Cairo Latest Destination for UPEI International Exchanges

The University of Prince Edward Island has signed a new agreement with a university in Egypt for faculty and student exchanges. This is the first such agreement between UPEI and a university in the Middle East.

The new exchange is with Misr International University (MIU) in Cairo. MIU is a leading university in the Egyptian private university system. Its areas of specialization include Business Administration, Engineering, Communications, and Computer Sciences, among others.

The agreement provides UPEI faculty members with teaching opportunities at MIU. Support for faculty includes air fare, an honorarium, accommodation arrangements, orientation programs and organized social activities.

"Misr International University has exchange agreements with universities in Germany, Lichtenstein, the United Kingdom, Austria, and the United States. Because it is an internationally-focused university, it offers excellent support through its international office," says Mamdouh Elgharib, Career Development Specialist with UPEI Student Services. He adds that the exchange offers participants a unique opportunity to appreciate the culture of the Middle East.

As with other UPEI exchange programs, opportunities to attend MIU are available to full-time students from all faculties who are in their second year or up and are in good academic standing. They will obtain credits towards their UPEI degrees while studying in Egypt and will pay UPEI tuition rates. Applications are now being accepted for the fall semester.

Anyone interested in learning more about UPEI's exchange program with Misr International University should contact Mamdouh Elgharib at 628-4358.

International Women's Day Tribute to Former Chancellor Doris Anderson

Today, March 8, is International Women's Day and no day could be more fitting to pay tribute to Doris Anderson, the powerful, inspirational, and warm-hearted woman who served as the Chancellor of the University of Prince Edward Island from 1992 to 1996. Members of the UPEI community were deeply saddened to learn that Ms Anderson had passed away on March 2 in Toronto at the age of 85.

"I have worked with many women, on local and on national committees, but I have never met anyone with Doris's special wisdom and compassion," says Dr. Elizabeth Epperly, former President of UPEI. "Doris was fearless and resourceful; never did she walk away from a situation where her presence could have helped to further the causes of equality and justice."

Although Doris Anderson's term as Chancellor ended in 1996, she remained closely connected to the Island and the University over the subsequent decade. Says President Wade MacLauchlan, "Former Chancellor Anderson cherished her connections to PEI and UPEI. She was proud to have those ties represented at her 80th birthday party, which filled two ballrooms at the Royal York Hotel. She relished her summers at St. Peter's. And she kept fully up-to-date on UPEI and our achievements and well-being."

Anderson House, PEI's shelter for women and children who are fleeing abusive relationships, is named for Doris Anderson. "Her spirit lives on in every woman and child who finds hope there," says Lisa Murphy, a UPEI alumna who now heads the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women.

Doris Anderson was born on November 10, 1921, in Calgary. In 1951 she took a position at Chatelaine magazine as an editorial assistant in the advertising promotion department and six years later she had risen through the ranks to become editor. She went on to make Chatelaine the best-read magazine in the country. She wanted to give readers "something serious to think about" and to "shake them up a bit" with well-written, hard-hitting investigative pieces on reproductive choice, discriminatory divorce laws, and the wage gap. And she hired excellent (and now famous) journalists to write them, including June Callwood, Christina McCall (later Newman) Michele Landsberg, Barbara Frum and Sylvia Fraser.

In 1979, she accepted a federal appointment as chair of the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, a position she later resigned from as she led the fight to reword the government's Charter of Rights legislation to state that women and men are equal under the law. She went on to head the National Action Committee on the Status of Women. She was active in Equal Voice, a multi-partisan group dedicated to increasing women's participation in political life. In recent years, she expressed her commitment to equality and inclusion by championing the movement for electoral reform and proportional representation. Doris Anderson was also a widely-respected writer of four books including, The Unfinished Revolution: Status of Women in 12 Countries, published in 1991.

"Doris Anderson was one of the most generous of colleagues to women and to men; she gave a special level of support to women who were working for change," says Elizabeth Epperly. "She will continue to be one of Canada's finest examples of a powerful, politically astute woman who knew how to share her insights and her breadth of understanding. I will miss her keen mind, her strength, and her warmth."

A memorial service for Doris Anderson will take place in Toronto on May 12. The University of Prince Edward Island and former Chancellor Anderson's PEI family will be represented at the service.

Take Me to Your Leader -- UPEI Introduces New

The University of Prince Edward Island is in search of future leaders, and it's prepared to give generously to find them. The university has announced the "Leaders of Tomorrow" scholarships, $2,000 entrance scholarships for students who have proven through their work in school and community that they have leadership skills and potential.

It's a new approach to scholarships for the university, and one that seeks to award students for more than their academic achievement. "We realize that there are all kinds of factors that go into making a leader," says UPEI Registrar Alan Buchanan, "and they can't always be measured by school marks alone."

There are 13 Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarships available, and they will go to first-year entering students who have shown their leadership skills through their work in school organizations like student council, SADD and peer education, through community work in organizations like 4H, Allied Youth and JCs, or through other volunteer work.

"At UPEI, we see our role as educating and cultivating the next generation of leaders," says UPEI President Wade MacLauchlan. "We have a strong history of UPEI graduates going on to distinguish themselves in public life, in business or in community service. These awards will help us identify students whose past actions have shown that they are likely to be leaders in the future."

In addition to the monetary value of the award, one of the benefits will be membership on the UPEI Student Advisory Committee. The committee will provide university officials with advice and direction on student life and student engagement on campus.

UPEI now offers more than $2 million in student scholarships and awards. The new Leaders of Tomorrow scholarships were created through the University's general scholarship fund. Anyone interested in supporting the fund through a charitable donation may do so by contacting Rose at 566-0615 or donating online at

Applications for the Leaders of Tomorrow scholarships are available at the Registrar's Office, on the UPEI website at, and at high school Guidance offices. Deadline for applications is April 15, 2007.

Special Week Celebrates Co-op Education Opportunities

UPEI will celebrate Co-operative Education Week March 19and#150;23 as part of a national celebration for all post-secondary institutions in Canada. The goal is to let high school and university students know that they can travel the province, the country, and the world through co-op programs. Since 1996, UPEI students have completed more than 1,000 work placements locally, nationally, and internationally and earned more than $5 million in salaries. Currently, Business Administration, Computer Science, and Physics students are working as far away as the United States, Scotland, Ireland, Thailand, Australia, and New Zealand.

Fourth-year Business Co-op student Megan Killorn is someone who knows the program first-hand. The 21-year-old native of Cornwall has just spent seven months in Dublin, Ireland, doing back-to-back co-op placements at the Allied Irish Bank and the Bank of New York Funds Management (Ireland) Limited, working in rates management and investment fund administration.

"I hadn't had much training in capital markets or investment, but my courses from the business school really helped," she says. "I was able to apply what I learned in the classroom to a real life job situation. Working at one of the biggest banks in Ireland was great because I got to experience a different culture while working for a big corporate company. Plus I love the Irish culture. The longer I was there, the more I realized how different my home culture was, and yet how similar."

Tom O'Donoghue of the Allied Irish Bank Global Treasury agrees that the experience is good for both parties. "The work placement is a great idea as it gives students a chance to experience an office environment and helps them form some opinions on the direction they want to take in their later careers. Our team looks after market data so it gives some broad insights into various financial products and how to use various tools to dig deeper and help improve their understanding."

O'Donoghue and his team were so impressed with the results of Megan's work term that they hired another UPEI student for the winter semester. Graeme McKillop, a third-year Business Co-op student from Summerside arrived in Dublin on January 10 to start his work term with the AIB group.

After graduating from Bluefield Megan had planned to go into international business at Carleton, but decided to complete her first year at UPEI. She soon discovered that the program far exceeded her expectations. "It is a lot more comprehensive than other programs. And the co-op program is great. Financial assistance is always available through UPEI and PEI Business Development. In my case, they paid for half my travel, visa, and travel insurance. It helps to be outgoing," she adds. "But I've never talked to a student who has gone abroad to work or study who hasn't said that it was the experience of a lifetime."

She learned recently that she had received an Export Development Canada International Business Scholarship, which is a nationwide scholarship for academic excellence and potential contribution to building Canada's international trade competency. "This is great news," says Megan, who hopes to go on to graduate school to study international business. "We're lucky to live in an age where there are so many opportunities!"

More information about Co-operative Education is available at

Faculty of Science Graduate Studies and Research Day, March 22

The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies and Research Day takes place on Thursday, March 22. Graduate students in Biology and Chemistry will present their research on a range of topics including the effects of cranberry extracts on inflammatory enzymes, corn borer larval infestation in potatoes, a possible animal model of schizophrenia, and the ecology of the sharp-tailed grouse in Prince Edward Island.

"Our graduate students conduct high-calibre research that enhances our research programs in Biology and Chemistry," says Dr. Christian Lacroix, Dean of the Faculty of Science. "This is an opportunity to celebrate and recognize our graduate students and the important role they have in our research programs."

The day will begin with opening remarks from Dr. Lacroix and President Wade MacLauchlan. This will be followed by a presentation by Dr. Marva Sweeney-Nixon, UPEI Biology Department, who will speak about and#145;Interdisciplinary Approaches to Evaluating Food for Health."

The Graduate Studies and Research Day will run from 9 am to 4 pm in room 204 of the Duffy Science Centre. Here is the schedule of events:

9:10 Opening Remarks: Wade MacLauchlan, President of UPEI, Dr. Christian Lacroix, Dean of Science

Invited Research Seminar Presentation- Interdisciplinary Approaches to Evaluating Food for Health, Dr. Marva Sweeney-Nixon, Associate Professor, Dept. of Biology.

10:00 Refreshment Break

10:15 Colleen MacDougall, Biology, Cranberry (Vaccinium Macrocarpon ) Extract Reduces Cytokine-induced Expression of Inflammatory Enzymes in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

10:30 Xiaofeng Yin, Biology, The Myths of Phyllotaxis

11:00 Kathryn Dau-Schmidt, Biology, European Corn Borer Eggs as an Indicator of ECB Larval Infestation in Potatoes

11:15 Adam Scanlan, Biology, Proposed Research on the Effects of Vaccinium Spp. on Reducing Oxidative Stress and Hypertension

11:30 Kim Miller, Chemistry, Synthesis and Characterization of Surface Modified Chitosan with Tetraazamacrocycles

11:45 Graduate Student Research Awards

12:00 Lunch

1:15 Malcolm MacLean, Biology, Whole Cranberry (Vaccinium Macrocarpon) Induces Apoptosis in DU145 Human Prostate Cancer Cells through the Intrinsic Apoptotic Pathway

1:30 Hao (Oliver) Xu, Chemistry, Novel Nanaocomposites of MoSe2 Intercalated by Polymers

1:45 Edward Francis, Biology, Oncostatin-M (OSM) Mediated regulation of RECK, EMMPRIN, and Associated Mediators of Metastasis in H-ras Transformed Murine Fibroblasts

2:00 Laura Burque, Biology, Observing KN1 Gene Expression in the Leaf Primordia of M. Aquaticum

2:15 Stephen Scully, Chemistry, Intercalation and subsequent polymerization of Aniline in HTiO2

2:30 Amber Adams, Biology, Overactivation of the Glutamate system During Early Development: A Possible animal Model for Schizophrenia

3:00 Brad Potter, Biology, The Ecology of Sharp-tailed Grouse (Tympanuchus Phasianellus) in Prince Edward Island

3:15 Colin Burgoyne, Biology, Carotenoids Modulate Connexin-43 and Matrix Metalloproteinase Expression and Activity in a number of In Vitro Cancer Cell Models

3:30 Saskia Hart, Chemistry, Investigating Sterically Crowded Transition Metal Macrocycles and Supramolecular Host Guest Systems

3:45 Closing Remarks, Awards for the Best Research Day Presentations

UPEI Sees Provincial Budget as Investment in Education and Island's Future

UPEI Students Big Winners in Provincial Budget: Tuition to Fall by 10 per cent.

Tuition will fall by 10 per cent at the University of Prince Edward Island as a result of the April 10, 2007 provincial budget.

"Yesterday's budget means that UPEI undergraduate students and their families will benefit from tuition costs that are $1,200 below the average for Maritime universities," says UPEI President Wade MacLauchlan. "These commitments mean that UPEI will be an even more attractive value proposition for students, and that higher education is a clear winner in this budget."

In addition to providing funding to enable a reduction in undergraduate tuition, the budget:

---provides increased funding for UPEI's main campus operating budget of $1.4 million,

---indicates a commitment to provide future funding to limit tuition increases to two per cent annually,

---increases the value of Island Student Awards to $2000, over four years, with increases to $800 in each of third- and fourth-years, and

---enhances funding for student loans and increases income tax deductions for higher education.

"This budget will allow UPEI to continue offering a top-quality education in an affordable, accessible manner," says MacLauchlan.

UPEI has experienced a dramatic rise in overall reputation and research rankings among Canadian universities, provides more than $2 million annually to students through scholarships and awards, and continues to successfully recruit and retain award-winning faculty. Eight 3M Teaching Fellowships (the top teaching award in Canada) have been awarded to Maritime universities since 2000. Half of these have gone to faculty at UPEI.

UPEI is committed to excelling in the delivery of outstanding educational opportunities, leading in innovation, and producing the success stories and leaders of tomorrow. With a student body of more than 4,000 full- and part-time students, more than 700 full-time faculty and staff, and over 16,000 alumni, UPEI is a dynamic institution known for its momentum, synergy and results.

UPEI Music Professor Directs National Youth Band of Canada in Maritime Tour

Fifty-five of the country's most outstanding young musicians will congregate at the University of Prince Edward Island this weekend to begin four days of intensive rehearsals for their Maritime tour as members of the 2007 National Youth Band of Canada. Their first concert takes place at the Confederation Centre of the Arts on Tuesday, May 1, beginning at 7:30pm.

The National Youth Band of Canada provides an opportunity for young musicians between 16 and 21 to engage in intensive and#145;musicing' with a professional conductor and soloist, and to share and demonstrate their musical achievement and creativity. Each year this auditioned ensemble meets in a different location to rehearse before a performance tour of the region.

The band will feature guest soloist D'Arcy Philip Gray on percussion and UPEI's Dr. Karem J. Simon as Music Director. Dr. Simon is well known throughout this region for his work with the UPEI Wind Symphony which has recorded eight CDs under his direction. He has also directed a variety of provincial honour bands in PEI and Nova Scotia.

"It is my privilege to conduct this year's National Youth Band of Canada and I eagerly await our rehearsals and the opportunity to create wonderful music with these fine musicians," says Simon. "It is an unparalleled opportunity for the community to hear such a distinguished ensemble perform."

Prince Edward Island is well represented with five UPEI music students performing and#150; Third-year Meghan Harris on percussion; and fourth-year music education majors Karri Shea, clarinet; Steve Giddings, trombone; John Giberson, euphonium; and Genevieve Mullaly, tuba.

"This is the second time I have had the opportunity to participate in this esteemed ensemble, and I am very honored this year to have been given the responsibilities of principal clarinetist," says Karri Shea. "I look forward very much to seeing what Dr. Simon, one of the finest band directors in Canada, can lead us to accomplish."

"This year's programming reflects the rich diversity of our wind band genre's heritage," explains Karem Simon. "It will include original and transcribed classics by Jacob, Grainger, Bach, and Turina, complemented with contemporary works by Nelson, Menard, and Gillingham. In addition, vibraphone soloist D'Arcy Gray, one of Canada's pre-eminent percussionists, will be featured in a performance of Windhorse by Canadian composer Peter Hatch."

Tickets for Tuesday night's performance in Charlottetown are available at the Confederation Centre's Box Office. Performances are also scheduled for Amherst and Halifax.

Etienne Coo Wins Janet Pottie Murray Award for Educational Leadership

The UPEI Senate Committee on the Enhancement of Teaching, through the Faculty Development Office, is pleased to announce that Dr. Etienne Coo of the Department of Companion Animals, Atlantic Veterinary College, has been chosen as the 2007 recipient of the Janet Pottie Murray Award for Educational Leadership.

The purpose of this award, created by English professor Dr. Shannon Murray to honour her mother, Janet Pottie Murray, is to encourage excellence in teaching and to recognize outstanding leadership in education on the campus of the University of Prince Edward Island. Says Dr. Coo, "Receiving the Janet Pottie Murray Award is a tremendous honour, especially considering who it is named after and what it represents."

In awarding the honour, the selection committee noted that Dr. Cotand#233; has "modeled good teaching and inspired his colleagues to think about their teaching in a deeper way." He has contributed in numerous ways to an open and enabling environment within the Department of Companion Animals at the Atlantic Veterinary College. New methods of teaching introduced to AVC by Dr. Cotand#233;, such as including students in veterinarian consultations, are now being adopted by fellow faculty, to the benefit of teachers and students alike.

Dr. Cotand#233;, along with more than 20 other teaching award recipients, will participate in the 2007 Hessian Retreat at Stanhope Beach Resort on May 31 and June 1. This retreat is a celebration of teaching excellence at UPEI over the last three years. The Hessian Retreat is sponsored under an endowment by the Quinn family in honour of Evelyn (Hessian) Quinn, the first female valedictorian at St. Dunstan's University in 1949, and her siblings Louise, Phyllis, and Fred.

As the Janet Pottie Murray Award recipient for 2007, Dr. Cotand#233; will be formally recognized in a presentation ceremony at the UPEI "Let's Talk Teaching" workshop on September 4.

Research Takes UPEI Student to Africa

Marcus Trenton, UPEI double-major in Mathematics and Computer Science, will travel to Namibia for the month of May and into June to research how different cultures approach and learn from websites.

"I'm astounded that I'm going to Africa. I always pictured Computer Science would let me explore the world from my living room. Now, I'm going to Namibia to connect with students there. I'll be experiencing their culture first-hand. When I first started university I would've never imagined this opportunity," says Trenton.

Trenton designed and built two versions of an AIDS awareness websiteand#151;one geared to Canadians and one to Namibiansand#8213;based on research on their cultural preferences. He has already presented the website to Canadian students at UPEI and will now do the same with students at the University of Namibia.

"Usually when a website is revamped for another culture the language and a few symbols would be changed," says Trenton. "I'm researching whether it would be worthwhile to do more in-depth changes to websites to localize them to specific cultures."

For example, he is looking at fundamental changes in the contentand structure of the website such as different photos, stories, and the overall tone and how all of this combines to affect learning in different cultures.

Accompanying Trenton is Professor David LeBlanc, Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology at UPEI. Trenton's work is part of Professor LeBlanc's ongoing research program into cross-cultural interface design. The ultimate goal of this program is to develop a system to automatically translate interfaces such as websites, office software, or computer games from one culturally based design to another.

Trenton and Professor LeBlanc chose to build AIDS awareness websites because of the practical use it would have in Namibia. The websites contain information on the causes of AIDS and ways to prevent contracting the disease. They plan to give a copy of the website to the University when they leave.