Bald eagle flies again after long recovery from injury

After a ten-month recovery from injury, a bald eagle was released by the AVC Wildlife Service on May 17, 2019, at the Eagle’s View Golf Course in Murray River, PEI.

The mature female eagle was found in MacLure’s Pond near the golf course on July 12, 2018, with fishing line wrapped around her right foot and left wing. She was rescued from the water by Fish and Wildlife staff and brought to the AVC Wildlife Service.

A physical examination revealed that her left elbow was swollen, and she had a full tissue tear in the web of her right wing. The wound was sutured by Dr. Dave McRuer, wildlife health specialist; for several weeks following, wound care was provided and the wing bandaged. On the first day without a bandage, the wound opened along the suture line and needed to be repaired again. This meant another round of bandage changes and physiotherapy every three days to keep her wing mobile. Additionally, Dr. Art Ortenburger, Associate Professor, Large Animal Surgery and Integrative Medicine, provided cold-laser therapy sessions to promote wound healing. Finally, after weeks of bandage changes and wound care, the eagle was placed in an outdoor enclosure to slowly exercise her wing.

In October, she was taken to Cobequid Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, Brookfield, Nova Scotia, for further rehabilitation and flight practice, where she started flying laps in the Centre’s large oval flight cage. A headstrong and feisty eagle, she dominated the other eagles in the flyway.

After being released from her crate on Friday, the eagle flew off into the distance. About 20 minutes later, she reappeared, circling high above the people who had gathered for her release. They recognized her from her missing primary feathers. It was a magical moment!

Research project seeks fathers whose female partners experienced postpartum depression

A graduate research project at the University of Prince Edward Island’s Faculty of Nursing is seeking participants for a study about postpartum depression. The project will interview fathers whose partners experienced postpartum depression. It is hoped that the knowledge gained will help the researcher and others to better understand the fathers’ experience and determine ways to best help future fathers.

The project is seeking up to eight fathers who are at least 18 years of age and are currently living (or previously lived) with a female partner who was diagnosed with postpartum depression after a typical (no trauma) birth.

Participants will be interviewed for approximately one hour about their experiences. All identities will be kept confidential.

This project is led by Juliana Barry, a master of nursing student under the supervision of Dr. Gloria McInnis-Perry, Dr. Janet Bryanton, and Dr. Janis MacLellan-Peters. For more information or to participate, contact Juliana Barry at or (902) 326-1568 by phone or text.

The University of Prince Edward Island prides itself on people, excellence, and impact and is committed to assisting students reach their full potential in both the classroom and community. With roots stemming from two founding institutions—Prince of Wales College and Saint Dunstan’s University—UPEI has a reputation for academic excellence, research innovation, and creating positive impacts locally, nationally, and internationally. UPEI is the only degree granting institution in the province and is proud to be a key contributor to the growth and prosperity of Prince Edward Island.

UPEI Graduate Studies and Research Conference, May 15–19

The Faculty of Graduate Studies will be holding its annual UPEI Graduate Studies and Research Conference from Wednesday, May 15 to Friday, May 17, 2019, inclusive.

Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and faculty are encouraged to attend the three-day event that celebrates the accomplishments of UPEI’s graduate students and their research efforts. Over the course of the conference, graduate students from multiple faculties will present their research.

The conference kicks off Wednesday morning with an opening ceremony and the 2019 Outstanding Graduate Student Mentorship Lecture in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium, Don and Marion McDougall Hall. Dr. Tim Goddard, a professor in UPEI’s Faculty of Education, will present “Mentoring for mutual reward: The Reciprocity of relationships.”

Most activities will occur in McDougall Hall, in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium and Schurman Market Square.

The R.G. Thomson Lecture will be delivered Thursday, May 16 at 3:15 pm. Dr. Scott Weese, a professor at the University of Guelph’s Ontario Veterinary College, will present “An unintended path through emerging infectious diseases.”

The 2019 Zoetis Award Research Excellence Lecture entitled “Tracing superbugs. Can we estimate the risks?” will be presented by Dr. Javier Sanchez, a professor of health management at UPEI’s Atlantic Veterinary College on Friday, May 17 at 8:30 am.

There is no cost to register and a full conference schedule and abstracts for the presentations are available at the conference website. All are welcome.

The University of Prince Edward Island prides itself on people, excellence, and impact and is committed to assisting students reach their full potential in both the classroom and community. With roots stemming from two founding institutions—Prince of Wales College and Saint Dunstan’s University—UPEI has a reputation for academic excellence, research innovation, and creating positive impacts locally, nationally, and internationally. UPEI is the only degree granting institution in the province and is proud to be a key contributor to the growth and prosperity of Prince Edward Island.


Convocation 2019

The campus of the University of Prince Edward Island was abuzz with energy the last two days as staff, students, faculty, family, graduates, and friends celebrated Convocation 2019. The university conferred degrees, diplomas, and certificates to approximately 900 graduates in the 2018–2019 academic year.

The 2019 cohort included degrees from all eight faculties at UPEI. Proving that learning can happen at any age is Dr. Olive Bryanton, who was awarded her PhD from the UPEI Faculty of Education at the age of 82.

For the first time, UPEI celebrated convocation over three ceremonies held in the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre, Friday at 1:30 pm, Saturday at 10:00 am and 2:30 pm.

UPEI Chancellor Catherine Callbeck led the ceremonies; President and Vice-Chancellor Alaa Abd-El-Aziz addressed the Class of 2019 as a freshly minted group of global citizens.

“How does that happen? One way is that UPEI continues to be successful in attracting students from around the globe. This allows students from PEI and the rest of Canada to gain perspective by studying with classmates who come from over 80 countries, and make up 26 per cent of our student body,” he said. “Our students are energized through these connections, and then it inspires them to participate in international education and exchange opportunities offered by UPEI. As an international student myself, who came to Canada over 34 years ago, I am passionate about how this connectivity leads to globalization. I can assure you that these multi-cultural connections enhance understanding, inclusiveness, and respect.”

The University also conferred honorary Doctor of Laws degrees on three recipients, including Mr. Roger W. Warren (Friday afternoon); Mr. Albert P. Fogarty (Saturday morning); and the Honourable Diane Campbell (Saturday afternoon).

“I believe that we are here to fulfill our dreams,” said Friday valedictorian Marie Antoinette Pangan (Bachelor of Science – Nursing). “We are here because we wanted to prove something. We are the nurses who take care of people, the veterinarians who help animals and the graduate students doing their research. We are all here because this is what we love to do. We are also here because we want positive changes in our lives and the lives of others.”

“To the mature students, it takes guts to come back and take ahold of what you want to do with your life. I hope all of us can be as brave as you, I’m proud of you,” said Halen Sky (Bachelor of Business Administration), valedictorian for the Saturday morning ceremony. “To the students that struggled with their identity, whether it be accepting yourself or others accepting you, I’m proud of you. To the students who lost someone, that kind of event puts our lives on pause. It is incredibly easy to fall behind when grieving. I’m proud of you and I’m sure they are too.”


Hannah Creaser (Bachelor of Science Honours – Foods and Nutrition) addressed the Saturday afternoon ceremony. “Today we close this chapter in our story. We are entering the world with more knowledge than we had before starting our university careers. Do not let your learning stop here. Stay curious, inquisitive, critical. Hopefully it will lead us to exciting, challenging, and adventurous careers.”

UPEI held its annual Senior Class Awards at a ceremony on Thursday, where a number of academic and student prizes were awarded. The complete list will be posted in the coming days at The Governor General’s academic medals were presented by the Honourable Antoinette Perry, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island. The Governor General’s Gold Medal (graduate level) was awarded to Dennis Makau (Doctor of Philosophy – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine). The Governor General’s Silver Medal (undergraduate level) was awarded to Stephanie Cairns (Bachelor of Science Honours – Mathematics).

Congratulations to all the graduates!

The University of Prince Edward Island prides itself on people, excellence, and impact and is committed to assisting students reach their full potential in both the classroom and community. With roots stemming from two founding institutions—Prince of Wales College and Saint Dunstan’s University—UPEI has a reputation for academic excellence, research innovation, and creating positive impacts locally, nationally, and internationally. UPEI is the only degree granting institution in the province and is proud to be a key contributor to the growth and prosperity of Prince Edward Island.

UPEI’s Queen Elizabeth Scholars hosted by Lieutenant Governor Antoinette Perry

Her Honour, The Honourable Antoinette Perry, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, recently hosted a luncheon at Government House in celebration of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Program and the University of Prince Edward Island’s Queen Elizabeth Scholars. In attendance were veterinary, and food and nutrition students from UPEI who participated in the program, and UPEI graduate students from Kenya, along with University supervisors and administrators. During the event, the students shared comments about their experiences through the scholarship program. For more information about their experiences in Canada and Kenya, see

Shown above are:

(Front row) Carolyn Francis, Faculty of Education; Hannah Hone, DVM student; Her Honour, The Honourable Antoinette Perry; Chantal Doyle and Ashley Kroyer, DVM students; Daniel Wambua Muasya and Sarah Muthee, UPEI graduate students from Kenya; (Centre row) Dr. Charlene VanLeeuwen, Applied Human Sciences; Julia Heckbert and Madi Brauer, foods and nutrition students; Dr. Jennifer Taylor, Applied Human Sciences; Lee Wesselius, DVM student;  (Back row) Dr. John VanLeeuwen, AVC; Ken Mellish, Farmers Helping Farmers; Dr. Greg Keefe, Dean of AVC; Teresa Mellish, Farmers Helping Farmers; Dr. Alaa Abd-El-Aziz, President and Vice-Chancellor of UPEI; Dr. Nola Etkin, Interim Dean of Science.

Details for Convocation 2019

It’s Convocation Week at UPEI! Here are the details to help you find your way through our annual celebration of our graduating students.

This year, the University of Prince Edward Island will hold three Convocation ceremonies: Friday, May 10 at 1:30 pm, and Saturday, May 11 at 10:00 am and 2:30 pm. Each ceremony will be held in the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre at the University of Prince Edward Island, 550 University Avenue in Charlottetown. Each ceremony is preceded by a procession of graduates across campus.

UPEI will confer degrees on approximately 900 graduates this year, including Mr. Roger W. Warren (Friday afternoon); Mr. Albert P. Fogarty (Saturday morning); and the Honourable Diane Campbell (Saturday afternoon), who will receive honorary Doctor of Laws degrees. Each will address their respective ceremony. Honorary degree recipient as well as valedictorian speeches will be available and can be sent out under embargo upon request. Bios of the recipients can be found here.

Ceremony details


Friday Afternoon Convocation: Marie Antoinette Pangan (Nursing)
Saturday Morning Convocation: Halen Sky (Bachelor of Business Administration)
Saturday Afternoon Convocation: Hannah Creaser (Bachelor of Science–Honours, Foods and Nutrition)


Friday Afternoon Convocation: Molly Mills (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)
Saturday Morning Convocation: William McGuigan (Bachelor of Business Administration)
Saturday Afternoon Convocation: Taya Nabuurs (Political Science)

Invocation: Sister Susan Kidd, UPEI Chaplain

At the Friday, 1:30 pm ceremony, the following will be conferred: Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Master of Applied Health Services Research, Master of Arts, Master of Business Administration, Master of Education, Master of Nursing, Master of Science – Faculty of Science, Master of Science – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Master of Science – Sustainable Design Engineering, Master of Veterinary Science, Doctor of Philosophy – Faculty of Education, Doctor of Philosophy – Faculty of Science, Doctor of Philosophy – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

At the Saturday, 10:00 am ceremony, the following will be conferred: Accounting Certificate, Business Certificate, Public Administration Certificate, Engineering Diploma, Bachelor of Business Studies, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Business Administration—Co-operative Education, Bachelor of Business Administration—Honours, Bachelor of Business in Tourism & Hospitality, Bachelor of Education—Human Resource Development, Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Education—français langue seconde, Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering

At the Saturday, 2:30 pm ceremony, the following will be conferred: Bachelor of Applied Arts in Journalism, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts—Honours, Bachelor of Integrated Studies, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music Education, Bachelor of Child and Family Studies, Bachelor of Applied Science in Radiography, Bachelor of Wildlife Conservation, Bachelor of Environmental Studies, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science—Co-operative Education, Bachelor of Science—Honours, Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology, Bachelor of Science in Paramedicine

Parking is available in lots A, B, C, D, and E. Due to limited seating capacity, guests must have an invitation in order to attend. Guests may enter through the front doors of the Sports Centre or MacLauchlan Arena. Those who do not have an invitation may watch the live broadcast on Eastlink Community Television in McMillan Hall at the W.A. Murphy Student Centre, where receptions will be held immediately following each ceremony.

For more information, visit

The University of Prince Edward Island prides itself on people, excellence, and impact and is committed to assisting students reach their full potential in both the classroom and community. With roots stemming from two founding institutions—Prince of Wales College and Saint Dunstan’s University—UPEI has a reputation for academic excellence, research innovation, and creating positive impacts locally, nationally, and internationally. UPEI is the only degree granting institution in the province and is proud to be a key contributor to the growth and prosperity of Prince Edward Island.

UPEI celebrates its people

UPEI’s annual Presidential Recognition Awards of Merit and 25-Year Service Awards were presented to faculty and staff at a ceremony on April 30, 2019. The awards, created by President and Vice-Chancellor Alaa Abd-El-Aziz, recognize outstanding performance and dedication to students and our community on-campus, provincially, and globally.

Receiving Presidential Recognition Awards of Merit for Faculty, Librarians, Clinical Veterinary Professionals, and Clinical Nursing Instructors were the following:
• Scholarly Endeavours: Dr. Gilbert Germain, Political Science; Dr. Shafiqul Islam, Mathematical and Computational Sciences
• Service: Dr. Derek Lawther, Physics
• Combined Achievement: Dr. Aitazaz Farooque, Sustainable Design Engineering

Presidential Recognition Awards of Merit for Staff were presented in the following categories:
• Support of Student Success: Grace McCourt, Executive MBA program; Nicole Wadden Garland, Webster Centre for Teaching and Learning
• Volunteer and Community Service: Kylah Hennessey, Office of Skills Learning and Development
• Exemplary Service: Terrie Hardwick, Biology; Megan MacLean, Office of Skills Learning and Development

Receiving 25-year Service Awards were Dr. Shelley Burton, Pathology and Microbiology; Dr. Annabel Cohen, Music; Darrin Costain, Facilities Management; Dr. Anthony Couture, Philosophy; Dr. Dave Groman, Diagnostic Services; Terrie Hardwick, Biology; Kathleen Jones, Diagnostic Services; Dr. Gordon MacDonald, Mathematical and Computational Sciences; Dr. Sandra McConkey, Biomedical Sciences/Pathology and Microbiology; and Dr. Jennifer Taylor, Applied Human Sciences.

During the event, Emma Drake, president of the UPEI Student Union, presented Dr. Ann Braithwaite, Diversity and Social Justice Studies, with the UPEISU’s Faculty of the Year Award and Ashley Clark, Education, with its Staff of the Year Award.

On April 24, the UPEI Faculty Association recognized the achievements of its members at its annual faculty recognition night:
• Hessian Award for Excellence in Teaching: Dr. David Hickey, English; Dr. Jennifer Taylor, Applied Human Sciences
• Hessian Award for Excellence in Teaching (sessional): Dr. Charlene VanLeeuwen, Applied Human Sciences
• Merit Awards for Outstanding Service: Dr. Ann Braithwaite, Diversity and Social Justice Studies; Dr. Shannon Murray, English
• Merit Awards for Scholarly Achievement: Dr. Bishnu Acharya, Engineering; Dr. Collins Kamunde, Biomedical Sciences.

Recognized as retirees were Dr. Mian Ali, Economics; Dr. Tim Goddard, Education; Debra Good, Business; Dr. Stephen Howard, Mathematical and Computational Sciences; Dr. Gregory Irvine, Music; Dr. James Kemp, Biology; Dr. P. Jeffrey Lewis, Pathology and Microbiology; Dr. Geoffrey Lindsay, English; and Dr. David Seeler, Companion Animals.

Congratulations, everyone!


Are bats back for the summer? Call 1-833-434-BATS (2287)!

Spring is finally approaching, which means bats will soon emerge from their hibernacula and return to their summer roosting sites. People in Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.) and Newfoundland and Labrador (N.L.) are encouraged to call the toll-free bat hotline — 1-833-434-BATS (2287) — to let researchers know that their bats are returning.

The bat hotline is based out of the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) Atlantic Region, at the Atlantic Veterinary College, P.E.I., and is a collaborative project between the CWHC and the provincial governments in P.E.I. and N.L. The bat hotline has now been in place for just over a year, and calls from citizen scientists have been providing researchers with key information on two federally endangered bat species: the little brown myotis and the northern myotis. The hotline received 178 calls in the last year (February 2018-2019), which enabled the following data to be collected:
• 157 reports of bat sightings
• colony counts from 37 bat roosts
• submission of seven dead bats for necropsy and testing

Researchers are asking for the public’s help with monitoring local bat populations by doing colony counts if homeowners have roosting bats on their property, or by reporting bat sightings and potential roost sites of bats.

The health of bats in Atlantic Canada is threatened by the devastating bat white-nose syndrome (WNS) disease, which continues to spread in the region, significantly impacting endangered bat species. WNS was confirmed in N.L. in 2017, so it is crucial that bat populations in the province be closely monitored. WNS was first detected in P.E.I. in 2013; however, bats are still being found infected with the fungus. To learn more about WNS, please visit

To report sightings of bats, to consult a professional about human health concerns associated with bats, or to ask bat-related questions, please call 1-833-434-BATS (2287).

Funding for this project is provided by the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Fisheries and Land Resources-Forestry and Wildlife Research Division and the Prince Edward Island Department of Communities, Land, and Environment-Fish and Wildlife Section.

“L.M Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s)” nominated for the Gabrielle Roy Prize

L. M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s), a book co-edited by UPEI’s Dr. Jean Mitchell, is one of three books short-listed for the Association of Canadian and Quebec Literatures’ (AQCL) Gabrielle Roy Prize. The AQCL recognizes two books every year with this prestigious award for literary criticism, one in French and one in English.

Dr. Jean Mitchell is an associate professor of anthropology at UPEI. She co-edited L. M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s) with Dr. Rita Bode of Trent University. The book is a critical study of L.M. Montgomery’s relationship to the material world and the revealing interconnections between nature and culture.

From the publisher’s website:

L.M. Montgomery’s writings are replete with enchanting yet subtle and fluid depictions of nature that convey her intense appreciation for the natural world. At a time of ecological crises, intensifying environmental anxiety, and burgeoning eco-critical perspectives, L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s) repositions the Canadian author’s relationship to nature in terms of current environmental criticism across several disciplines, introducing a fresh approach to her life and work. 

Drawing on a wide range of Montgomery’s novels as well as her journals, this collection suggests that socio-ecological relationships encompass ideas of reciprocity, affiliation, autonomy, and the capacity for transformation in both the human and more-than-human worlds, and that these ideas are integral to Montgomery’s vision and her literary legacy. Framed by the twin themes of materiality and interrelationships, essays by scholars of literature, law, animal studies, anthropology, and ecology examine place, embodiment, and difference in Montgomery’s works and embrace the multiplicities embedded in the concept of nature. 

Through innovative critical approaches, L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s) opens up conversations about humans’ interactions with nature and the material environment.

The winner of the 2018 Gabrielle Roy Prize will be announced at the annual Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, held next month in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The University of Prince Edward Island prides itself on people, excellence, and impact and is committed to assisting students reach their full potential in both the classroom and community. With roots stemming from two founding institutions—Prince of Wales College and Saint Dunstan’s University—UPEI has a reputation for academic excellence, research innovation, and creating positive impacts locally, nationally, and internationally. UPEI is the only degree granting institution in the province and is proud to be a key contributor to the growth and prosperity of Prince Edward Island.

AVC faculty member awarded 2018 Atlantic Award of Excellence

Dr. Étienne Côté, professor of cardiology at the Atlantic Veterinary College, is the winner of the College’s 2018 Atlantic Award of Excellence in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Care.

Dr. Greg Keefe, dean of AVC, presented the award to Dr. Côté in front of a large crowd of AVC alumni and friends at the Atlantic Provinces Veterinary Conference in Halifax on April 13. Dr. Côté was nominated by Dr. Ameet Singh, a former student who is now an associate professor of surgery at the Ontario Veterinary College.

Dr. Côté came to AVC in 2003 as a small animal internal medicine clinician and set up a cardiology practice in 2004. He is passionate about teaching, and his dedication to veterinary students and residents is exemplary. He is known for his innovative teaching methods and consequently has received numerous teaching awards, including being named a 3M National Teaching Fellow.

“Dr. Côté’s dedication to his patients and his students has earned the respect of his colleagues at AVC and beyond,” said Dr. Keefe. “As a clinician and teacher, he is an inspiration to veterinarians, veterinary students, and others concerned about the health and welfare of animals.”

He is one of the most well-known and respected clinicians at AVC, committed to providing outstanding care to his patients and their owners, and to working with referring veterinarians. He has advanced the knowledge base of the veterinary profession, giving continuing education presentations and contributing to publications including Clinical Veterinary Advisor, Feline Cardiology, and the Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, the seminal reference book for internal medicine.

“Dr. Côté has been a tremendous mentor for me… He is wise beyond his years, and I am fortunate to have him as a sounding board,” said Dr. Singh in his nomination letter.

Dr. Darcy Shaw, professor emeritus, supported Dr. Côté’s nomination, saying that he has advanced the veterinary profession through his clinical and publishing work but also through entrepreneurship. He developed a veterinary drug index app that allows veterinarians and students select and prescribe medications with their smartphones or tablets. And he co-founded Veterinary Board Games, which developed Veterinary Board Exam Flash Cards (vols 1, 2, and 3) to help students prepare for the North American Veterinary Licensing Exam (NAVLE).

Dr. Shari Raheb, a former student now doing a residency in cardiology at the Ontario Veterinary College, knows Dr. Côté as a teacher, mentor, and colleague. In supporting his nomination, she praised him for his dedication to student veterinarians and residents he has taught.

“Étienne’s compassion and respect towards his patients, veterinary students, and colleagues serve as an example for veterinarians everywhere,” said Dr. Raheb.