Island Studies Lecture Series

The Island Studies Lecture Series continues Tuesday, March 22, with a lecture by Jim Randall entitled "Learning About Islands: Writing an Undergraduate Textbook in Island Studies." The talk gets under way at 7 p.m. in the SDU Main Building Faculty Lounge on the UPEI campus. Islands have been incredibly important in how we understand the world around us. From our knowledge of evolution, biodiversity, the impacts of climate change, world music, and how adventure novels have influenced our tourist destination choices, islands and islanders have been front and centre. This talk is about one mainlander’s journey to discover the importance of islands, and his attempt in the form of a new textbook to convey his new-found love of our world of islands to others.  Dr. Jim Randall is the Coordinator of the MA Island Studies program at UPEI and the Chair of the Executive Committee of the Institute of Island Studies. His background is as a geographer, a field like island studies where it is important to have a passion for place and interdisciplinarity. Although he has had the pleasure of calling an island his home for only a few years, he looks forward to reaching the age of 106 so he can celebrate having lived on islands longer than on the mainland. Admission is free and everyone is welcome to attend.  

Theology on Tap -- The Psychology of Faith

Mr. Dwight Ingersoll will speak on "The Psychology of Faith: Faith and its Effect on Personhood." Theology on Tap is held at the Pourhouse, Old Triangle Pub, at 89 Great George Street. Gatherings are aimed at offering a forum to discuss theological issues, broadly understood, in an informal environment and amidst warm fellowship. The St. Dunstan's University Institute for Christianity and Culture sponsors this event in collaboration with the Department of Religious Studies.

MEd Thesis Defence: Randy Campbell

Randy Campbell will defend his MEd Thesis Defense on March 24, 1:00 - 3:00 pm, at The Guild. The thesis is entitled “Environmental Education for Nature Connection: An Animist Arts-based Exploration.” There will also be a collection of art displayed at the Guild from April 17 – April 26. You can find out more information on the Guild website.