop Memorial Hall to the man who was instrumental to its installation more than 40 years ago. The Earl L. Wonnacott Observatory will continue to inspire and teach astronomy to many generations of curious sky-watchers, just as its late namesake did for five decades as teacher and mentor.

ConneXions Faculty of Arts Seminar Series with Dr. Justin Kakeu

The Faculty of Arts is pleased to present its new "ConneXions" Seminar Series, which aims to foster understanding of the role that the liberal arts play in knowledge and ways of knowing and in making sense of the complexities of the world around us through panel discussions; speakers and research talks; collaborative projects and presentations; symposia and workshops; and reading and discussion groups.