
Sara Sadri
Island Scholar Profile Picture
Sara Sadri
Associate Professor
School of Climate Change and Adaptation
Duffy Research Centre 526
Island Scholar:
Island Scholar Biography

Associate Professor; Canada Research Chair in Remote Sensing and Water Security

BSc (Tehran); MSc (Manitoba); PhD (Waterloo); PEng

As Canada Research Chair in Remote Sensing and Water Security at UPEI, Dr. Sara Sadri will focus on finding sustainable and affordable solutions to increasing regional and global water security and food security demands. Using novel approaches in data science, AI/ML, stochastic analysis of big data, and applied remote sensing, she will look at the availability and quality of water and its movement to inform stakeholders, farmers, and policymakers.

The components Sadri will focus on are monitoring and predicting agricultural productivity, crop water demand, irrigation, and fertilizer scheduling; monitoring and predicting drought and pluvial conditions in higher resolutions; water resources, such as estuaries, groundwater, and rivers, sustainability, quality, and quantity in rural areas; and the effects of seasonality on household food security, public health, and solutions to household food insecurity. Additionally, she will focus on adaptation strategies and nature-based solutions for PEI, such as sustainable infrastructure design, toward achieving net zero under climate change.

Sadri is also the recipient of a John R. Evans Leader Award from the Canadian Foundation of Innovation as part of her Canada Research Chair.

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