
Pamela Bastante
Island Scholar Profile Picture
Pamela Bastante
Associate Professor
Modern Languages
SDU Main Building 423
Island Scholar:
Island Scholar Biography

Associate Professor

BA, MA (Simon Fraser); PhD (British Columbia)

Pamela Bastante is Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Prince Edward Island. Her areas of research are the Ars moriendi tradition in Spain and New Spain, and Eighteenth-Century Convent life in New Spain. She has participated in numerous national, regional and international conferences, and has given lectures in Canada, the United States, Mexico, China, and Colombia. She has published her research in academic articles, book chapters and in her two books titled: "Ars Moriendi Manuals, Paintings and Funeral Rituals in Late Medieval Europe and Sixteenth Century Mexico (New Spain): Learning How to Live by Learning How to Die", and "La fundación de un convento novohispano: el Real Convento de la Purísima Concepción en San Miguel el Grande" (co-authored with Alma Montero Alarcón, INAH, Museo Nacional del Virreinato). She is a founding member of the research seminar group "Seminario Estudios Virreinales en el Mundo Hispánico" and Book Review Editor (the Americas) for the journal "Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos".

Research Interests
  • Attitudes toward death in the Iberian and European traditions and their projections in the New World, particularly in Mexico
  • The Ars moriendi literary tradition in medieval Spain and in New Spain (XVI-XVIII centuries)
  • Popular culture in the literatures of medieval Spain and in the viceroyalty of New Spain (XVI-XVIII centuries)
  • Female convent life and literature in New Spain (XVII-XVIII centuries)
  • Transatlantic Hispanic Studies
  • Art History (Spanish and Latin American Baroque)
  • Santa Muerte

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