Chemistry Seminar

Join Dr. Art van der Est, Department of Chemistry from Brock University for a seminar on Tuesday, February 11 at 12:30 pm. Dr. van der Est’s presentation is entitled "Electron Transfer in Natural and Artificial Photosynthesis Studied Using Time Resolved EPR Spectroscopy". The seminar will be held in the Regis and Joan Duffy Research Centre, Lecture Theatre, room 212.

Information Fair: What (else) is sex?

Drop by McMillan Hall in the W.A. Murphy Student Center on Wednesday, February 12, between 11:00am-1:00pm, and join us in thinking about 'what (else) is sex'! There will be displays, videos, exhibits, questions and quotes as part of the UPEISU Sex Week activities. The aim of the fair is to broaden our understanding of what 'sex' is and how many possibilities there are to talk about it this term. This is the first event organized by the new Student Diversity Office. For more information, contact Ann Braithwaite at

UPEI skate for staff and faculty

Join your colleagues for staff/faculty skate on Wednesday, February 19 from 11:30 am-1:30 pm on the UPEI Outdoor Rink (located in the Quad between Kelley Memorial Building and the W.A. Murphy Student Centre). Skates can be borrowed from the Department of Athletics and Recreation by contacting Panther Central at 566-0368. Refreshments will be served in the day lounge of the W.A. Murphy Student Centre. This event is weather dependent. Everyone is welcome to attend.