Master of Science Thesis Defence

The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the campus community to Kyle Knysh's MSc Thesis Defence on Monday, September 22, 2014 at 9:30 am in Duffy Science Centre, Room 204. Mr. Knysh's thesis is entitled: Agricultural land use impacts on cool-spring flora and fauna, with an emphasis on freshwater invertebrate diversity and phenology in spring pools of eastern Prince Edward Island (Canada). Everyone is welcome to attend.

Versions of Canada

Versions of Canada is a a conference organized by the Canadian Studies Program at the University of Prince Edward Island in conjunction with the Canadian Studies Network/Le Réseau d’études canadiennes. The conference is set to take place September 25 to 28, 2014, and features a keynote address by Ged Martin, a leading historian of Canadian history and a professor at the University of Edinburgh. For more information, visit the conference website.

Athletic Kitchen Party

The fourth annual UPEI Kitchen Party will be held on Saturday, September 27 in support of the UPEI Panthers and our varsity sport programs. The evening will kick off at 5:00 pm, in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre, with a reception and silent auction, followed by a live auction and delicious lobster dinner served by the athletes. Tickets are available at a cost of $45 each or $330 per table of eight. We hope that you will be able to join us for the party—the evening promises to be entertaining from start to finish with an opportunity to meet our amazing and dedicated student athletes in person. Tickets can be purchased directly from Bruce Donaldson at or 902-393-0662.

The Chief Justice Thane A. Campbell Lectureship in Law

The Chief Justice Thane A. Campbell Lectureship in Law is co-sponsored by the University of Prince Edward Island and the Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island.The lecture series was named to honour Thane A. Campbell, Rhodes Scholar, former Premier of Prince Edward island, and first Chancellor of the University of Prince Edward Island. Mary Anne Waldron, QC, Professor of Law at the University of Victoria and Associate Vice-President Faculty Relations and Academic Administration, will present the lecture entitled "Equality and Conscience: Can the Law Protect Both?"

Education Week Trivia

The Wave is hosting trivia for students, staff, and faculty on the Wednesday, September 24 in support of Education Week, that will feature education-themed questions! Students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to team up to see if they can walk away with prizes and, more importantly, bragging rights!

CASA 101

Are you confused about that 'CASA' thing the UPEI Student Union is always going on about? If so, join the UPEISU for an information session on Thursday, September 25 in AVC 286C North to learn a little bit about the UPEI SU's federal advocacy group, which advocates on students' behalf to the federal government. CASA impacts reach as far as student loans, mental health, and research funding. All are welcome to attend and lunch will be provided!

Education Week Camp Out

Join the UPEI Student Union for a long-standing campus tradition - the annual Education Week camp out! The site will be based in the Quadrangle between Kelley Memorial Building and the W.A. Murphy Student Centre. Take a tent, take a friend, and join in for the fun.