Student Nurses from UPEI Carry off Three National Awards
Student nurses from the University of Prince Edward Island are making a name for themselves at the national level. Over the past few months they have won two awards from the Canadian Nursing Students Association (CNSA) and one from the Canadian Nurses Foundation.
"We have excellent students here at the UPEI School of Nursing. The fact that these students are competitive at a national level simply confirms this. The Faculty are extremely proud," says Kim Critchley, Acting Dean of Nursing.
The Canadian Nurses Foundation promotes health and patient care across Canada by supporting nursing research and education. The foundation has selected Erin Coady of Stratford, PEI as the first recipient of the Dr. Margaret Munro Scholarship, introduced in 2004 and valued at $3,000. Munro was the first Dean of Nursing at UPEI. The foundation established the national award in her name because of her strong commitment to nursing education and leadership. In addition to her support of the Canadian Nurses Foundation, Munro has created two nursing awards at UPEI, and is a member of the UPEI Visionary Society.
"I have great respect for Dr. Munro and I feel very honoured to be selected from applicants right across the country for this Canadian Nurses Foundation scholarship," says Erin Coady who is currently in her third year. After she graduates from UPEI she intends to pursue a master's degree as a nurse-practitioner.
At the Canadian Nursing Students Association national conference held recently in Windsor, Ontario, fourth-year Melanie McCarthy was awarded the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing scholarship valued at $2,000 US. Nursing students from across Canada compete for this annual scholarship which recognizes clinical excellence.
"Partnership with clients and patients is key to clinical success. As a student, I am able to achieve clinical excellence due to the quality preceptors, mentors, and educational instructors I have experienced," says McCarthy, whose current interests include surgical nursing and health and nursing policy.
The CNSA, with over 10,000 members, is an affiliate member of the Canadian Nurses Association. In addition to honouring individual student achievement, the organization recognizes associations whose work increases student awareness and participation in CNSA within the university, regionally, and nationally. This year, the UPEI chapter carried off the CNSA Atlantic Region Achievement Award which was presented at the closing banquet of the CNSA national conference. The award will be displayed at the UPEI School of Nursing. Melanie McCarthy is the national delegate from the UPEI Chapter of CNSA for 2004-2005 and Brianne Timpson is associate delegate.
Culture Cafand#233; on Small Islands: Small Acts: Island Communities Within a Globalizing World, Feb. 23
The public is invited to attend a free Culture Cafand#233; called Small Acts: Island Communities Within a Globalizing World on Wednesday, February 23, at 7 pm, at the Confederation Centre Art Gallery.
On December 26, 2004, tsunamis caused by earthquakes killed more than 150,000 people around the Indian Ocean, including on Andaman Islands, Hafun, the Maldives, the Nicobar Islands, Phuket, the Seychelles, Sri Lanka and Sumatra. Once again putting islands on the map and agenda globally, such large-scale disasters and smaller-scale incidents like the storm surges that have devastated coastal areas locally are reminders of the vulnerability of islands to natural disasters and the challenges that isolated geographies face when dealing with risk and disasters.
During this cafand#233;, audience members can join in an informal dialogue with UPEI faculty members Dr. Godfrey Baldacchino, Dr. Edward MacDonald, Dr. Irene Novaczek and Professor. Annie Spears who will speak from their particular areas of expertise about the forms of vulnerability experienced by island settings and the potential roles that islands may play in the public and political sphere. The discussion will explore the role of island connections and possibilities of mutual learning and aid among islands, the role of island researchers in preventing, mitigating and responding to natural disasters, as well as development paths and how they may worsen the vulnerabilities of islands.
Island societies vary extensively in their physical size and location, environmental conditions and natural resources, cultural, social, economic and political profiles, historical experiences, and relative insularity or peripherality. This event will examine a possible shared role amongst island-dwellers in a globalizing world - their unique position to contribute to the study and creation of knowledge regarding the characteristics and abilities of small islands, and the potential for "small acts" which could respond to and be used to reduce their vulnerability.
Dr. Irene Novaczek is the newly appointed Director of the Institute of Island Studies at UPEI. A former board member for CUSO, she has been working as an independent scientific and research consultant in marine ecology and coastal community development.
Dr. Godfrey Baldacchino is the first Canada Research Chair in Island Studies and an associate professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at UPEI. He is also visiting professor to the Department of Sociology at the University of Malta and the director of its Workers' Development Centre.
UPEI history professor Dr. Edward MacDonald focuses his research on PEI history, placing it within a comparative context, regionally, nationally, and in terms of island societies. As well, he is interested in tourism here and the subject of cultural transference within immigrant groups coming to Atlantic Canada in the 18th- and 19th-centuries.
Professor Annie Spears is the coordinator of the Master of Arts in Island Studies, and professor of economics at the University of Prince Edward Island.
The Gallery's Culture Cafand#233;s are free forums for open dialogue on vital current issues. All are welcome. Coffee and refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Shauna McCabe, Senior Curator, at 629-1152.
Five Honorary Degrees to be Conferred at 2005 Convocation
The Senate of the University of Prince Edward Island has selected the recipients of honorary doctoral degrees to be conferred for the 2004-2005 academic year. Five honorary degrees will be conferred at two convocations on Saturday, May 14. The recipients will be Honourable James Lee, Colin MacDonald, the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha, John Joe Sark, and Charles Stewart Scranton.
"Over the years, UPEI has been proud to recognize outstanding achievements by Prince Edward Islanders and others through the awarding of honouring degrees," says UPEI President Wade MacLauchlan. "Our 2005 recipients are wonderful role models for our graduates and for the entire community; we are happy to celebrate their successes and contributions."
Hon. James Lee served as an MLA for 11 years, as Minister of Health and Social Services, Minister of Tourism, and Premier of PEI (1981-86). After he became Premier, he seized the establishment of the Atlantic Veterinary College as the top in his mandate. His determination to expand post-secondary education and foster development on PEI has been recognized as a primary factor leading to Ottawa and the Atlantic provinces signing an agreement to build the college at UPEI. Mr. Lee has been active in numerous organizations, including the Canadian Unity Council, Veterans Review and Appeal Board and Canadian Pension Commission, Canadian Jaycee Senate, North Shore Community Council, Stanhope Historical Society, 4 H, and Hillsborough Rotary. He has recently retired as Chair of the Workers' Compensation Board of PEI.
Colin MacDonald has had an extensive career in the international seafood industry. He is President and CEO of Clearwater Seafoods Limited Partnership, and is co-owner and director of Clearwater Fine Foods Inc. An active community member and volunteer, his activities include serving as Chair of the IWK Children's Hospital Foundation, and chairing the Chester and Area Family Resource Centre and the Wherehouse Youth Centre. Mr. MacDonald is a strong supporter of the Atlantic Veterinary College and UPEI through his leadership and vision as a founding member of the AVC Lobster Science Centre. He has also served as President of the Canadian Lobster Producers' Association.
The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha, commonly referred to as "The Marthas", was founded in 1916. The activities of the Congregation have had a powerful and positive influence in PEI. They have participated extensively in higher education at St. Dunstan's University and UPEI, and in primary and secondary education as teachers and administrators. The Sisters of Martha have made significant contributions to health care in their diverse roles in the Charlottetown, Queen Elizabeth, and Western hospitals. They have also contributed to the social welfare of Islanders through their activities involving child welfare, treatment centres, and health care for seniors, as well as parish and prison ministry. They have lived up to their motto, "to love and serve," throughout PEI and beyond.
John Joe Sark was the first Island Mi'kmaq graduate of UPEI in 1979. He is the Keptin of the Mi'kmaq Grand Council and one of the foremost authorities on the Mi'kmaq people. Sark has led the way in speaking out against racist attitudes and actions on PEI. He is well-known across Canada for his work on campaigns in support of human rights and against racism. As a representative of the Mi'Kmaq Council, Sark has lobbied for rights and recognition internationally, including audiences with the Pope regarding residential schools. He was involved in the drafting of the UN Declaration of Indigenous Peoples of the World. In February 2005, he was recognized for his accomplished career with a National Aboriginal Achievement Award.
Charles Stewart Scranton had a 32-year career in agriculture, first as a poultry fieldman and later as Inspector in Charge of the Poultry Division of Agriculture Canada for PEI. He retired early to devote his time to the raising and promotion of Hereford cattle. The high quality Herefords of Scranton Park Ranch have captured numerous national honours. Mr. Scranton has served as a director of many agricultural organizations, including the PEI Federation of Agriculture and the Canadian Hereford Association. In 2005, in his 90th year, he will serve as President of the Easter Beef Show and Sale, a role that he has played for many years. Mr. Scranton has spent much of his life supporting his community and church. He was a founder of Camp Segunakadeck (Seggie), one of the largest Baptist camps in Atlantic Canada. A new chapel on the camp site bears the name "Scranton Chapel" in recognition of Charles and his wife, Helen Scranton's many years of service and support.
Education Researcher Launches Inclusion Curriculum in India
In the heavily populated and culturally diverse country of India, providing equal access to basic education to all children is a major challenge. Across the subcontinent, 90 per cent of India's estimated 40 million children aged four-16 years with physical and mental disabilities are out of school. On February 27, the government of India took a significant step forward in the movement to include more disabled children in the regular education system when it launched a new curriculum model entitled "A Whole School Approach to Inclusion," published by Education World.
One of the two researchers who developed the new curriculum was Dr. Vianne Timmons, Vice President of Academic Development from the University of Prince Edward Island. She defines inclusive education as "every child learning together in his/her neighbourhood school. All children are welcomed in the school and all children learn together in the regular classroom."
Dr. Timmons travelled to New Delhi to attend the launch of "A Whole School Approach to Inclusion," which took place during a major international conference called North-South Dialogue III: Towards a Global Alliance that began on February 27 and runs until March 4.
"This curriculum took five years to develop. It provides guidelines for teachers to work with families and instructional strategies that focus on developing a classroom that welcomes all children," says Dr. Timmons.
Dr. Timmons has been working for the past five years as Lead Consultant for Training with the National Resource Centre for Inclusion, India (NRCI). The National Resource Centre for Inclusion has been supported through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Roeher Institute, Toronto. She has carried out her extensive research and curriculum development work in cooperation with Dr. Mithu Alur, Principal Coordinator, India, of the NRCI. Dr. Timmons' study of inclusive education in India has involved 3,000 children in 53 schools. The result is a detailed Code of Practice manual that outlines the important steps that must be taken by staff, children, families, and heads of schools to make it possible for disabled children to be accepted and to be successful. The document also includes numerous case studies that describe successful inclusive education practices in India.
A historic landmark in the evolution for disabled people in India took place in 1995 when the Persons with Disability Act was passed to promote the integration of disabled children into normal schools. Since then, the National Resource Centre for Inclusion has been committed to creating "the how of inclusion." The methodology framework researched and developed by Dr. Timmons and her colleagues is an important first step in accomplishing that mission.
In addition to her work as Vice President Academic Development at the University of Prince Edward Island, Dr, Timmons carries out research in family literacy and knowledge translation. She is presently working on a program to learn more about Aboriginal children's perceptions of health and education.
UPEI Business Student Wins Top-Level Millennium Award
A third-year business student at the University of Prince Edward Island was recognized recently by the Canadian Millennium Scholarship Foundation. The Foundation awarded Matthew O'Halloran a top-level in-course scholarship valued at $10,000 over two years. Only 100 Tier 1 awards are given out each year across the country.
"These excellence awards are both an investment in the future of our country and a way of recognizing some exceptional Canadians. The Foundation's millennium excellence award laureates come from many different backgrounds and have lots of different interests, yet they all share an ability to inspire those around them through their achievements, their leadership and their dedication," said Gand#233;rard Veilleux, chairman of the Foundation's Board of Directors.
The Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation is a private and independent organization created by an act of Parliament in 1998. It encourages Canadian students to strive for excellence in their post-secondary studies.
William E. "Bill" Andrew Installed as UPEI Chancellor
William E. "Bill" Andrew, a 1973 Engineering graduate of UPEI, was installed on March 6 as the University's seventh Chancellor. He is President of Penn West Petroleum Ltd., the fifth largest independent oil and gas company in Canada. He is also a member of the Board of Governors of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers.
A native of Milton, PEI, he now resides in Calgary but he and his wife, Denise have many continuing attachments to Prince Edward Island. They have a home in Stanley Bridge and, together with Bill's brothers, Brian and Rollin, they co-own Meridian Farms in Milton where they stable standardbred horses. Andrew also runs a successful horse breeding ranch in Alberta.
Bill Andrew has been active in many community and philanthropic initiatives. He has been a trustee of the Grace Women's Health Centre, President of the Alberta Standardbred Horse Association, a director of Standardbred Canada, and a fundraising leader for Alberta Children's Hospital, United Way of Calgary, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, and Woods Home-EXIT Program.
The new Chancellor is a founder of the Calgary group Friends of UPEI, which supports 14 students annually with scholarships to study at UPEI. He and his wife have also created a new scholarship endowment at UPEI for students in Education and Engineering.
William Andrew takes over from well-known philanthropist and journalist, Norman Webster C.M., B.A., M.A., D.C.L. who served as Chancellor from 1996 to 2004. Previous chancellors were:
The Honourable Thane A. Campbell, C.C., M.A., LL.D.- May 14, 1970
Gustave Gingras, C.C., M.D., F.R.S.A., LL.D., F.R.C.P.(c)- May 12, 1974
David Macdonald Stewart, C.M., C.St.J., K.L.J., F.R.S.A., F.H.S.(c), Hon. LL.D., Hon. D.B.A.
- October 1, 1982
The Honourable Gordon L. Bennett, O.C., B.Sc., M.Sc., LL.D., D.C.L.- March 9, 1985
Doris H. Anderson, O.C., B.A., LL.D.- October 24, 1992
2005 Labour Market Expo March 16-17
The University of Prince Edward Island and Holland College have teamed up again this year to host Labour Market Expo 2005, a career fair that gives youth an opportunity to get the latest information on career trends, employment opportunities, and educational choices. The Expo will take place at the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre at UPEI on March 16-17, from 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. on both days.
Labour Market Expo 2005 is funded by the Canada/Prince Edward Island Labour Market Development Agreement. In partnership with UPEI and Holland College, this event is being hosted to help students and graduates who are looking for employment, as well as career, entrepreneurial, and labour market information. Youth have the opportunity to meet with employers to find out career trends and future job possibilities. Students will have an opportunity to network with exhibitors in their fields of interest and find out about educational options that are available to them.
The Expo provides employers with a unique approach to recruit full-time, part-time and summer employees. It provides access to students and youth with various educational backgrounds. The exhibitors can also network with colleagues and exchange ideas.
Labour Market Expo is free of charge to exhibitors and to anyone who attends. Free transportation will be provided on both March 16 and 17. A bus will be departing Holland College, Summerside at 12:00 pm to the Prince Edward Hotel and returning at 3:30 pm. A van will depart from the Souris Holland College Centre at 12:00 pm to the Prince Edward Hotel and return at 3:00pm, and a shuttle bus will run between the Atlantic Hospitality Institute and Holland College Charlottetown Centre to the UPEI Sports Centre from 1:00pm until 4:30pm. In addition, free parking is available in the MacLauchlan Arena parking lot at UPEI.
Individuals or institutions interested in taking part in this event should contact Stephanie Mossman at 902-566-0792 or by email, or visit
John Ibbitson to Speak on Regional Challenges in a Six-City Canada
John Ibbitson, one of Canada's foremost writers on political affairs, will give a public lecture at UPEI on March 30 entitled, "Regional Challenges in a Six-City Canada." Ibbitson has been a political columnist for The Globe and Mail since 1999. He is recognized for setting the standard for political analysis across the country.
Ibbitson joined The Globe and Mail after a decade of writing on municipal and provincial issues for Southam newspapers. He has been a columnist for The Citizen and The National Post. Since August 2002 he has been the Washington Bureau Chief for The Globe and Mail. He is also the acclaimed author of two books on Ontario politics: Promised Land: Inside the Mike Harris Revolution (1997, Prentice Hall) and Loyal No More: Ontario's Struggle for a Separate Destiny (HarperCollins 2001.) John Ibbitson's newest political work, to be published this year, focuses on what the next Canada is going to look like, and how we are going to get there.
The "Regional Challenges in a Six-City Canada" lecture takes place on Wednesday, March 30, 7:00 to 9:00 pm in Lecture Theatre A at the Atlantic Veterinary College, UPEI. There is no charge and everyone is welcome. For further information call 566-0307.
Full Accreditation: AVC Hits the Mark on Excellence Again
The Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) of the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) has, again, received Full Accreditation status. The American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education (AVMA-COE) recently voted unanimously to give AVC the highly-esteemed seven years of Full Accreditation. The College has been fully successful in each of their reviews since it was first eligible for accreditation in 1990 with the graduation of their first class of veterinarians.
"Attaining the maximum accreditation of seven years is a testament to the excellence of AVC's programs and people. UPEI's Veterinary College is on par with the best Vet Schools in the world," says Wade MacLauchlan, President of UPEI.
Part of the accreditation process included a visit by a team made up representatives from the AVMA, Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, COE , PEI Veterinary Medical Association, and two guest observers. Visiting last September, the team verified the College's self study report by visiting physical facilities including the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, and interviewing faculty, students, College and UPEI administrators.
"Full Accreditation fuels our international reputation. It helps us to continue to recruit and retain top quality people. The review recognized the quality of our faculty, staff and students, and their ability to work together," says Dr. Tim Ogilvie, Dean of AVC. He says the strength of the College is due in part to the respect and support AVC receives from UPEI and the larger Island and regional communities. "They are absolutely essential to our success."
The AVMA-COE is the accrediting body for veterinary colleges in North America, and have accredited educational veterinary institutions in Europe as well as Australia, and New Zealand. The youngest of Canada's four veterinary colleges, AVC provides undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education in the field of veterinary medicine; conducts research to promote animal health, productivity and welfare, and to protect human and environmental health; and provides services for the management of the health and well-being of animals.
AVC has two Canada Research Chairs, in clinical pharmacogenetics and shellfish, a privately-funded Research Chair in animal welfare, and an industry-funded Research Chair in swine health. The College is also home to the Lobster Science Centre, Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences, Population Health Research Group and Atlantic Centre for Comparative Biomedical Research. AVC has established the only North American OIE Reference Lab for Infectious Salmon Anaemia and is the regional node of the Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre, with responsibility for monitoring the West Nile virus. The Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre continues to provide funding for projects that contribute to animal health and welfare.
Lindy Bryanton and Anne Shaw Co-op Students of the Year
UPEI was one of 78 colleges and universities across Canada celebrating National Co-operative Education Week from March 21-25. A highlight of the week was the selection of Co-op Students of the Year, one in Computer Science and one in Business. The University has announced that Lindy Bryanton and Anne Shaw are this year's award winners.
Lindy Bryanton comes from Kensington. She studied civil engineering at McGill University before joining the Co-op Education Program at UPEI where she is an honours student in Computer Science. She has completed four work terms with companies such as Deltaware in Charlottetown and Gognos Inc., a data access and modeling company in Ottawa.
"Lindy is a great ambassador for our Co-operative Education Program," says Wayne Cutcliffe, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Information Technology. "She excels academically, in her computer science studies, as well as in the workplace. Her enthusiasm is infectious, even when handling heavy workloads. These qualities are recognized by her Co-op employers who speak very highly of her accomplishments, and how easily she integrates with their employees."
Anne Shaw is an honours Business Administration student from Bloomfield. She has completed her Co-op work terms in the Rebates Division of the Canada Revenue Agency where she was commended for her high level of integrity, cooperation, and professionalism. The fact that she is fluently bilingual was also a strong asset. "Anne is a very deserving student and we congratulate her on her achievements," says Business Co-op Coordinator, Don MacCormac. "This award exemplifies the high quality of work our Co-op students are capable of conducting during their work terms."
Co-operative education is proving itself as a valuable tool for employers looking for bright, enthusiastic students who will meet their future staffing needs. A recent study of students and employers by the University of Victoria revealed that approximately 60 per cent of graduating Co-op students will accept a position with an employer with whom they completed a Co-op work term.
"Co-operative Education has a proven track record in Canada and internationally," says Canadian Association for Co-operative Education (CAFCE) President, Sonya Horsburgh. "Co-operative education programs provide students with alternating study and paid work semesters, allowing them to accumulate experience in the workplace while obtaining their education. Through their Co-op work terms, students become aware of the range of new qualifications today's workplace requires, can develop their innate potential, and will acquire essential employability skills."
A study conducted by the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission has found that students who graduate with the Co-op option are more successful in securing employment in their fields, and they do so more quickly than other students. Co-op graduates have less student debt, and they are paid at a higher level. UPEI now offers Co-operative education programs in Computer Science, Business, and Physics. Co-op students have successfully completed work terms with a range of PEI businesses and government departments. In addition, they have taken advantage of work term opportunities in other parts of Canada, as well as in international locations such as Scotland, Ireland, and New Zealand.