
David Hickey
Island Scholar Profile Picture
David Hickey
Associate Professor
Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture
Island Scholar:
Island Scholar Biography

Assistant Professor

BA (UPEI); MA (UNB); PhD (Western)

My first book, In Lights of a Midnight Plow, was nominated for the Gerald Lampert Award for Best First Book of Poetry in Canada. Prior to its publication, I was a finalist for the RBC Bronwen Wallace Award for Emerging Writers in 2004. In 2011, I published my second collection of poems, Open Air Bindery, and a verse story for children. I did my Ph.D in English at the University of Western Ontario, where my dissertation was awarded the Karl F. Klinck Prize for outstanding work in the field of Canadian Literature. I teach in the department of Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture at the University of Prince Edward Island, where I'm also the coordinator of the Journalism Program.

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